■HM ■ * " • «V •■■■'-''' ' ; BbwH 111111$ r. ■ ■;.-.-,' ■ ': " ■ ■.-■■■ '•■•■■'•■■■.■,■::■ !-:•■:.■■::■■ ■''• ||W Ej .', -mm, MMmmM uWma H 1 BK3E3 CONTENTS. PREFACE, Pages 8-5. PART r . The American Crisis from a worldly stand-point. — Scrip- tural Views of the origin, uses and remedy for Na- tional trials, 7-105. PART II. The doctrines of Part I applied to the present condition of the people of the Confederate States of America, 107—163. PART III . Suggestions in regard to the sins for which the people of the Confederate States are now suffering, 165-213. CORRECTIONS. Page 22, line 13, for "constitutes," read, constitute. " 27, line 25, for "dark," read, deep. u 34, line 32, for "but a credit," read, than a credit. " S7, line 20, for " Author," read, author. " i 55, line 26, for "lessons taught," read, by the lessons taught. " 78, line 22, for " themselves," read, them. " 79, line 22, for " and as is," read, as is. " 90, line 20, for " lo, he is here," read, /o, he is there. " 109, line 3, for "'ten," read., two. " 109, line 31, for " defenders," read, defendants. " 110, line 9, for " invited," read, inevitable. " 110, line 29, for "inflictions which were never heeded," read, afflictions which were never healed. " 111, line 5, for "considerations," fead, consolations. " 112, line 1, for "Sceptre," read, balance. " 113, line 15, for " muezzins," read, muezzin. " 117, line 1, for " ungarded," read, unguarded. " 117, line 4 and 5, for " Dispenser," read, I)ir,j. " 117, line 27,* for "were," read, are. " 118, line 10, for " have violations," read, hear violations. " 119, line 18, for " bread of life," read, bread of eternal lift . " 152, line 34, for " those," read, that. " 170, line 33, for " this course," read, their coarse. " 177, line 20, for " there," read, here. " 183, line 27, for "casting into," read, fostering in. " 212, line 8, for " curses," in some copies, read, courses. " 213, line 2, for "wind," read, win. W& The intelligent reader will make for himself, corrcctious of other errors caused by the want of an opportunity carefully to re- vise proofs as the work passed through the pr< scriptural: yiews OF NATION AI TRIALS: HIE TRUE ROAD . I iHK INDEPENDENCE AND PEACE OK JHJK CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA I • r.v REV. ( . II . WILEY. CICNDENT OF l'LBLlC SCHOOLS OF NOUTU CAROLINA. as yet failed for our Tai» bolp : in our watching wo - WfA ' f(Jt a n.-Jion that could not save vs." — Lam. IV: 17. 'Come, lot u« return unto the Lord : for Ho bath torn, and He will h i lie hath pimtten, «nd He will bind us ap." — Ho at a. VI: 1. i'Slthl GREEN8BORO, \ LLIN0, CAMPBELL ft LLBB 1 8 6 8 . • ttPamlico, N. rth I \ a\ 4 v; v 1 PREFACE 3f The author of the following work has been prompted to its prep- aration by a single motive, a stern and increasing sense of duty to Uod and to his country. ' From the commencement of the American crisis he has looked te Bee the Church or some of its most distinguished member? lead the public mind to the consideration and application of those great Truths by which alone the convulsions and trials of time arc to be correctly accounted for ; and this expectation was not unreasonable in a community long enjoying the services of such a ministry as that found in the Confederate States of America, learned in the Scrip- tures, godly and sound in the faith. But while the christian element of society has very generally re- cognized the doctrines which contnA the revolution through which the country is passing, it has not embodied them in any permanent, solemn deliverance, nor given to them that prominence which their paramount importance deserves ; and this has been owing not to any at of knowledge or of religious zeal, but to the intense and ab- sorbing interest which all have felt in the immediate issues and th< passing phazes of a terrible struggle for national existence and in- dependence forced upon the country by an ambitious and cruel power. Every patriotic member of the community h.. urning de- sire to contribute something to the safety of tlfe state so unjustly and fiercely assailed — a desire in which the writer has largely .shared aud which has induced him to wish that he could, by some invention «r discovery, arm his suffering and devoted countrymen with such weapons of war as would render their courage as triumphaut as I invincible. But while such thoughts have occupied his mind, Lc bus siiil felt p h a w a ( i . tfa his fellow ehristians, did - • ,uall\ Word fG I, tl parable re] 1 while bi b or anj of its groat lights in tl in to on- If. the pablio will dojmBtioe to his motive — hut what cntcrcil that over-rifle all - m. irith utility, the great principles of revealed Truth which ex- onal t« ; which famish; nn infallible remedy —' apply il unstanoes of his b id to rce them I a and sppeals m th< the \Ad\i -. ; • i tl He expressly i i of wishing I barge which irillmo ; r< I at Ij mortify him will he that of he: iter forth p and strange doc- r be the spirit which may prompt thii ; tion. • ing in Trnthi which have been made known i .ning,and which will he responded to l>y the instincts of every christian heart. I ■ he a means of reminding hi( many bet- that all kn >W of, hut which in the confu- from the sudden and ferocious assault oppn the State was overlooked, i be will be must happy if fit' batten qualified than himself, shall make more efficient and glorious ill-conquering lie has prepared the work he now offer* to the public at odd in- to the midst of other engagements that have severely tasked mind and hody ; and he is not ashamed to OOnfesS, with honest sira- ity, that he believes he could, with more time and Icasure, have !• i: I v a c i: . \' presented his subjects more analyticrillj and compactly, aud with fewer errors of stylo. It is due, bowever, to add, that in tbe authors opinion, it would be sinful to aim at too much brevity, or to twoid all repetition ; for whoever will undertake to instruct a community on moral question ■> n:ust conquer (bat false pride which aims only to please the critical, must often indulge in repetitions, and must be ready to present the vtme important idea iu many different forms. Much of the redundancy of the following work,was, therefore, de- signed : the Author's great aim was and is to do good, and all h<> *flks of the public is to receive his contribution to the deliverance if bis country in the spirit with which it is offered. He feels perfectly sure that he points a gallant, devoted and bleed- ing nation to the only road to independence and peace ; a road not of 'iscovery, but which God himself has east up, broad and obvious, along which he has every where put way-marks so plain that h<- may run who reads. He has endeavored to heed this command • -Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways, and see and ask for >ld paths, wherein is the good way, and walk therein, and ve shall find rest for your souls." Jer. C. 1G. lie does indeed, offer his work to the public with emotions of in- M anxiety which cannot be expressed ; but none of these yearning thoughts concern his own fate as an author, while all are directed with trembling interest to the manner in which his dear countrymen 1 receive the counsels of Him who says by His Word and His Providences, " Give ye car, and heed my voice ; hearken and hear •r.y speech." Ts. 28. 23. C. H. W. SCli [ P T U R A I . V I E W S OF NATIONAL TRIM S. ( H A. T* X E 1* I. ./ yieiq of thi imerk '9 from a Worldly stand-point. The UnH and' the Confederate States of America are - waging with each other on,e of the most bloody and terr wars known in the*history of the human race. The former power \r. the assailing party ; and is the subjugation or extermination of the latter. The 'Confederate States are. contending for separate rational ex- istence and independence ; and this power is carrying on the > on its part, in a manner consistent with its professed object, i: stands on the defensive — it seeks onty to protect its own; and if, left to itself it would desire no advantage of its enemy. Tt bcli- that the existence of other distinct nations on the continent is nol nt with its own rights and interest? ; and it is Willing accord to others what it claims for itself, the privilege of living un- der a government and laws of their choice. The United States regards the establishment ot other indepei powers on the soil of North America, as an infringement oi rights and disastrous to its interests; and in aiming at the utter ruction of the Confederate States it professes to bcliev niggling f«>r its own existence. Tt would have all its subjects to believ* that whatever men can value in time is at stake in the issue ; and it would place under bai of civilization and Christianity the pi whom it is malting . as a race whoee extermination would be a deliverance to th< world. In consistency with these profession- gathered up all it* v i ,\ i . \ m I them, with fori I and teal, at tin I r\. r_\ fil •ruel and lie * ific human heart I vil under the mii, ple 0f (! I and hence what- | to bring calamity and ties! • •' |. i, died for a BWOrd upon the warrior, and upon nd children— for battle in the open Bold, battle by tin [■'battle bj the midnight torch, and battle by poison, famine and B4 -tilcnce. Baoh is the present position of the contending parties: the pur- <>n eaoh side is simple, the issue is clearly defined and well un- • raged in this strife trace it to political causes ; and like , all actors in a drama, their view is limited to the scenes through which they are passing and their immediate cause? and results. defendants suppose they saw the beginning of the crisis in the rapid progress of a fanatical spirit in what IS DO* '-riled the United States, inimical to their peace and interest?; the SggreSE charge the convulsion to an institution of society peculiar to one ■n of a country that has been rent in sunder never to be united. tn short one' ol tliticians find the solution of this awful rulsion in African Slavery, and another in opposition to it ; and here again the issue between the parties is made np, is sharply de- fined, definite, single and. simple. T! •■ views of the parties as to the means of ivc power to endure so many privations would be extinguished ; .;;nl these having then the disposition to consider, rationally, their situation, would become restless and turbulent, and ready to join hands with those who promised destruction to the central tyranny whose existence and integrity would be inconsistent with individual rights in miy part of the empire. u . .-jt'rom the politician's point of observation no termination to the most terrible and exhausting struggle of modern times, can be discerned : the whole scene, from this position, is a dreary picture "f cauicless and endless desolation. 2 -' RI1/TIRAL VIEW* OH \ P i i : R ii. tCt Of th? In On commencement of (A* Coi the history of the Confederate States of . during I ] evolution, will find • lint tin- honor of the nation do< quire any ingenious mar- shalling <>r embellishment "f facts, Viewed without referenci uis •<[' the people were really illus- snd tin' records of the past furnish no parallel, in politi . enthusiasm and endurance which have cl tied the inhabitants of the country. ■ the population seemed, instinctively and simulta- mprehend the position nf things — and every rani. . and all ages bav< performed their part with a de- ration and beroiam that would dignify purposes even less gem i tnd rifjble. .•d chief desire was for the elements of worldly krengtb, God saeined to sj Drably all the prayers oh thif -ubject. .-kcd for a zealous and politically-united people — and He in- ipired the whole nation with.one heart and one soul in regard to its -mi, with the public enemy. prejudices of rank, the antipathies uf old party combinations . DC instantly obliterated from the public mind : and those • a. re for the former I nion, and those who were against it were divided DOW <»nly by an emulous desire to outdo each other in ef- rifieefl fof the New Confederacy. fearful of domestic discord, and especially o( servile in- surrections ; yet the bosom of Society has never been ruffled by any internal forces, while nut a single effort at armed resistance to law- ful authority has he< n detected among the slaves, except in those places occupied by the forces of the enemy. The widow has cheerfully given her mite to the general cause, and the very poorest have contributed tbeir earthly all in freely of- fori: rong arms of the husbands and brothers on which they leaned ; and never in the history of slavery on the continent did the ruling race feel so little ag prehensionsfrom the African element of bo- riety as it has dene since it ha? witnessed tbe result of attempts by OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 11 i a Ik stile and formidable power, with Immense armies on the soil, to seduce or force the negroes into rebellion agaifist their masters. We were not without anxiety tbat the machinery of a complex political system formed by a confederation of Sovereign States, would at first be wanting in the energy and unity of purpose and action es- sential to the 'safety of the country at such a time;, but the General and State Governments, in their organized capacities, have been in nearly perfect accord with each other, and the whole machinery of authority has worked as smoothly as it is possible to operate any or- ganism dealing with and controlled by creatures with human pas- sions and infirmities. We prayed for courage and military ardor among sur troops ; and we have had an army, gathered without difficulty from every rank and walk of life, animated with a zeal, heroism and contempt of danger and suffering, which ranks it with the best the world has ever seen. We were afraid that the free citizens of a Democracy would not readily submit to the discipline necessary to the safety and succes;> of armies ; but while no mere worldly cause ever attracted to iU standard hosts of such a character as have been mustered into the Con- federate service, men of learning, men of wealth, men of ease, men accustomed to the exercise of every human right, men who left lov- ing and beloved families in want at home, mechanics, farmers, plan- ters, merchants, members of the learned professions, teachers and students, no soldiery have ever exhibited more uncomplaining pa- tience, more persevering endurance, more intrepid constancy amid every difficulty, danger and suffering that can b e f a 11 the human body, and wear out the energy of the human soul. • In short, the whole community gave itaelf in heart, b sundering of the most sacred ties of nature, the wasting scourges of the camp and the slaughter of numerous arid terrible battles only- served to draw the people of the Confederate States into a closer political uuion with each other, U deepen and strengthen their aV> S< Rll'TT-RA! hich they lim ■ • I ' ' ■ orldlj views of the i**uc between them and their • whole natio- '.ion and | I od from :: | ■ : i t i v a 1 pou I Href that :. [i },.. • ':■ : slj indi- that tl • pty tl Tlic ■'■ fboth the contend] -taked on • war, ofpiiileei of o war to bit waged rer i* ebl< I the other to defend. inp then at the state of things in the |jg] ( of carnal philoso- \ lit «»ne hope of deliveranoe to the Confederate States thai their power of physical resistance will be ewe- • d until their ant: is. I, or turned from his pur- pose by the fear of foreign Intervention. The ; >f the whole c inntry ii consistent with thi anient and | bending all their energies in the direction which, to human sagacity, alone promises success. si hasnol tail pi measures to enlighten foreign rernments as to the trne oharacter of the oontest, and tlieir in- early termination in favor of the Confederate Si ;latio:i have made tij> their mind 8 to syb- ohccrfully to whatevei I to be necessarj to strengthen military defenses of the country. They can yield nothing to tlieir adversary without Banking otter ship-wreck of all that is dear to freemen — they arc ready to snrrtn- • requirements of tlieir own can in their political .-ent inn-Tit.--, the most united people on the face of the whole earth—' in principle, the most 4©yal own entheritu thoroughly imbued with an uttoonwuerable spirit of re- , , arc str for the development of war- like resources, they or 1 to brave and endure every affliction 1 tiny are ready to xicrifiee every cause whi I and armed tl Human v ' , and human patriotism arc here lit with human infirmity ; 1 impression that .something still is ■ting in the acting nf thin grand and solemn drama? Has every bage I The statesman, the hero, OF NATIONAL TRIALS 13 the patriot have nobly sustained their parts and will receive their just meed of praise from a gazing and interested world ; but has not the greatness of the tragedy been marred in the performance by Levying out the most important character of all? Has the christian philosopher taken his right position on this illustrious stage? Has be been the real hero of the piece, tilling his own proper place to which every other is. subordinate, thu.> preserving the unity and .;,pleteness of the drama, developing its just ideas before the au- dience, and displaying the true relation of every sccrie and by-play to the one central and controlling plot of which every other is but a part and incident ? Has mere political agreement succeeded in uniting society in all its ramified interests, and made it a perfect, consistent moral machine living and moving to one end ? Has loyalty, by itself, here manifested in its most noble world- ly aspects, been sufficient to draw from the soil of the popular heart those manly, generous, self-denying and virtuous actions and senti- nents in all the relations, dealings and responsibilities of the indi- vidual necessary to give enduring life and stamina to a nation ? Have wc not all felt a partial eclipse of that sun which alone can clothe the moral world with beauty and strength ? has not the whole machinery of state, perfect in its order and arrangements, suffered for the want of healthful energy and proper direction in those spir- itual, religious springs which constitute the vital forces of all com- munities? There is a universal impression that this terrible tragedy has a deeper meaning than the mere political issues at stake ; and that human wisdom and human pow«r can do no msre to bring to an early close a contest which, to those who look at it in the light of worldly philosophy alone, is one of the most painful and inexplieable myste- ries of time. No one dare to say that the Confederates have not succeeded for the want of the carnal appliances of State*; people, rulers and sol- diers have done and endured more than the most sanguine had reas- on to expect, and yet they seem as far off as ever from an object which all believed would bp accomplished with much leas sacrifice, enthusiasm and courage. Me« of the world have a right to feel that they have done their part, and performed it well; but the clouds still thicken on the de- voted laEd,andthe tempest howls in fiercer fury through all its derB. u What mi re CM wc d<> "' I ::)aii, the 14 tlPTUlAl I WH - iten. •• Wl • u I fnl mystery ."* is lift ques« tion in erery hcai ay, irho will show i^ fur- nnt :md, am? it.s results. We are taught in the Holy Scriptures, the only infallible Stan- dard of Truth, that there is one God, Almighty, of whom, and through whom and to whom are all things. We are taught, also, that He created all things, and for His pleas- ure they are, and were created : " For by him were all things cre- ated, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisi- ble, whether they be thrones or dominions, principalities or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him " This God is a God far off and near at hand : and while He fills .leaven snd earth, creating and holding the worlds in order, there is not a sparrow that falls to the ground without Hia permission. Every event that occurs, from the launching of a planot to the movements of an insect, is under His immediate and special control : and all things are directed by Him to His own glory. All things, therefore, material and immaterial, animate and in- animate, visible aud invisible, must have a moral purpose and signi- ficance ; and hence nothing was made for itself, and all created beings, all matter, and all events, powers and dominions arc con- nected with one universal system of Providence, and are made to display the Divine perfections. Among the attributes of the Deity are perfect goodness, aad per- fect and immutable justice ; and it has pleased Him to make a sub- lime display of these in the means He has devised to save members of a rebellious and fallen race from the consequences of their sins. Our world has been the theatre of those most amazing evfcnts, the incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Ohrist. the eternal Son of God ; and by this means the honor of Ged's broken Law n vindicated, and He can be just, and the juetifier every sinner that believes. From the time of Adam's transgression and fall this Saviour has been announced and preached as the Light and Life of the world : aud a Church has been established of the believers in Him, wl mission it is to preach the glorious gospel of the blessed God to ev- ery creature Different means hare bed) adopted, at different times, to warn -CRM'II 1AI Mf. liere, and w< that the • - tiom •i le ■ • God's Holy . tnd f'y the and eke all-controlling, the never-suspended, end tha special Providence •f God to His own glory, and ta the extetttioQ of Hie kingdom of right , onaneeefaad peaee on earth. In short, the noted volume diaoloiea by its /bet*, u well aa by ita Jo- fi ■'. that tiod is a Meral Being, that His whole creation ha* h moral purpose, and ihat all the events of time are mado subacrvient fte t L i « end — that every revolution and all the progress and history tf kingd' ins ar«- special providences, to be 11:. • • ' only by their ralationf. to an immutable moral Law, displaying the righteousness •f the Supreme Ruler, and working together for the advancement of His ever livii g Oharoh. any ene abk for the proof of these positions'? Let him aearch the Scriptures — they are all oited an a t*xt in point. Nor is there any want of orthodox itaebinga on these subjects ra the religious Literatwre of the Confederate ?t.-»tur living And tlits v> \\ fonr face.", and every one had four wi; [ An 1 their fee- l tight ' ' ; :mu th tlieir fee' like the cole of a : and thej sparkled like the colour [shed 1 n And tiny had spirit tu go ; n heels were lifted up.OTer against them ; for ibe spirit of the living creature teas iu the wheels. OF NATIONAL TaiALS. Li When those went, these went ; and when those stood, these stood ; and when those wsra lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them : for the spirit of the Irving ercalrurc was in the wheels. d the likeness of the firmament upon the kead* of the living creature was as the colour ef the terrible crystal, stretched forth . er their heads above. And under the firmament icrre their wings straight, the me toward the other: every one had two, which covered on this side, and every one had two, which covered on that aide, their bodies. And when they went, T heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, hb the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of a host : when they stood,' they let down their wings. And there was a V"ice from the firmament that Mrs 'over their heads, when they stood, and had let down their wings-. And above the firmament that "was over their heads WHS the like- ness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: aid upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man ■ore upon it. H T saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it : from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins eVen downward, T saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about. As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so teas the appearance of the . brightness roundabout. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it. I fell upon my face, and I heard a roice of one spake." — Ezch'rl, Chapter let The prophet first saw a whirlwind — an ap't illustration of t cnt revolutions and convulsions in the moral and physical forces of nature. There was a great cloud with the whirlwind, and clouds and darkness, to mortal vision, accompany the :uid commotions of the world ; but there was also a fire infolding itself, and :> great brightness, indicating the wise and holy purposes of every dispensa- tion however violent and terrible it ma] Out of the i- be brightness came the likeness of four living creatures; ami in the appearance of thci ire a wonderful de- scription of the pure and eaalted Intelligences that act as the m< gerg of Heaven and execute its will. • In every storm and whirlwind — in eve. -.ion :.; : ' b whether among animate or inanimate things, they eat. li * HU.L VllWf lij t!>« I » t»d<- i the intri - stems moved bj variooeoBd Apparently contradicts - i,1 i od orpnrpoM ; ami doubt- i illustration is derived from tln> rial srieL The mjSt mbinatioii of wheel' which the prophet caw w/a> naplei unity ; and all the infinite and apparently contradictory Yar*i' ... as system in the counsels of <;0d. 0 bcol wi • nth, and thus oil the roll i roi ♦•' thinga here ia port of the boob tea of C vilcnoe; nnd the immenae and dreadful circumf* .Tract, of the r'.ne shows the all-embracing extent of this ouc, uniform and pervading The the wheels wore full of eyes: and thus we arc aiOBt taught that the perpetual whirl and i hioh tie- sate* one to-day and depresses him to-morrow, i-> nut a blind fatali- ty, bat :. uniform and intelligent moth - boa, bowOTOr tortuouw, oOnfiotiog and retrograde n.rvy aael* . ;! eddying oorrenta of time's eventualities, they me bat the oomplicatiooj of tb mod and counintcnt tone me of Provi- dei.ee, thni gOOl continually forwar-i to tho aceompliwhinent. of Ibe ■ ndi of Lnfinits Wiodom. I 1 by the wheelH, the rotations of time, were the living befogs, or creatures, the intelligent and pure messengers who execute the DivtOf Will : and OV0I - ugloriouflfiriuaiiicnt, the bright atm f holiness- the* oB^aaatea from the presence of the Su- preme Maj< sty, and which, always gleaming as a halo o\er the heads of bi> u. luthentioatea their I'ivine mission, and displaystha iit rijhteouHiiesa and justioo of God ia all theii mevemetttto. Of NATIONAL TKUI>. 28 Above this was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of w sapphire stone; and upon the likeness of thr throne was the like- ness as the appearance of a man above upon it. 4 " And I saw," says the prophet, '■ as the color of araber, as th*- uppearance of fire reund about within it, from the appearance of hi< loins even upwards, and from the appearance of his loins even down- wards, I *aw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brjghtne?? round about. As the appearance of tke bow that is in" the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This wo* the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord." It ia evident that'the Being here referred to U Christ, th« Second, .Mjual Person of the blessed Trinity, the everlasting and almighty Son of God; u the likeness, as the appearance of a man," and the bow, symbolical of a dispensation of grace prov* it, while the^Invisi- Me Father has never been represented by any similitude or image to mortal eyes. Thus God, in the person of Christ, presides immediately over th* whole course of things ; and wherever the wheel of fortune or tles- tiny rolls, there is His throne, there His authority, power and pres- ence, for there is no destiny but the will of Gnu. and through Christ He works out His bright designs. By these amazing appearances, this combination of imagas we have an inspired representation of the causes and workings of all cre- ated things : there is presented before us a model of the mechanism at' the whole moving frame of nature, with its complication of ma- chinery, and simplicity of design, its unity of purpose, certainty of aotion and ever forward" movement amid apparent collisions and ac- cidental explosions, with the single, unerring and almighty power 'hat controls and directs it to its destined work. Nothing happens utside of this single system : to its regular and normal action are to be referred all contingencies in the moral and physical universe. the earth-quake and tornado, storm and pestilence, the rise and fall e€ empires, the division of States, the phenomena of nature, tfcecrra- tioa of world* and the feeding of insects. All existence, material or immaterial, is directly tinder the Throin ef omnipotence: wherever there is a display of force, animate :;id in dob, (v, 6,) " affliction cometh not forth of the dust. neither doth trouble spring out of the ground :" whatever the cir- m instances of the times, whatever the ageneios by which communi- ties or nations are scourged, the special Providences of Ood are there . and the malice of fiends, the inventions and actions of men and the fcrro? of brute matter will be made to work His will. In the following passages we have a similar statement of the spe- ial dealings of God for moral ends, in all the phenomena of natur " And offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven, and proclain > 1 .1 - . • when t rineyar : > • • 'he palmerw< I red them . ,np -aitli the Lord. T hf • • r flio ninnner •i with thi hive tat ■ 1 ' Up ■ lith the . 1 ef thrown tonal • I i an 1 < I ■ •- I u a firebrand plunked on! of the yet : • : • • i f. ir. 5-1 1. mo, are the result and the y employed er ence of more or U rait ef DiVine intervention, i vil may be eonfin< and tin' world — it may I I or terrible, tip of fire, water, pestilenoe or tornado, by creeping insi . or ial dealing of God for Bin, it ice, utter* ' ' r i pur] • nd whirl ; as will the linn's roar. dootrinea of this chapter 1 ' I Jehovah elaimi the crawling things of the dt if Hil will — and in thi ' hapter ii) the M ! and earth Calls an aru: -* //' •• ;' them invincibl irmal the wisdom of men, except by the wrath of their Creator. or farts can SO forcibly following text froi i the Ora- 1 • •• B ■• m.r, and glory, and power, he Him that aitteth upon the Mir r>r. ami unto the I.:.mb forever ind ever." Thus all thing;* that are made, testify, in Kome form, to the glorv llim who riiptis »>vcr all : ami the veirc CHAPTER IV. Bible Cute* of Aro)ional B evolutions, continued. — God's koto (it- tributes, and man's depravity, and the conseqvencrs. It is a fundamental principle of the Christian system that God ia perfectly holy, just and wise ; and that a? His power is absolute, without limit, or impediment from any .*ouree or cause ; so its exer- cise is always righteous, without error, accident, eonfusion or injury. But in one of the worlds created by the Supreme Architect, and under His immediate, absolute and perpetual control, there are vio- lence, trouble and suffering — why is this ? If nothing had been revealed to the rational inhabitants of thi.« world but the attributes of its Sovereign, a proper belief in the*f womld require a solution of their troubles on the part of those con- cerned, in their own dispositions and actions. But thk Divine Disposer has not left any room for doubt ; and He has given to man a full account of the origin and cause of death and of every human wo. The first man, created in a state of holiness and happiness, re- belled against his Maker, fell from his sinless condition, and in- volved himself and his posterity in a state of impurity amd wretched- ness ; and all the confusion and afBictions#of time arc the lesult of ain, aid of consequent disobedience to the Divine commands. Death was denounced to the federal head of the human 5 ace as the consequence of disobedience ; but it has pleased the beneficent siid almighty Ruler of the universe to suspend the full execution of the judgment pronounced on Adam and his deaoendants, that they might become the subjects of a system of grace, devised with a wis- dom, goodness and mercy that will fill all creatures with wuiidcr for ever The bodies of men became immediately subject to death ; and all were to be exposed to labors and trials which were partly punish- ments, as they were the results of the acts of those oonetrned, but which were, also, a wholesome discipline, a wise and benevolent economy, designed to hold in check the passioftl of a del »ce, to remind it continually of its fallen and dangerous condition, and to lead it to the glorious and infallible remedy for every di temper • f time. .-< RII i : RA1, V1E\V> A perfect Saviour was provid the inhal t a world rui . 'jJ it w;. I ;u. ..fiV entanoe and remi -ins through the nto:. • I ' ■ ine Hedei .til men, j thousands of years. nby Hin wh ui deeply revolto a account of the intci ' hrist, thi - thai all who will, may through Kin Jtyoftfo L be prepared to enjoy a aal holiness and felicity in j and henes while the earth re* mains it will be character] different from thoae which the"univ< it the i and evil anuc in i sin against . Immutable and ebaoluf ;i it, mingling in all its af- fair.-, and whUe it fall development pf its ten- dene to utter ruin, it is not punished with that strict justice which .rd and which i.- .: UC it. rfeot plans of | :' all the I kg sons of Adam. .1 ju -t plan 6f (lod's dealings with man, in this OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 3 l world, as an individual and an immortal being ; and the' same sys- tem is applied to him in his national capacity, with such modifica- tions as the circumstances of his position plainly require. Nations, as Such, are purely temporal beings, and must, there fore, receive, in time, the full reward of their deeds : and though as public or political organisms they have no souls, they are composed of moral or responsible beings, and must be judged and dealt with according to the dispositions and actions of the persons who com- pose them. They are composed of men, and man is a rational and accountable agent, everywhere, and always under the immediate Government- of God; and hence they will all be judged by the Divine Law, their sins being measured by the extent of their opportunities, and the wilfulness and stubbornness of their offences. But while the Divine economy proceeds on this fixed and univer- sal rule towards men in their social and political capacities, it has, also, been so adjusted, by infinite wisdom, as to make it perpetually subservient to the interests of the Redeemer's Kingdom ; and though every national change or affliction will be caused by the disposition and conduct of the nations concerned, it will, likewise, be made to promote the cause of the Church on earth. Convulsions are decreed as an element in the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ, because the character of nations and not the plans of God, render them inevitable ; and while they are thus the agents of the Divine Will in promoting the progress of the sjetem of grace, they are, also, the awards of tke righteous Judge for the sins of those concerned. Here, then, is the certain solution of all the toils, mutations and sorrows of time : here is the divinely-given account of the origin and uses of every evil which befalls a people. All national as well as all individual suffering, is the certain re- sult of .". violation of the Law of Cod — and the offence of the afflict- ed parties may be in his and their dispositions, or in both actions and disposittf Tin affliction in a penalty, incurred by thr sufterc- ; but as tip nations exist and suffer in a world governed by :•. system of grace, and as they are made instruments in this system, the chastisements which their own conduct his merited, may be, also, a means of re- forming thesi, and of leading them to greatness and happiness by making them efficient promoters of righteoutneM and truth on earth is the whole and satisfactory history of the origin and usee of every national trial OJ" revolution thai ever has happened, or that .r, in any part »f the world ; bm1 with these pro) -1 a number of munities, Eh >a« eitoftted like tha people of the • *• ■ rate chapters. In the mean ti ire ai;»l apply, n their leng leptb, the { riptuml teachings ai- tal I ii Maker and Guide of the unrrem . d infinitely holy. ;,ad thr.t, therefore. Buffering .ire everjwti re ind always regular and rpevirahle cause and efts It would he :i moat deplorable and awful state of things if it were lible fot an;, creature to Buffer without an adequate cauee in him- : and if such :ni a< >uld occur, no rational being could ♦ ver again feel [f such tl i happen, God would either be unjust, or less tent; an -l.M-k : for no one obuld feci secure, and no one illustration of the imperfeetion or injusl Dn ise Economy. Tl:s case of the Christian, Called OB to -utter per.-i oiuiyiiH on ;u- . Lodlj lif« in Hirist Jesus, i- no exception : the Chris* ich, i- i spiritual being, and in his heaven-horn nature eta UOt he injured hv iihii or devil-. M light afflictions, wbieh are hut for I moment, work ut for him ■ far moi ling and eternal weight of glory ; and all that world and of hell pan effect, will only enable bio mspiouously the divine origin of his faith, will hope ■ '■ I Ions that were doing him an in-* and will -treBgthen the cause which he has espoui required to Ml op the measure of Christ's afflic- tion- : 1 ut wheu lis sufferings are not mereiful ehastenings to -.\ori out ii. him th< ; iscssble fruits sf righteousness, they will glorify ! by furnishing an illustration of the hstefulaesf of sin. of the mere und forbearance of the Supreme Hulcr, of the superior and "A\ I the new life of the Christian, and he tha.s aji effectual warning jn<1 ■ powerful :• j> j.« n 1 to a world lying in wicked- OF NATIONAL TBI ALB. 33 Tims the- steadfast sufferings of the Christian, for liis Divine Mat - lor, are his most precious works: he is, by such means, made ai lufltrkttxs co-worker with God, ami enabled to add to his crown, i life many stars of rejoicing.. The Chureh also is a spiritual body ; and though it is establish*: id 'for a work of time, it is sdh o a discipline, whose origin a:. 1 < mis take hold of eternity. Its outward organization and its elements of worldly power m.-y ':npa"r*d': but.it will not he in the power of cr6ated things touch the purity or energy of its divine life. This is God's hus- bandry : and the machinations of His enemies will only serve in end to distinguish its excellency over all the inventions of creature, to bum from it the tin.-ol -fbaser metals, to manifest before universe the righteous - and justice of its Head, the malice, baseness and cruelty ef His opponents, and to enh;: the glories of those triumphs which await it in time and in eternity, and in which will participate, rn heaven, all who have served it by doing or suffering on earth. ns, as such, can hate no remuneration in time or eter- nity for afflictions they have not deserved; and though a future generation might profit by the sufferings of the present, how will this compensate those who have died in darkness and sorrow \ Let no one deceive himself; any other theory for individual or national trial is dishonoring to God, and full of difficulty and hope- less gloom. The extent, nature or instrumentality of the affliction does affect the truth of the propositions above enunciated ; and though .the party suffering may incur his trials and disasters in the prosecu- tion of an enterprise just in itself, they arc not the less the reward of his own conduct, and in such cases are sent on account of exist- ing dispositions or of past offences or both. And as^already intimated, it is not because the Kingdom of < Ihrisl , fro« the phi1. . no- -ib revolutions and violent mutations among the powers of the world, that they occur; and it is both surd and impious to claim that if our nation is not suffering as the Church, it is al leasl -undergoing trials as a high, privilege to aid in the progress of the Redeemer's < God will certainly •' overturn, overturn, overturn until 1! whose right it is," ' • 1 ' ' Kile ;m>■ ^entious, cruel and abominable ; and su«k • - the empire. where Daniel had re- the general, incurable and indescriba- ble « o nation that the name of Babylon has been a- - Himself, to represent all that « to and detectable in Hi* human enemies It] AD these thin, to I) I he wai 1 ' ' i • ; D tl Hut it 1 the rophet's petit ' -■ ' I : istory, II r nicnti Be troubl /Vi i/-r. pro] ftt* : !. Ti • of all their afflieti Wta/Zhad himself. The kings, prinoes the guilty, and all Israel I at G i ii righetoua in a|l ; . .. rhioh is cited Elact of His Watching upon tl bring it upon Hi* sple. • al the j Ian of God's judgments had been revealed — and tbat mystery in the fact thai the nrg- l the bar 0 plainly j irred. /' - •/;/, ft they art bat > or characterize the motives of the • : . - their judgment ly to I I in: to Whoi ' presume holt appeal i; for mercy t. r tb« riy1 [uences of then II.' i d the merit i : bed, Ii and long suffer- iffered an insult to the I hmenti then the Almighty w»t* to blame : if the mere amount of afflictions had made the chi orthy of Divine favor, then a change of c duet end dispttitioD was not important, and punishment or rer Ok' NATIONAL TRIALS. ' ;', 7 to this end were unnecessary chasteniugs, and therefore, i'rom the Divine Hand. Daniel asks for the deliverance of his race '• for the Lord's sake :" he prays for it in the name of God's mercy, and ft>T the sake of Hia own glory. In short, the great points in the inspired prayer of this gi riot, this illustrious prophet, this holy man to whom the assur- was given direct from Heaven that he was greatly beloved. were that sin, wilful sin against God's holy aud reasonable law, and affliction, were inseparable cause and effect — and that delivci from merited Calamity was only to be expected when it was consist- with the covenanted mercy, the righteousness and goodness ( f God. This road would necessarily lead through the repentance and reformation of the people concerned ; arid it was only on such con- ditions that inspired men of old who spake as they were moved by the 'Holy Ghost, asked for the removal of the afflicting hand Jehovah. Let the reador now carefully study the prayer recorded for his guidance ; and let him as ke reads keep ia mifld the circumstances and surroundings of its Author. He was one of a race scattered and peeled ; and had been born in a land which was then desolate from the successive and awful ravages of the enemies of its nation's Ood. It and its people were an astonishment among the nations ; it* inhabitants, after enduring every calamity, bad been carried away captive by a " bitter acd hasty people,'* its temple burned with fire, its palaces despoiled, its women ravished, its children dashed in pieces in the streets, its kings and nobles degraded and cruelly maimed, its elders and princes dragged away in chains and reduced to slavery. The prophet and his race had been dwelling among ' o had desolated their land and desecrated their holy things; and for long years he had seen his people and their faith a taunt and reproach to the fierce, remorseless and depraved heathen into whose hand God jold them Yea, he had seen the most s ledicated to the holy service of Almighty God, profaned by an irings w l bo dawn ; and ar- BAL N IKWS keels hi.« people ai. adfal ' uant thenl '1 to thei . ciu- | done ] ItTfJitf ind frooi tliv j n ui e have si inst thee. though W<. : •! . Lord walk b 1 . be propl • 1 • ;:.. lat even by departing, that r< the ehi red upon OF NATfO.VU. T.UALS. 39 us, and tlie oafh*that is written in the lay ■ f Moft - the servant of God, because we have sinned against him. And lie hath confirmed his words, -which, he spake against us, and against our judges that judged us, by bringing upon us a groat i lor under the whole heatfen hath not been floBC as I ath been doi upon Jerusalem. Vs it '. written in the law of -Most..-, all this e?il is cine upon u* ; yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we mi turn from our iniquities, and 'understand thy truth. Therefore hath the Lord watched upon the evil, and I upon us.: for the Lord our Grod is righteous in all his works wbioh he doeth : for we obeyed not his voice. . O L.ird our God. that hast brought thy people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, am renown, as at this day : we hare sinned, we have done wicl i O Lord, according to all thy righteousness. I heseerdi the t.hiue anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city J< thy holy mountain : because for our sins, and for the, iniquities of our fathers. Jerusalem and thy people ai to 'hat are about us. Now therefore. <> hear the prayers of t!> his E hy face to shiyie upon thy s-netuavy that is desolate, for tho Lot 0 my <>od, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine cys, an held our desolations, and the nity which is calleil by thy name : t< r we do mot present our supplications before thee for our righteous- nesses, hut for thy great mercies. 0 Lord, hear ; 0 Lord, forgive ; 0 Lord, hearten and do ; d> not, for thine own sake, i) my God : for thy city and thy people uie • ailed by thy naafe. And .while f was speaking, and. praying, and confessing my ind tha Bin of wy people Israel, and preseatin bo* !bre the Lord my God for the holy mountain of m- Q Yea. whil -caking in prayer, even the man Gabrie'1,v I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being causod l^fl; touched me about the time of the evenii g i blation'. \nd he informed iw. and talked with me, and said, 0 Daniel. I ,im now come forth to give thee skill and o \t the beginning -of thy forth, and 1 am some to .-hew //« ■• : for thou art _ ed : .fore understand the matter, ler tl • ion " — Dm 49 UW+L TI1WS I'RA' v • IA1I. ' I : I ■ ■ • egan it met iah, full of zo:i 1 for ' -<'J and his i • band w: • rk lor a numl • oted \>\- tin ii g with nntlri r and an : % difficult this beard of i before hia ! andT)r**iaely enjoined I • iven belt ... Tl: ' ' lhllil ' prayer al tpplicable, in the main, tt> thai ;:iiah tinii is in\ ited to this emph •I and inspired man, — "both ! and my father's hi 'in • I Haenaliah. And it came ■ fch year, bb f was in E . ananj, one ■•■ my bret hren, came, ii" and asked Asm i - ng the Jewi thai •. ity, and concerning* J< ru lalem. • . The remnant that arc 1 oft of the captivity i . affliction and reproach i the \ hereof are bm IS, thai 1 ^:it dowi I . , | and prayed before t lie N ' ,0 Lord God of heaven, the great and ter- ribli d mercy ft r them that love him serve bis < Imenta . ♦ OF NATIONAL TRIALS 41 Lot thine car now be attentive, and thine, eyes open, that thoa mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, and '.tight, for the children of Israel, thy servants, and confess dns »f the children of Israel, which wc hare sinned against thec : '.tli i and my father's house have sinned. Wc have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have nit kept the commandments, nor the statutes, north1 judgements, which thou -audedst thy serTant Moses. Remember, 1 beseech thee, the word that thou comnuindedst thy servant Moses, saving, //*yc transgress, 1 will scatter you among the nations : But '/ye turn unto me, and keep my commandments,and dp them ; thou ' there were of you cast out unto the uttermost part of the hea\ ' will I gather them f r<. m thence, and will bring themuut© the place that I have chosen to set my name there. thy servant? and thy people, whom thou hast re- deemed by thy great power, and by thy strong hand. O Lord, T beseech thee, let now thine car be atteutive to the pray. " it « r ;iut, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to/ fear'lLj i..#ue ; and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For T was the king's cup- bearer."— l.v.' Chapter .Xchcmiah. PRAYER OS l.ZKA. • Ezra was one of those who labored with hoi}' zeal for the restora- tion at Jerusalem of the religious polity of the chosen people ; "and he entered on his task some year.-- in advance of Nehemiah. Ue wan a returned exile, a leader of his people, full of wisdom and the Holy Ghost, and gave himself to the cause of his country and of the true Church with which it was associated with untiring patience and zeal, and "an unfaltering faith. He was honored by Co I . ' . in the great work of re- .rt of the scriptures written before his time. ; nd of ilishing a correct copy. While he was laboring for bis nation and his Cod with a piety and fidelity whieh -. he hears of a trespass of his people, and then, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, pourg forth the praver below. Its recitals and confessions an characterized by the same spirit 'with those already quoted ; and while the immediate occasion of the prayer was an offence committed about the time it was •ffered, it narrates Triefly, but distinctly and emphatically, the system of Hod's people, and the causes <>f all their calami! i <; ; ■ I . I h t> to lift up j | I . • us in o»r boi. #f Per ' .. . give Ufl a ": ' tt r, - idah ai.d n .1 , .luni. An-1 now, <) oaf God, what shall we say aftef thu '. I r w> foftttk* d thj command] . 4 Which thou 1 .'"t> (■'•'■ pfopeta, sajing, Tho lnud, unto irl ipsa it, is an unclean land with th • . ■ ins Ah raiALS. 4*> . tho people of the laud , ' ■ I q - ■ ■ | j ' . iMlA 1 1 . • : and David • mid Bbto ; (Jil" i d untu them ; • the el Cara< 1 and . in a j blee* \i, 1-3. It i^ r t.i tl. iplea that the Jews v.. 1. altar | ' • - - ' i < 1 » , u 1 1 < 1 , 19 true thai raham and I o them, o stitatod the visible Church 0n earth; and t" them were dommj of B ing in the : 1 1 «>i j : < S which tj pificd < ;i.'i! i lit. I Lfl tli:it • te tl th< i natii - : ipl til wu I ■ • ■ doubt, :: I ia!cd fri , \ I hold the truib in un- it manifest i.. them ; ■ i '> ten . I . bej gli i ified Bim not as imaginat and t ■ :y beeam • i u] tible God, into an image y did not like to retain 1 1 Ige, < I 'in over to a reprobate mind, to ci^ things v OP NATIONAL TRIALS. ' 4 i Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, coVetousneas, maliciousness ; full of envy, murder, debate, d malignity ; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, toasters, inventors of evil tilings, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, oo\ takers, without natural affec- tion, implacable, unmerciful : Who, knowing the juc'gmc: • rtliy of death, not only do the same, buthav< in them that do them." Romans i. 23 and 28 Hore is the inspired statement of the opportunities which ;ill tave . to know God, and of the manner in which the idflla I ions have used them; and in the next chapter oft) i book we are rly informed of the method in which the Righteous Ruler will ■ eed in His judgments, to render to every pan acci hia deeds. •• For there is no respect of poisons with I For as many as have sinned without the law shall also perUh •jti. aw 5 and as many as have sinned ■,■ :idge-i by the law. !■'' ; b( the (Jennies, which i. in the law, these having ' mtr ■ Which shew the work •of the lav \,';>i' ;lsOj hearing v. , i.;]e sing, or else excusing one another.' 1 1-1 The law here referred to is the DecalogiK \t- i; in writing, manifest a sense of its comma! the hearts of men, Jirst, by those moral aoi uifyf by the op< •■ of. all moral acts in the W law, .or • Si 1 nuiy ii<. ' a i ,ii law " le to the the Jews, si - their i eli they shall be lied." " WLeu th i • have :> I • h .. i '■■■■. >F NAXroXAi. :'rorn all your ti * « I ; " Bi • ■ ' l.,17. Act* 10. U. unaudments are n 110. 151- comtnandmen _ hieous." JDo 172. /'. 1.11. 2~'.\. /idm. f all the earth d \ I • ' Job 7,8,6, 10 Prov.Q. 21,22. 2 >Oh /v ■- " . 0. 10. Hab. .1 i .17. afflict wi . .i'lnei; 11 and ff< Ho Hii • retun .-.-I live ?" 1 ,*' wliorffnrr doth a living man L'oruplftin, a ma;i for tbt- pmaichment ofhia siniP' Lttm. 3. 30, f r "God is King tho c.-.rt '7 7, and M the works df Hi -c verity ft. 111. 7 Hosea 14. 9. r ! *y% s < . I V fc V . Bill • r*< . unit h ''• i< ajjt Utncd for ' I » BJiti 10 11 . :i N •iii' bow< be tl ' ■ . bit r.- the jtidgm ir. - in illustration of this p it <• ivera all the groan ! iM hardlv -'■(•in necessary to • ( ';u aan • land tot! 1 tlii- d I ' • tl ' : the pow< r to | rforoi It. '. fter •' od inspired nun, entered , lition \vl, g :inT the town of \ > -ami what »■ id ' ■ Did he c >naider ■ "• lasiooa '■. work in which tin' Almighty •!■• repulses . f I is arras from the people, :••• rward wit' as G • ; promise 1 ' acers and with w ad that tht> \ll-v, ■ rou^h suoh disasters for their final trius !! instruct! >1 :' the wa; Divine Mas! anything : Heaven and ■ !-. ■ .I ich sould • .« sized' d«fi \h'o disaster I .*• H vcii. OY NATIONAL TRIALS. 40 With such confessions in bis heart and on his lips, and while ho I his elders arc solemnly honoring Ged by publicly confessing that their defeat was Ilia work, he is informed of the cause of difficulty, and directed what to do to prevent future and worse ca- lamities. The time of the inhabitants of Canaan had come — the measure of their iniquities was full, and^God had chosen the Jews as the in- struments of His vengeance Upon a people, whose pollutions eou] | n longer be borne. But in the defeat at Ai, the Divine Arbiter was against the arms of His people, though lie was with their cause ; tor they had tinned against them, and He designed to chasten them that their trespass might be exposed* and repented of, and the n - ivented from plunging into deeper iniquities. One in the canqi of Israel had contaminated himself with the accursed thine ; and the people being blessed with a wise and godly leader, their reverse at Ai was made a means of arresting the progress of abomi- nations which would have caused God to desert them, and give the- t up to destruction. Trnic *''" interpretation of a reverse in a way consistent with (the power, j u e and goodness of the Almighty, and .humiliating to himself and his people, led Joshua to success ; and no commander can receive a check in a cause more sacred or one in which he can have such authoritative J&jsuranee that God is with it. The leader of Israel was not so foolish and so impious as to fear that u c >nfession of the displeasure of Heaven would strengthen his enemies, and injure his own cause ; he was well aware that if Je hsvah was for him, lie could not be defeated, and he was inspired to know that the honor of this perfect Being required every reverse td be considered as directly scut by Him, aud for the offeness oi those concerned. nch a course he not, only did not weaken his cause, but he a- voided all further defeats ; and this example remains a selema, ei phatic and perpetual admonition to the nations. The history referred to is recorded in the 7th chapter of the Book of Joshua, and is as follov. " But the children of lata* I < sgimitted a trespass in the accused thing : for Achan, the son of Carmi. the ton of Zabdi, the son oi Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed thing : ami .rcr «f the Lord was kindled against the children of Israel. And Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which i< beside B$tl - Oj en the eeei side of Beth-el, and Fpake unto them, saying., ♦lie country. And the men went up and viewed Ai. 7 UPMKAL ntWI a rued to 3 ■ ' three tl and I men ; f them ab»uf thirty and r thei Sbel arim, and in - down : wherefore the hearts of the ] ilted, .-inn ter. I re the arl ontil the eventide, 1 the elders of ul put dustPupon their beads. Lord God, wherefore 'hast thoo at nil this peopl deliver na into th< hai \,, n >uld to u: .Ul >tuff ■ the children t>f T rael Could not ' their SU- / turned their Vaoks before their enemies, because they « neither will 1 !»• with you any mote, ■ rcep.1 ye Why hast thou troubled us? the Jiord shall troul,i" '' l»7- And all l;r,.< 1 I .nod him with iDd burned thorn with Ore, after they had stoned tl U" him a great I ; be Lord turned from th ,QT'C the,iaI'" I, The valley of Achor, unt. this ; }od may be wit \*°l] arily againrt their armt ; and 1r0B' hat howc" r yctroTer.-, • ■ . ' This trn*h is ; I J I ■ and is so e*s^' Nature as it i- revealed a CI nd perversity ef human nature. applying I > itself i prid ■! i ■-« >n. >in all ag . 1 1 v. .. with whi ir of eartl : and they think thnt i be Phari of J ~ them I ligo from Heaven, that Is', 1 tlie laws of N.vtu V eould •lie instrumentality of his fellow. .re likelj I hi- judgment than when he IS ito agencies that bav< u i will, and eannot think, j< - i in- dole nation Of I ! ' of arthqvaks or, | estilem ia a solemn in ••'■ ioe artial in (heir .'.._:. ' the way of a just interpretation; immunity from whom the rains pf Tl v a are with' 1 will not acknowledge that irhiob it rtgi tier or even worse than ihc pmeioui i. of the ruly wise, suofa partiality of nature is note prhioh might ho at- v the kind 'of eases put .'"'and 26 ; strumentality of hia f ly like hi me whom wrong and ' (rue OP NATIONAL TRTALS. springs of things, jund contracting his vision to the issue between liim and his fellow, he ca mot realize that the eyeqof the Invisible .■sweeps over a wider range, or that His all-cabracing Providence has made this controversy but an incident in another and more ira- it drama. If his human antagonist be unjust and < ruel, and the eoi'i'.e, 1 . • tue of life and death, its immediate origin in the pa«sions of his ad*- -cry, and its issue as depending on his will and strength, wholly monopolize hi? thoughts ; and Ins philosophy running in this ex- tremely narrow channel of carnal wisdom is apt to limit the iuter- f the Almighty to these phenomena, when in fact the whole con- troversy and all its passions and contingencies, are thenisehvs but parti of a greater work of Grod, and all ministering to its results. But if Grod always takes sides with us when unjustly assailed by ra- tional creatures, then lie has endowed with life and tka power of action '-eings whom He cannot prevent from inflicting wrong; and though He may. be defending us against these enemies, yet He created them, Mid thus is responsible for the injustice which they commit. Can any Bible reader entertain such an idea ef God for a moment . Can any one raised and educated in a christian land, believe in and re- s-pee! a Deity who will not himself afflict without cause, but who be- stows being and life >n others who can and will involve the innocent i:i undeserved suffering? irutli is, that God often makes nations the instruments for g eacii other — and he does it not for the merit of the agency used but out of His sovereign will, and for reasons which *-ai, . orally be easily comprehended. That this most important matter may be well understood, let a be cited. ' , .;.r, bitter and fierce, between two neighboring powers; and in tl il one party, actuated by malicious envy or the lust of doruinatioi voked, the subjugation 01 destruc- tioi n\ sailed, or defendant is simply endeav- orii lintain; his national indi ancient dews wer. often placed in this hitter situation ; and the nations who in vad I were their inferiors in mora! char ; .ties by the calm light of histor 1 1. ... r former in tl n which I . bile thc\ iblu, ntatuat- ■hat . in- stru Elting 1 \ I ment it La inflicted, whi I •without - « -uly w could t: fined ''. oaneed \>y , ; manner in which it eng . . will i i '..ino displeasure; and in such . ■ . .till in'': D, and ■ • ha I h nal which it did . and which , fur whi .1 mind can king party. A greet, > 'tew Bted . crt!< into a ool ■ • . ism for t ':■ dc- . . •, charac- un _ lidly to liht-n_\ : . id it I S I'llll I ni,( '1 r the and every step in iu t in mark* the heat . heir worl . . bhi and their i §■■- I and thr "ii all D I >anc t'ur\. rwA ill. s et alone : they si their OF NATIONAL TRIALS. :>D own frontiers, and in defence of homo they fall b\ the thgusi while the burning torrent of invasion rolls its smoking 'course in all directions over the -devoted land, consuming peaceful villages, con- verting provinces that smiled with plenty into desolate wastes, and daily increasing thctmultitude of the homeless and houseless. Who hurled these maniac legions with d insatiate fury upon a nation desiring pear : provoking war? Su b a phenomenon, beheld from a distance, has a moral which cannot be mistaken : and the people who have searched in vain a reason for their calamities in their conduct to their human ene- mies, must have incurred the displeasure of Heaven, in some etl way. God is omnipotent and a God of Justice : why then does ht per- mit .. to suffer such cruel wrongs while defending a cau*e so righteous ] Why are the1 authors of those calamities precipitated upon dire havoc of their own interests in their attempts to ruin those who are merely defending thomselves 1 As already stated) Buch a case has occurred : and when the pa'6- sionB which this dreadful crisis in the world's history has aroused, haVe passed away, the leadings of Providence will appear so palpa- ble that the chief wonder in regard to the strange era will be tin iaot that any among the people interested, with Moses and the proph- ets before them, could fail to improve the-lessons taught. There is another reason why the Deity should choose to inflict tin- chastening which it designs on an offending people through the agency of another human power actuated by wicked motives; and that is, that the character of the latter may discover itself to the world as it ap] ears is the sight of Heaven, and thus justify in the eyes of all men the retributions in store for it For example, the Bal . had reached a depth of depravity of which the christian lie could have had no i n 'out for its connection with, the afflif ' d visible Church; and had we known of this great ire only from the description's of profane history, we would have hat its total destruction was s world. saw and marked the spiritual loathsomeness of this mistress of the nations ■ and he allowed the wickedness of the nation to d< velop itself in the chastening? which He designed for His own pecu- liar peoph . that thereby a double purpose might I iplished. h, tl justly afflicted for their -and at ; he same time the instruments of thi- I't were tllowod »4 SORIPTI ■ ■ and I their tru, r and ju Rg I . ■! im- pioa ■ -. . U ■■ or B| but fie sa ■■ beir o i tujM hear:- ripen ii itruetion, and 1I« turned tlu-ir : ■ iito irork oat Hia own righteous | with •respect . • events : i traverse b prarity ripening for death in I :. nation, u!iiJ Ilo Beei ains ip i | >ple which He dc- display i er. Aii'l thus the power to be cl imprest \j a i of tin -ailing j publicly ; • ■ - . ' • I. ird's be right 14 rd which an ail of infinite i... those i"i!- •er: • ripture) i resented. When a nation, standii >eo of it*, undoubted rigl l nuj' led ' has no reason to conclude this t'af with it in the ordinary f the word; but the position el !»■ i P »w< of by what scoura to them in thi . >f the- s* gl*. I; ■• . ,: ti tedj they may be perfectly thi displeasure. I Heaven for their existing- diapoeitieoa, or for previou* and unre- pent and whether Gcd awil] be with their cause or not df\ llyon the niauner in which th< Eliaadmonitii ft igri thai good ' design a community begiaaing of its national earear, and wlu-n infu] : for rehukea at inch times are best • tvsatad to produce pvop< ds, and reformat the • times, are generally more thorough, and ire al i - lasl ing. Bui th> vuip m of !/•• /'■'•■ 9/ not be iteftaied; calamine* tat/u • OF NATIONAL TRIALS. . 7 from Him, and are aent'for sin, and the lifted rod Mill not be / Il,T,lTSTRATIONS. ,Tbe Jewish nation wis scourged, at different times, by most of the powers of the world extemporary with them. T.baf agnations were inferior, in general moral character, to the [sractitds, had as these often were, we nave abundant reasons to bje- The modern student is sometimes misled on this subject by the tborougb exposure of the mural pollutions of the Jews in their history, the infallible Word of God, and by the want of a true • christian light in the Lit srature* of the heathen to reflect their spir- idition Had the state of society in the great idolatrous nafriuiid of antiquity h'je.n depicted by an inspired prophet, living g them, and thoroughly acquainted wfth their habits — or had their inner life and character been described by any one, whose standard of morals was taken from the Divine Law, the representa- tion would have filled the modern Christian world with disgust and_ loathing. But we have- a right to conclude that the descendants of ■ . in general character, the first race on' earth : KiRhX. Because they were God's chosen people, they were His \ Lsible Church on earth, were trained by Him, had His Word among 'hem, and were constantly instructed by inspired men. SECONDLY. The jealousy with which the laws of their Divine King gn irded them against social intercourse with all other races, unless the litter would adopt their religion and become incorporat- i d with them, is a plain and impressive evidence of the greater de- pravity if every other people. TuiunLV. Lverything left by the civilized pagans of antiquity which illustrates their religious, moral and social habits, speaks a uniform language of a depth of pollution inconceivable to the pres- ent Christian world. FoUttSHLT. The Holy Scriptures, by their facts and doctrine.-. \ the same lesson: and there is abundant evidence in profane history of ;he treachery, ferocity, cruelty, sensuality and profligacy »f th< nati Da who warred upon the Jews. • Ye! te these -'terrible of the nations," (rod often sold His people thoir itna ; and this was done, while these very rods of the Di- feng • Med up themselves against Him who wielded them. Ml the pagan world hated the Jews, because it was in heart bit - tile to the God nf Israel; but the righteousness i if the grca; 5 allowed those .vh" followed banners that openly defied Hi snip about the holy City, and to offer in \ W» T Hi- t li r- It ■ v., - :iiul \»' rrible thj i ■ ni, . h ilitcd warfar Me. But wb< a t!:t so id . they wei i '■►'■. \ . : ■ . tole i tl] fd. ' . th< Old pro] • btl ■ bo Jews, 1 '"r theiv ling • . in- en? en he told them 1 bal obe- • tlnir lite,"' ami that tin4} i.t\'i- i b« ban i bid laid then " fer their , nu'l :il! • i Mega fro; feeble r I I ft fl {, | . orb all • . Bgi ■ firiehi to : . .if the 1« tent with r]:. 1 lutheritj I iicableto oi xatjona.l Trials. 69 some of the points in this ; and the reader is asked to eonsnlt the Book of Judges ; Eackiel xxv. 1:0, 31x 32 ; Jer. xlvii. 48, 49, 50, 51 ; Isuiah xxxii. 34, 47 : 10, 13, 1*, 15„21. It i.i Dot necessary to add more ; but attention is called to the important teaching of the following brief quotations : ': They chose new gods ; there was war in the gates." — (Jk/d, t. 8.) " 0 Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand j; mind indignation." — -{Is. x. 5.) "Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man- that cxecuteth rhy .counsel, (iota a far country." — (/». xlyi. 11.) ''Thou hast, pet up the right hand of his adversaries." — (P(t. lxxxix. 42.) li Deliver my soul from the wicked, which i:- thy sword: from men which arc thy hand, 0 Lord, from men of the world which havi their portion in thi-3 life, aftd whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure." — (Pe. xvii 13, 14.) (It will be seen here that the Psalrniet recognizes the wicked as the sword of e spirit! ; f i • u the I -. ami the lies 1" ■■ and thi 1 ra - . bia nature all that is rile, false, cruel, destructive, • stable He \* in perpel G I, and th( ;.t of the and bj ^;'. has b( en Intro - • to this wj rid by Adam'.- fall, and dwells in the ! ii permitted, foi n isi and I at here tl ' bis infernal arts. B is allowed to be s tempter, not to make men Bit oera. bi • lop what IS in man, -and expose to a fallen ra.- its d '.itioi. and its need of a phai . ahioh the. Prince of darkness is permit- to exercise ore* mortals, ia proportioned to tl depray- j j aad when men are .-aid to be aednoed by him, they are simply l< r the influence' of paaei ind which tli.' : has drawn out info action. \rcli Bfiaohief Maker hate- all I i| mortals as a con- . a( f his hostility to God : he and his legions have ncTet, in ... been harmed by any of t b<* children of a\dam, aad ■ dq with nnd\ ing malioe. Won irhat has the Chnroh «■■■• r taught in regard to this state ol • ll.i- it held that when man sins under the influence of the tempt- be excused — and that God will not condemn1 him, part ? Saa i: taught that it ia inhuman to denounce sin and not I ex- ist he ia the victim of the causeless sjiile of 1 rod and B It this were the doctrine af the Scriptural and of the Church, tnaidered unpatriotic to believe that a nation, af« . OF NATIONAL TRIALS. (1 ted bj enemies whom it Lad n< t injured, was blameless before I ; but no such idon has ever, for a moment, been entertained by orthodox believers in the Holy Oracles. Though Satan is man's enemy from the inherent malice of hi? i'H'm reprobate nature, the victim of his arts is considered as justly suffering the penalty of his sins ; and not even the most holy angels, much less ei-ring mortals, are permitted *.» bring railing accusation? against an adversary whom the righteous Judge permits for a season e a tempter. • For to assort that his power is iniquitous, is to condemn Him who ■mitted him to exercise it ; ?vnd all that is allowed to tkxi creature despise this fiend for his sinfulness aud opposition to God, t-> resist and fly from him a.- tic enemy of all that is good and pure, and to repel his arts by Hie means which God has taught are most effectual to that ei Men are allowed to contend with him ; but they must do it not with his own devices, but witl the armor which the Almighty Sov- ereign is ready to lend i<- all who would escape from error. V nation MnnoK have more malicious, enemies than the duskjv legions of hoi) : and tin- worst people that ever '-xisted are infinite- ly belter than the Devil and his angels. And if it is not unchristian nnd inhuman to hold that the mor- tals who are afflicted by their sins, that is by Satan's devices, are justly dealt with, how caff it be unpatriotic t-> say that a community wantonly assailed by malicious men is righteously chastened by the Almighty ? Has God more control over devils than over men .' Has he less pity for those whom the Arch Fiend leads into dis- asters than for such as are afflicted through other instrumentalities ? c reflections bring us naturally to another and most impor- tant consideration; and that is, that the maxim about fighting the with lire, is the very coinage 'of hell 1 y stated, creatures are allowed to contend with the great • retry of God and of all good bei ly commanded do : but they must Sght in a v tent with tjie nature sue, and of the prize at stake. Satan's object is to make ther- like himself : thii accomplish- ■ that? even hi < inceire. T 1 e like him is ti r, awful and eternal rain ; and there \ -rreat stake in til — with him is the character which the party he wai me. :rc — and this j • -sailed, 11 fin - ■ • ■; r of reilH de With* Unman ai I, this natier.ai I . blc in tl.' light of Heaven, and trb i of merited judg- Oiost iiiij red. [f a | ; we«n ; tl r ; and and . . ' ; • which a wi •'.'•■' and Lj runt hi reduce u i ;.Ii for his cause— he oan wear ad in a di ■ ■ nnoouquej i d anal . bnt when he become* the victim of : and rain The u bt bifl adtersarj with hit* own lorn anti .:i 1 \vh: icufariiis nia .ate, virt;. > ioked polity I | Ll the I j tr i u ui [ •iitlui .-u.-j.-ot, and itsiintioi- i.iindp . in another light. \ ■ . • i a the conduct < : all wicked lj i i at- ari ol the minikti - ■ >o ho on all thej deem Lj i the workiugi • trom e lie lu .-t cmi- 1; ik . ; .* [.art oi' I I fforld Ivini .re- or NATIONAL TRIALS. A3 proofs ,v,I ministered to evil doers, and charges preferred agoing them, especially- ratling charges, at the throne of Omnipotence. The good man will not fail, when acting according to his chris- tian instincts, to d< but not even the Archangel Gabriel dare .before God. the clergy] r priests of the assailing party thus \u\- pious lircct tl. Jehovah, their condor- shftiild ' le, much less ;vn femalous spirit : nee in kind against such denur. tione betrays a want of tfue religious character, and a fearful flin^ with the attributes of Jehovah! iirse and rail, their blasphemy will not jus- ourN : inciple ittvolved is not changed by 'the fact, thnt we may I t have the gi the vengeai of Heaven. Doi ill who indulge in this kind of preachiftg justify then - selves ":. the^gronnd. that they are calling for justice on the enemies of Go i ; rod such rtmd-mcn,in opposing nations, are separated no* principle, but Only by their own opinions as to \vhvh bjn claim to the privilege of wielding the thunder] Omflipotefr Each acta as if (J od's jealous prerogative^ were to he delegated {•■ men ; -h claims the right for mortal hamls to seize the ligl '- nings o* \'engeance, and to blast.- ver he deem the Most High. G<' I throne where He ha- vat in awful 1 from eternity ; nnr has He laid approprii I *!io first daring' finder. ;t His jut their n hurt only themselves n which our ; and the iple who their hat. are sal bo their horror of su< h proc Dor is no nation hut has among its spiritual guide! defend tl ' ■ • and tbjeii bj as may I • ■ ih- trcngth of tbi and a curse; and I struggling with '; fortitui caps* ofjosti tiblc and pernicious S« *< uld u fr« )• wl ■ tried I ■ ible "ill > • 'nl ;*« Ion : I ! PRi I as A.n i IATIONS. • ' - s ■ ities — this godly 1 iway : ! •• • all tlii-.'" ! ■ •' ■ . i I ! I . .' . — :itwl in . I I hi vill find in ch. ; I I ,i i ' • strv I K i ml mud, \ I mighty '• n ■ ■ >\ ctta 1 1 id, let liini i d Job anawered the Loi Id, I :ii:i vik- : wli: it shall ' band upon hjy mouth. :mav cl i • • • j but I iv HI pi • ■ hi ' I 4i( died : I hem I i' r the 1 . • ■ lid keep ■' . ks "•■ .-■ I bi . •.I - of the1 Lord; which he c their fathers by the band • f Most - "' Judgt liil -1 | ■' the stub • wdorfl ol the prino< • him to inqui ifovdor that wee (lout in the laad, (Jed 1< ft bim, to try him, thai be might know all wtu in in ii. 31 ••Ai mc Joiihua the high priest atanding before the OF NATIONAL TRIALS. ' i angel of the Lard, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist hi: . And 'the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, 0 Safes even the Lord that bath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee i is not tl • ;; brand plucked out of the fire-? Now Joshua was clothed with lilthy gain. cuts, and stood before the angel." — I Zrc/t ii;. 1-3L) •■ B( sober, bo Vigilant* because your adversary the devil, as .. jig lion, w.tlketh about, .seeking whom he may devour : cm resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afhM - tiou* are accomplished in jqxlt brethren that are in the world." — 1 Peter v. 8-9.) -'• Whereas angels, wiiich are greater in power and might, bring no; . accusation against tliem before the Lord." — (2 Pet. ii. 11.) ■ • '. S Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he ut the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a , . ccuaation, but said, TLe Lord rebuke thee-'* — (.Judc 9.) •■ T >,geth vengeance, and recompense." — (Devf. xxxii. . that ye be not judged. For w. ;. ivbal judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and yith \\}\.d measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." — [M nerefore tkoa art inexcusable, 0 man, whosoever thou art that ]\u\'c .rherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thj- self 5 for thou that judgest doest the same things. But. we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth isl them which commit such things. And thinke.-t thou this, 0 man, that judgest them which do such things, and decst the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment ci '—{Rom-, ii. U'j.) " Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that spcaketk evil ther, and judgeth his brother, spcaketh" evil of the law, and : th t lie law : but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doe law* ti l< a judge. Ther lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy • wh 3 another?" — (James W. 11-12.) ■• Bui Grod is the judge : be putteth down o»e, and settcth up ar> .thcr."— (I's. lxxv. " Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God •aniiot be U mpted with evil, neither tempteth he .my man. very man is I ■"hen lif> is drawn away f hi- ow: net i. 13-14. 0 W x-PTTT! HAL V1BW> < • »f \ y T in i? v i f . Jfylteriova I' Human nature is fallen ttkd < u<\- icount that men often I towards them as mjstr: [inscrutable; a»d in the blario for afflictions is ingeniously shifted froxi 'V..' sufferinr '•reatnri1 to the plans of the great Creator. Poople du not sTip»>osc they are impugning the: wi^dniu, powee * • goodness of find, when they refer to His afflictive Hctcd on priuoiples not to be understood ; but they- do plain!/ by such language that the cau«e for these dis'- die- i red by the mortals concerned, and is not u neoereary result •ircir actions or disposition. Still, they are willintr to :M!mit that the Divin • I ions for His course in the promises — but it' H ..-. the* are i t-o be understood by finite minds, ::nd therefore tann«t ' Utplail OB any principles of human philaophy. This explanation of the ways of Providence towards man is eat- 'remcly offcnsiTO to the .Supreme Ruler — and Indeed h is veil cal- culated to impair thf o/>nfidcnc» of His creatures in Him as a ftej- fcet Being. y the least} it represents Him as allowing H ots to r without knowing the cause ; and thus attributes \o His Got- ^rnme»t such radical and fatal imperfection as to reader the results •>f good and evil action wholly uncertain. Tn fact this couro ©f reasoning removes all obligations CO obi*;. <:k>d at all; for if His dealings with His eroaturcs ere to be 8 iuotcd un rules not revealed and not to be understood, why should His written Law be regarded ? IT the Almighty Sovereign has tv.< •ystems of action towards nis subjects, the one made known and th' ither reserved in His own infinite Mind, aro not His srei tares in .-- most deplorable condition and without inducement to do good, or to abstain from evil? is there any distinction between good r.;A evil? What is the purpose of a written Law if it alone is not to judge ?.ll the actions and dispositions of those to whom it is given ? This whole idea of mystery is a *nbtorfrTge, a sinful InYenttal Of" et NATIONAL TUIALS. *7 human pride which would degrade the Creator rather than confer a fault in self; !*nd it is in direct conflict with the plain teaching- ' - f that Word which has been revealed from Heaven as the certain, eternal and immutable rule of life and death. God has beon " manifest in the flesh," in the person wf liis « . equal Son ; and it is to this Being, so known to as, by His own ap- pearance among us, and by His full aDd complete Word that " ail judgment is committed. "• There is not a mysterious invisible,' u» known power behind the Son, reversing His decisions — but " tfc- Father judg^ I an, but hath committed all judgment unto the .Son^ that all uerj should honor the Sou, even as they honor the Rather. He that hoftoretb cot the Son, honoroth not the Father that sent Him."— {Jot- i» v. 22-29.) To refer' afflictions, therefore, to a mysterious will of the Father, wet and beyond the system of Christ's Kingdom and fttiic, is a dis- honoring of the Father, even though we insert a earing clause to tie afieet^hat this inscrutable Will is righteous. And this Sou emphatically says, "And if any man hear my and believe not, I judge him not : for I came not to judge the world out te save the world. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth riot my WWls, hath one that judgeth : the word that I have spoken the same ihail judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken of mysoh'- but the- : Father that sent me,He gave me a commandmen^what I should . -ay and what I should speak. And I know His commandment is We everlasting : whatsoever I speak, therefore, even as the ftthci oui children for do ell tfc ■"'• xxix. . r he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law irael, which he commanded our father.-, that th«v should make • known to their ehildren : That the generation to oeme I tight know thern^ even the children h Bhould be born : who should' arise and declare them to their Iren: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the work* rod, but keep his oommandments " — \T.<. lxxviii. 5-7.) T the lair and to th- y: if they speak not according to because there M no light in them " — Is. viii. 20.) ■ Surely the Lord Cod will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret bis i ante the prophets " Lii. ' ■ 'The secret of the Lord is with' them that fear him ; and he will then his covenant." — (/V xxv. 14. ■11 mystery in the wayi ft »nlf with th( se who do not I the voice of Hi.- W -. b as fear Him Ho reveals all Hii ofdealin pe His judg- . OF NATIONAL TTUAT.S. G C11A P T Jffi.K vm. /j/^A' Views .'/' Natittyal trials, continued ,—r-The manual in vjhich National, trials art math ■<• \>, ov%ott the cayse of Chrmt on ttorth. .It is important thfct the reader should not misunderstand the doc- trines of the preceding chapter. God is not accountable to Hi* creatures for any of His ways ; and ;ie can 6t*j! Tl is hand and Bay wha,t doest thou ? But as a just :i:id good Sovereign He has revealed all that it is necessary for His subjects to know; and lie has set before men life and death, and' ilv indicated the road to each, lie has fixed the boundaries een right and wrong; and He has made known the plan and sons for His judgments towards eVery creature in all his relations. Every Christian is assured that all the dispensations in which he - interested are for his good ; and he ought, also, from the doe- irip.es of the Divine Charter of his faith, to believe that every na- tional tvial will display the glory of] God. and advance the cause c4' His Kingdom on earth - • No one who exi rciees a true faith in the teachings of the Revealed Word can doubt what has been already stated concerning the origin and the general result of all national changes aud afflictions, nor does such faith need the corroborating influence of facts to sustain it. The best evidence to it is the Word of God which can-not lie; but the Almighty Disposer is ever confirming His truth before the eyes of II. s creatures, and at this age in the history of the worlds the ad- vocate of the Scriptures is enabled to answer the skeptical and to the faith of the weak ly pointing to the methods by which public trials promote the cuds referred to It is unnecessary to enu- merate all of these — but it is well to refer to somo in order to turn in the right direction the thoughts of th< repassing through dark dispensations, ore them considerations which ' oiily afford light .-• ncnt, but, also, indi path of^christian dut} . • t. The d aa; ho of gn the cause of ;' ■ he measure of idiq will be full ai ■ •.'.me without previous warning; and it those wi d them* "' 'heir 1 ' MWrvftAJ vn.vm 1 . Like ii. dividual;-. : ime of tl Lois, ;1.» j e .11 Buffet tl.i I . . • ell th< an repei ting worker? is) iniquity doom nei ithont aalple warning; lied bj th< (•1'durat latur'.^ of th< • ocd .<■<:. wh.> fear this fate are not those wlo ere in tiering it; and i.- approach it u>uully preceded wful del'. aeunoed against those who atl) .••rt the truth, of bl . I (Mtll tbeil ' if. ieve a lie. It is unnecessary {*■ tion of such » nation may ad- raooe the can pel; thefaoteof every case will be so pL .heir iui i> i Public calami! erre te reform a nation ; and are permitted to see this result, we need do further ex- i. D of their ■ II. again tfa feetations of the populsjr keen will fmruiek ..) the Christian patriot unerring signs of coming i and it" he litioQ to tremble at the Wurd ot God, .,ud to look of trouble, an openuees to the truth) and a thi sins ofeelf, be may be assured that the trial* • intended to improve its inoral condition, and that ..It ii hastening on. r. If a nation . r destroyed nor< reformed by it.-1 rial*, tbe righteousness of God is vindicated by solemn admon- repent : and when reproofs have been often administered) improvement on the part ol lasti c.d. id of truth beholds impressive displays oi Divine goodaete earanoe, and the wei Bparedtoju broke ath winch will surely couie. tiiti.r. A v -mmunity which Uou has destined to an Lmpoi isuse of the Gospel may) in tbe commenoement^oi i . adnoated by trials for its coming task. I, in the rightful ©X< Bis sovereignty, may end doec individuals and nations lor peculiar positions ill ii.fiu- MMS) and niity; but, as lie rspeatedly assured the Jews, finr i- I i f< r tl ■ righteousness of the instrumcntali'' ted. hi t tl M must, therefore, b© trained for their work. OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 7] If ft nation is seen to be teachable, it Trill bo pl.ved in such cir- •nmstanccs as will be likely to discover to itself its existing dispo- sition— and it? trials will be continued until it is turned from its errors and is brought to a higher standard of faith and morals than ;hat which generally prevails. These views arc clearly illustrate-! in the history of the Jews, 1( is obvious now that when the descendants of Abraham were delivered from the bondage of Egypt, they were of a lowoioral ty v< competed with that of the, rJeOplo who entered Canaan under the lead of Jp*hua: but even Moses hi raw If was not aware of the bas< itess of that generation which God liberated from the power of Pha- iratil its character was proved in the trials of the desert. We know from history, as well as from the assurance of God Him- self, that the mere descent from Abraham did not constitute Jews u superior race; nor were thoy rendered worthy of their illus- trious career by the knowledge of the high destiny for which Un- designed. The repeated assurance from a Divine source, that they we^e chosen for a great and glorious work did not it tbett for it, nor el- vate them to a nobler character; nor did all the amazing display* of Jehovah's power in their behalf, and of Hi? affection for them, serve to purge out the old leaven of their natures, nor to etrinp themselves with more manly sinews. These important facts were to be discovered by the schooling of the wilderness; and it was not until after they had been long in- structed by God through His Word and His Providences, that the Israelites, a? a race, seemed at all superior to the idolatrous and corrupt nations who were eotemporary with them. But G«d having chosen then' to a great destiny, educated them tor it ; and the first part of their training was designed to impress upon them their native depravity, their innate aversion to a holy life, their inability in themselv< I se or to follow out an illus- trious career, and notwithstanding their ceremonial purity and the; ■ nearness, in name, to God, their fixed attachment to vices that would reduce them, if left to themselves, to the level of tLe heathen world. The Sovereign of the universe may solect other eommuniti-'s for places of peculiar honor; and thong!-, do other nation, aa,aucb, w: *vcr occupy the pln*e of the Jews in the senr their in/if! - .' - . ■ninir fa! \n*parinifi\ ■ virtue ■ -mill when I ... preparing il I . •■• purify, elet ate and ounobh • glorious fatt!rc ; if thej • ■ . but there r> abundant i D 1. . Jlw.V ,-luili . . . ■ . . D, I * result of I . national uhari • ton of their purpi AND ii. i. I'M i:ai'I" tbi« chapter are men b need^ no other confirmation than a knowledge of and t In following quotations sustain "Thus taith the Lord <1 i, behold, thy time mas the time of love ; and I spread my skirt over thee, and red thy nakedness : yea, I swore unto thee, and entered into a inant with thee, saith the Lord God, and thou becamest mine. Then washed I thee with water ; yea, I thoroughly washed away ' \ Mood from thee, and I a) ' nted thee with oil. T clothed thee, also with bm'idered work, and shod thee with bad ' skin, and T girded thee about with fine linen, and T covered thee with silk. I decked thee also with ornaments, and I put bracelets on thy . and a chain on thy neck. Vlid I put a jewel on thy forehead, and car-rings in thine ear?, and a beautiful crown upon thy head. wast thou decked with gold and silver ; ancl thy raiment wns --'fine linen, and silk, and broidercd work ; thou didst eat fine flour, and honey, and oil ; and thou wast exceeding beautiful, and thou didst into a kingdem. ,..j renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty; tor it mil perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, *aith the Lord God." — Ezrkie' xvi. 3 — 14. Under the figurative language used abo.ve, God would impress with inlinite force, upon the minds of the Jews their obligations'to Him for all that distinguished them from other nations. He chose them not for their righteousness- — but He clothed them with moral beauty, because He had selected them for His people. And as they were without excellence when He set His love upon them, so were they without power or influence ; it was not because their virtue, wisdom or strength made them important to God that they were chosen, but He who set them apart for His service Him- self fitted them for their work. "The Lord did not set His love upon you, nor chose you, because ye were more in number than any people ; (for ye rcere the fewest fall people.") — {Itevt. vii. 7.). The people thus chosen were to be educated by the Word of God and by trials. •' And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God thec these forty years in the wilderness, to hunjblc thee, an prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou would^: keep His commandment!, or no.v — (Dai!, viii. 2.) 1" 74 < i • \ i * i ■ I . i : ix. 77. < .//. — Tht mo*i doubtful east (I. ■ ' • oational I tery to many j who believe they see evil than ofgoed in tne immedi afflicting Jiuj , . and wh< ty from o vague I that < ii>«i will accomplish Hi- beneficent ends by mean.- inscrutable to mortal vision. That the unhappy double in which tl. I is involved may.it' possible, be removed, Let an teple whose springs of national life have felt the healing ur of Divine Truth, is involved in a defensive war. The whole nation, as a body, i- under the influence of an ortho- dox and evangelical Church : the christian element of Society is stronjz in numbers, in learning, wealth and position. ...th the thousand civilising which spring from the . bold of religious principle on tl r mind, all cl joy the means of a sound education, 1 i.- regularly prcaeln d -,., the whole nation by a learned and godly mini.-try. wise and ju-i ■ are faithfully executed, a diligent attention to the honest and il arts of pea< .f nature to smile with beauty, q abundance which disarms robbery of the plea ol . and the wealth and leal of the Church ale founding and supporting seminaries filled with pupils in training for the Lord' In tic midst of tki- Mat- 6f things Society is shaken to its foun- dations with the rude shock of war — of a war on the issue of which I sistence of the nation i talced, and whose successful pro>- tion will long and severely ts k all the energies of the country. War, in Christian nations al | | ears, under all eircumstan- cralizing: it ttkef aw ay the restraints of law and of public opinion, relaxes the influence of education, removes large ■i from the softening power of female society and of - ations, and from the wholesome discipline of daily labor i of subsistence, sharpens the publlo appetite for un- healthy exeitemea and dissipation, seoustoms all classes to sccucs of fereoity and carnage, impoverishes honest men, OF NATIONAL TRIALS.. "* paralvzes useful enterprise, and open, a wide and uniting field for fraud, dishonesty, avarice, revenge, hatred and sensuaity. . Everv reformatory agency of society seems to be embarrassed and to suffer-the operation* of the Church to be contracted and weak- ened, and the humanizing voice of law and letters to be hushed. All the manifestations of Iniquity are fearfully increased : idleness and drunkenness become more general and are the fruitful parents of other vices, and profanity, oppression, robbery and murder a- bouad. Such arc the result- of #ar under any -iuuiiistances, if it is long Coatinued ; but in the. ca.se supposed, the contest is for national ex- nce, and the assailants in the strife, strong in numbers and re- sources, and filled with the ferocious energy of mad fanaticism, strike •it the vitals of the country !>y every weapon which- cunning can in- vent, and which malice can wield. ■They summon to their aid all the bitter passions of the human heart ; and thus they provoke to hatred and cruelty on the other side, and the struggle becomes a prolonged tragedy of unrelieved horr Every step of its progress adds a still darker page to the history of human depravity and suffering; nnd such is the apparently rapid degeneracy of the times that each year of tho strife seems to bring the parties interested a century nearer to a savage condition. What religious advantage can the spectator behold in such a struggle ] How can the christian inhabitants of the nation so cruelly assailed discover more of good than of evil in a state of things which has de- ranged the whole machinery of Society, paralyzed nearly every moral agency, and forced a people devoted to peace, to abandon its benefi- cent arts, and to give themselves universally to the destruction of war P If the nation is immediately led to repentance or reformation, tho es of the afflicting Providences are obvious to all ; but when such results do not seem to follow, how can the christian philosopher con- sole himself for the calamities of the times except by simple relis hi the goodness and power of God, and a belief that Infinite Wis- m will, in some way unknown to mortals, accomplish its benefi- cent ends from seeming evil I Christian, under such circumstances, is nol always shut up to ray lea£ darkness; and he will find in the following considerations ample reasons for justifying the state of things imagined, and which boiaetimcs occurs, u a necessity to tie progress of the Gospel. MBIPTUBAL VIKWS PimsT. Thr word demoralize! appliod to those phenoi I ich result fro: iften used in an improp ttflict with fun. doctrines of the Revealed Word The amount ith.w, 19. ' Now the works of the flesh arc manifest, which are these, Adul- tery, fornication, uncleamuss. tasciviousneM, Idolatry, witeh oraft, hatred, variance, emulation, wrath, strife, • ion heresies, Bnvyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such Like." (Gal. v. 10-21.) " For we our.-t I were sometime.- foolish-, disobe- nring diven) lusts and pleasure-, living in maliee and envy, hateful, and hating one another." (7Y/u.s iii, 3.) Such is of the natural or unconverted man, as drawn by the of inspiration : and if the reader desires further light on this ader the following terrible passage : " What then? Ar- r than thrij? No, in no wise ; for we have before prov- ed both ileS, that they are all under fiin ; \ bit written. There is none righteous, no, not one : Tlo ; that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 77 They are all gone out of the way, they are together bee >me un- •vofiitable ; there, is none that doeth good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they hare sed deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips : Whose 'mouth is full of cursing and bitterness : Their feet nrr swift to shed blood : Destruction and misery arc in their way.v; And the way of peace they have not known : m There is no fear of God before their eyes." (Rom. iii, 0 — 18.) This awful description of unconverted men, Jews and Gentiles, sav-' age and civilize!, educated and ignorant, is sustained by numerous other texts in the Holy Scriptures; but enough has been quoted to prove the assertion that every son of Adam, in his natural state, can i rguilty of the worst crimes ever committed by a member of his race. The unchanged heart is a fountain of all iniquity ; and a thorough appreciation of this fundamental truth is the lirst step in every- judi- cious and useful effort to promote the welfare of the human race, and au essential pre- requisite to a just appreciation of the necessity of a Divine and crucified Saviour. Now, in a nation that has long enjoyed the blessings which flow from the gospel, there springs up a state of things unfavorable to the full and practical recognition of the doctrine in question ■ for all but those who are instructed by the Holy Spirit are tempted by their carnal pride to attribute the advanced state of civilization, and the general prosperity, to human agencies, and to the more noble matures of the new races of men. A subtle but fatal form of infidel- ity even creeps into the bosom of the visible church ; and all literature begins to breathe the same spirit, so flattering to human vanity, so opposite to the teachings of revealed truth, and so dis- honoring to the economy of grace. If the "growth of the nation in learning and prosperity is more rapid than its progress in vital god- liness a deceitful and dangerous «ondition,of things supervenes ; and if this cnurse of affairs should not be interrupted by some Providen- tial intervention] the truly christian clement of society would soon be 1mm ied iu a mass of pernicious errors filling the influential posi- tions in the Church, and leading the people tc ultimate ruin. 3 h, for instance, has beea the history of the region once em- braced within the limits of the United States ; and the unexampled prosperity of the country, due alone to the vital godliness cf tl who ! iid the foundation of its g] . aided in the development of doctrines the o; ; Q a just appreciation of whioh the lasting peace of the nation depeo : - ■ . ■ ; i . • i \ rxws Religion is not an inheritance fn m man to man, but a Divine gift smitted, ;." enjoyed hi \> \ by , found in thi itv an argu. rn pride at ihe ex] Truth of that Kir. The new state of the world alts were * i tained that li thii Hen I triuni] id over the infirmities which had marl : • r in all ether places, and in all pas! : and th< ■ i . 1 v did which found utter- ; riodicals, in 1 political and anniversary harang liings of • and professed iJiilan- , but it admit! I inl < wn strong-holds men who held) - disgui ■-. principles that would lead to its betrayal. natural human heart was the Bame it Lad en r been ; hut its ; instincts were held in check by law, by education, and by te of public opihlOn formed when vital Christianity had a stronger hold on the heart of the nation. l>ut every thing was a sham ; the law- were made on the BUppbsi- thal Divine 'Truth had a more powerful influence on the public mind than it was really exerting ; im:; of the world crowded into the Church under th«' same impression, and were careful to present exterior, and teachers of abominable and motive heresii unite pains to wrap their deadly poisons iu learned technicalities scented with the odor of approvi d Theology . 1: d education, custom, interest and public opinioh had built a covering over the mouth of the volcano, and imprisoned the- ■; ruction in the bowels of the mountain; and i ihe people fondly imagine that the tlames are extinguished and ling their hopes on the very jaws ot death, God sends au ike which opens S mouth for the devouring element, and rkened with smoke and cinders, and the country deluge of burning lava. The nature of man is i id when convulsions open the tred forth from hi- heart such streams of destructive iniquit riJ ar( ilenoed, all the ingenious theories of in- fidel ii humarj ibility, are expluu-u and die- grac< foundation doctrine oi man'- y is all who have ee. The ren for ihe n moved is infi mure injurious ; and though society suffers by the Unlocking ! fath- OF !i no • 79 tinned I that, inhabit thieve., the amount oi geo Christianity is nor diminished^ ;i1"'d tin1 energies of the ph,UJfCh,r n to unwonted activity, are directed with a better Beoafc of the gi work before it, and of the only means by which it is to be accom- plished. In such convulsions, the w: vs inherent in the heart of man. is developed into action ; and while it is thus made a source of great suffering within the scope of it.- power, its melancholy and dangerous condition is impressively revealed, and the havoc which it .nakes of the best interests of society, exposes the quackery of those who had pronounced it whole, and prompts to an earnest desire for the medicine which alone can heal it. Thus, we can discern an important and glorious use for those ter- rible forms of national affliction stated above : and the demoraliza- l of these awful lessons is only apparent, being but an outward development of existing depravity, permitted by God for the sweep1- ing away of the refuge of lies, opening the eyes of the nations to the only hope of a fallen world, and impressing on the Church the par- amount importance of its only mission, to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified as the power and wisdom of God. And cannot the American Christian, dark and as is the ordeal through which he is passing, see light in these suggestions? How eloquent is the language of- the -revolution which shakes the continent and solemnizes a gazing world ! It is God's argument, overthrowing with irretrievable destruction^ the sophistriesof a peo- ple who had used His blessings for the perversion of His truth ! By this terrific explosion Jehovah declares that American Insti- tutions are not a new gospel * and the moral of the tragedy is not that republicanism is a failure, or learning injurious, or popular privileges pernicious, but that man is DEPBAVBD, and in his best estate, without the transforming power of a living Christianity, is worse than a beast of prey. 1st the woods the leopard knows hi* kiud, The tiger preys not ou the tiger brood ; Man only is the common foe of man.'" This is B lesson of the American crisis, written in letters of fire, for the admonition of the nations; and marl; with what appropriate means does Infinite Wisdom oause ■ :;i!-" and bftpiowi philosophy to endennine iti owi inundations and disgracefully expose its own lity ! SO VIEWS ■ . • trim. Scriptural id (th the du : Bad actions ai and t< There v. growing impression thai I II tl the world were curabli bum mi li of the troubl edbyiguorai rnment. The phi! region roi or the origin of iguorance . ' that these had happ( n- J ral nobilit; i . and it con ten that .-it all events the people in i nc part of A.i in N ■•; 1, were now fully apprized of all that was n world. And now this people, wtoo depended on po- litical t! tl rk i f Christ, ate, through the agency ernment, seeking to heap the most 'direful calamities f millions of their former fellow-eitii tended that the great secret of human pro the right of the people t« choose their own re ' : •> make their own laws. are invading with fire and Bwerd half ;\ pqnt • for daring to .-elect its own form of government without their : and the community who held that personal bondage, «•■ oi i -savage was the slave and a civilised christian the ma-: an outrage on the dignity of human nature, are waging a bi terrible war with the avowed purpose of destroying or ensli • a whole chzistian nation. Those who could not bear to look on a gallows erected • foj the execution oi murderers, cannot Batiate r thirst for bloodj with tin crimson torrents that flow over bat- tle fields piled with the gashed victims of ruthless war — the believ- ers in buman perfectibility would deprive a large portion of the hu» man race of every right of nun ; and they who contended that Amcr- titutions were a new Gospel, perform with frantic joy, a dj war-dance over their grave, and wildly exult in the exchange of liber!), with peace and fraternity, for a despotism that gratifies their lust foi | and spoliation. The people who taught that rebellion against God was not such a depravity in the creature as t" render him incapable of good in him- ■elf, ivoring to prove that opposition to their authority Ik:.' rendered a whole nation of men, women aud ehildren unworthy of life: and they who regarded th.' doctrine of bell as an invention of OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 81 bigotry, consider no punishment toe terrible or too long fur those who refuse their domination. In short, those who would secure the peace of the world by reas ■. and philosophy, arc waging against the united appeals of all Chris- tendom, the most cruel, exhausting and irrational war of modern times ; and they who believed in man's innate power to sustain him- self and to reach his own best good, have been permitted to pre* t^e awful spectacle of a deliberate national suicide in the midst unexampled prosperity ! And let us turn for a moment to the demonstrations of this doc- trine of depravity on that end of tl?Q continent where the Chur ! had still maintained a doctrinal purity. Here orthodoxy of profession had taken the place of vital godli- : and as the Church standards and philosophy still spoke a pure guage, the display of infirmity has characterized the actions f Ijviduals rather than that of public or political organisms. And can any one look 'upon the scenes presented in the bosom of 9ocietyj in a gallant nation, heroically struggling for existence and indej , and doubt that man is a hopelessly fallen being, »nd always ui.'J everywhere, terrible to himself, without the sanctifying power of a new life from above ? Docs not the state of things present an overwhelming demonstra- tion of the truth and necessity of the Gospel? What is here to corrupt men but their own hearts I They have not been led astray by theological errors; they have not been debased by their public cause, for it is noble and generous-, and demftnds for its success a virtuous and heroic people. They have not been debased by bad laws or by corrupt political teachings; and they are placed in a position in which it is perfectly obvious that tbeir liberties, their property, their security, their peace among themselves, all their immediate and remote temporal interests depend on their union in feeling and sympathy, their broth • orly kindness and regard for each other. They are, almost literally, one family : they are cut off from the sympathy, aid and intercourse of all the world, they are shut uj themselves, and under God, to their own exertions, a formidable and ferocious enemy pressing on all their frontiers, and their destiny- a nation trembling in the balance. And what is the spectacle which their inner life presents? Threat- ened with famine and cut off from all the granaries of the world. 'hey have to be restrained by the strong arm of the law from CO verting the statt of life, every pound of which is pre 11 VJ UHOTU& V1KW8 ly poison : surrounded by the infuriate leeions of ■ power that lini to destroy their liberties and confbeata their property, tiny aid the public enemy and enhance the common danger? and trials, by prey- ing nn each other. But why undertake to draw a picture of what every one sees and feels ? "What pen can do justice to that insatiate greed of gain which seems to have petrified the hearts of ■ large portion of the commu- nity, and has filled society with swarmi of devouring extortioner- speculators and thieves ? What language can represent to foreign ears the dark and cheer- less condition of n society that has felt the blighting power of selfish- ness developed to insanity, and where men, cut off from the >yn.| I thics of the world, are never consoled for public trials by domestic charities? Tt is not necessary to dwell on this state of things: suffice it v say, that when man had wrapped himself in assumed perfections and • laimed as his native glory the lustre which the Gospel had shed on his race, God disrobes the veiled idol of the nineteenth century -ets it before the world in all its inherent vilencss. Man, :is a moral being, is seen in all America to be but a mass of leprous corruption — and it is found that there is no power in crent- ure skill to give life, health and beauty to this body of death. This lesson of the times i« of infinite value: with the general wreck of human improvements, there hai also fallen a delusion that was surely leading to the undermining of those foundations on which tho better hopes of the world must stand. The Chturob will be called back from many vain speculations and much unprofitable labor, to a more vivid, profound and practical apprehension of tho truth as it is in Jesus Christ — the true Chris- tian will have a more active realizing sense of his task in a world lying in wickedness, and stripping himself of all the dialectics of philosophical Theology, and oppositions of science falsely so called will go to his task with the Spirit of Paul at Corinth, knowing only Thrist and Him crucified. The world must now fee that human skill has signally failed to heal the source of all human woes ; and the true messengers of that Gospel which ignores circumcision and uncircumeision as nothing, and proclaims individual regeneration through the graco of God in a crucified and Divine Redeemer, as the only hope of men and of nations, will find that this terrific storm has blown down many bar- riers that stood in their way. The vital Christianity of the age has not been diminished or impaired : and though the number of true OP NATIONAL TRIALS.. 83 disciples may be small, they will hear and rally to the voice that speaks in trumpet tones from these commotions, " Men of God, go take your stations Darkness reigns o'er all the earth ; Loud proclaim among the nations Joyful news of heavenly birth- : Bear the tidings, Tidings of the Saviour's worth. " What tho" earth, by hell excited, Should oppose the Saviour's reign ! Plead His cause to souls benighted , fear ye not the fac« of man ; Yain the tumult, Earth and hell will rage in vain." As the suVject is not yet finished, tke quotations freni Scripture are reserved for another chapter. SCRI1 CHAI'T I i: X '/'/. J J d- JX continued. One method l»y which tin- m«k spql may be advam revolutions as thut which now i America has just I considered: and two others will noa ited for the consolation and encouragement of the christian vim lives in these troublous _ The order commence*! in the' previous will be prow :is — and ire now come to a Set md use of wars in christian states. The nominal church is apt to become corrupt after n long career pf .tli the wcrld and of influence over it. This is bj no mei owing to the character of Christianity, but results wholly from the avity of men. When the gospel acquires such power in the heart of a nation as • i influence public and private action, unconverted men crowd into Church from worldly motives • and as religion is not inheritable descendants of a christian generation maybe outwardly under the same influence, and yet far different in inward life and charac- And thus in the course of a few generations an apparently ortho% dox Church may be encumbered with a Mist amount of dead mate- rial ; and not only so, but a.- tin- Beemingly christian element ex- is its influence over the wealth, enterprise and learning of the i try, the weak and the fal.-e portion of the Church will begin to judge of its prosperity by the extent vi' its carnal appli- ances. Li time all will begin to rely too much on worldly means; and there will follow a most deceptive and diseased condition of things, I one which the devout will deplore, while he will fear od the reach of human remedy. Th< real gold of the Church will be hid in B vast amalgam of ba- ilded over ; and nothing but S chemical test from Cod Himself, or a furnace heated by Him, will separate the parts, and free the precious ore* from its vile admixtures. At such timet tl visible Israel seems to consider that it- rate and fortify Jerusalem by carnal art ; and re is a vast exj on its walls, bastions and towers, on its • nsgogucs. The chief energies of the Church are devot- OF NATIONAL TRIALS. ed to the founding of seminaries, the construction and ornamenta- tion of houses of worship, and the writing of learned and polished essays for critical audiences; and while the vast majority of the hu- man race are sitting in darkness and the shadow of death, a Church, great in qurabers, wealth and education, considers that it is per- forming its mission to a dying world by assembling every Sabbath i - its costly and luxurious temples, listening soberly to w-ell written discourses, and contributing the hundredth part of its worldly in- come to the support of a few poor and faithful men who are laboring earnestly amid the wide destitutions of the domestic and for* field. In the mean time religion is made as easy as possible to the mixed multitude who have honored God with their nominal adhesion to His cause ; and the lines if the Church and of the world so fade into each other that there is a large frontier ground which seems to be common to both. The keen eyes of infidelity easily detect in the society of professed 1 elicvers nearly every vice of the outside world, only clad in more sober hues ; and it becomes a really doubtful question whether the argument drawn from the conduct of its .membership weakens or strengthens the cause of the Church. Has not many a devout follower of the meek and lowly Jesus, ie America, seen and mourned over the reality of this picture? Have not such, in contemplating the difficulties in the waj of their beloved Zion, often exclaimed " Return, O Lord, how long 1 Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their chil dren. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be" upon us." In the midst of this >tate of things, there is a shaking of heaven and earth, of Church and State : the day of the Lord comes,and the messenger of the covenant sits in His temple as a refiner and puri- fier ot silver. But this day of the Lord is a day of darkmess and gloominess : it i j a time of quaking, the face of the covering cast over all people is destroyed, and the tower.- fall. Many that shone as bright stars in the christian firmament, shoot from their spheres and go out in darkness — not a few of the grand pillars of the Church fall into ruins, and the earth is strewn with the wreck of Zicn's outward.bulwarks. But though God sifts the Church with a seive, not grain t ; and the storm which seems to have blown down thl Church, does but disentangle its vital element from the \-.,~\ mm i ring structures with which the world had hemmed it in. S-i V.IPTURAL VIEWS The convulsions of the nation sccui to be demoralizing because they shake every man who is wrongly placed into his right position ; while multitudes who wore the livery of Heaven are now array- ed with the enemies of f God's appointment. Old routines and established formulas of conducting public reli- gious affairs have been almost abolished ; but these were not only not the prescribed channels of Divine grace, but they were often a great hindrance to the direct, earnest and simple preaching of' the gospel to a world lying in wickedness. The multiplication and ornamentation of Church edifices was not enlarging the congregations of perishing sinners, hungering for the Word of Life ; and in many places good men were giving their whole attention to piles of brick and mortar, while every street corner furnished^more opportunities of reaching the destitute than were to be found in the gorgeous tenements on which had been bestowed so much of the time, thoughts and means of liberal-minded christians. Flourishing congregations have been scattered all over the coun- try, driven into exile among all sorts of people ; and by this means the good are mixed with the evil, the salt of christiauity, which was too much accumulated in store houses, is diffused where it is needed, and every grain with a true savor, is made to accomplish five times what it did before. A great multitude of professing ohristiaaa have gouc iuto the va- rious departments of the public service; but if they were good men the spirit of Christ did not forsake them when they left their homes. Let us select an humble christian as an example of maay — and let us contrast his spiritual life and work in peace and war. IPTI RAl. vir.w- He wac a consi ten! member of 'hurcb, enjo jing the 1 and alotrucnt m and while lie was ] ttendance at "the bouse of worship, and ga've what jury, this was about all he could "Contribute io the Lord. 1 • did n :' muoh importance amid so many blaz- ing li it paled his glimmci ing taper ; and in a community customed to a certain unctuosity of manner in those who led in pub- lic exercises, he could not piny or speak before others to edification. 'I not practised to the mechanics of the Church, and could waddle and present his ideas with th isg appr iVed tecfii which had become more important than the thoughts which they • led. This man goes into the ranks of the Corif •. .my, and messes ana sleeps with rude men, from far- different sections, men who have privileges, and who nave never before been in i b u tin ■ contact witli n follower of Cliri.-'. not afraid to talk and read to these daily companion* : h'.< little taper shines wiih a steady light in a dark place, and to t! : ■ his blanket, and stand by his side in the storm of battle, or drink fr hn his canteen as life ebbs from their fainting hearts, ■lit-', in simple word-, the gloriojts gospel of the blessed ' with a power aud to a purpnge seldom reached by those who study in their closets the wants of a dying world. And how many thousands of instances of this sort may have Oc- curred since the war commenced ! How many lfumble follower- the Saviour, whose lips were sealed at home -by the conventionalities of a eramping, artificial system, have been enabled to speak a word in season to those whom the Church, with- all its wealth aud learn- ing, had. never reached at home, and win. owed their contact wiih Chri a and their inter esl in their prayers and sympathies to a revolution which had bente down all barriers of separation and commingled saints and sinners on its eddying currents 1 tl i true that this concussion lias, to a wonderful extent, shaken the population of a large country, loosing, as it were, every man from his station, and mingling the whole multitude into a roll- ing mass of humanity, the component parts of which, like drops of water in a boiling whirlpool, are ever changing places: but will the cause of the Church, in a land of which the professed christian ele- ment constituted a large proportion, gain or lose by this mixing process | Would irt n ' .-< em that tail and a destroying storm, . rer? flowing shall oast down to the earth with the hand. The crown of pride, the drunker hraim, .-diall he trodden r feet : • And the glorious beauty, which it i Q the head of the fat valley, be a fading flower, and as the hasty fruit before the summer ; •i irhrn he that looketh qpon it seeth, while it is yet in his hand teth it up. In that day shall the Lord of hos of glory, and diadem of beauty, unt if his pei ; And for. a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment, and strength to them that turn the battle to the get "- - l\ xxviii. 3-6.) " Judgment also will 1 lay to the line, and ri| ess to the :imet : and the hail shall swoop away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place." — (/* xxviii. 17.) " Israel is an empty vine, he bringeth- forth fruit to himself: ac- ling to the multitude of hie fruit he hath increased the altars , irding to the goodnessof his I _'.-." — (flosca x. 1.) " And Ephraini said, Yet I am become rich, I hare found me out substance \ in all my labours they shall find Done iniquity in that ictrc sin. And I that am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt will yet make thee to dwell in tabernacles, as in the days of th* solemn feast.*' -( Hosea xii. 8-9.) ''And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, ami there will I plead with you face to fi take as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God. And I will cause you to pass under the rod and I will bring you the bond of the covenant." — ( Ezek. xx. 35-37/) " When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." — (&. lix. \9.) OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 93 < ! 1 I AP T Kli XI. '/tibU Views of A'ational TYiah — continued. The comparative sits off Nations not always to be judge. I of by thsir comp trativt tion*, at any given tim<-. ' The compensations and retributions of Provideucc to temporal beings are not to be judged of bj isolated facts in their history. While sin is the eauso of all affliction, the greatest apparent sufferer at any given time, is not thereby proved to be the greatest offender; and when we would estimate the character of a community or polit- ical organization by its calamities we ought to know tho whole series nftefflictive dispensations of which it has been tho subject, and all the results of these Providential dealings, immediate and remote. It is a plain inference of principles already stated that we h.n 4 n* right to decide on tho comparitive iniquities of a people from the trials they are enduring at any particular period: this judgement must be reserved to those far future times which shall see the fruits produced by these trials, and, also, the dealings of God with the nation in question, and with all its cotemporarics, to the eud» It is for the ignorant, the proud, the self-righteous, the bigoted and obdurate, to assume to themselves superior virtues on account of their exemption, at the time, from the calamities that have oter- taken others; but tho instructed christian will understand that the feet of all uurepenting offenders will slide in due time. When the Divine blaster chastens a guilty party, it should be any thing else than a source of self-complacency to His other who have broken His Law : and the meting oat of the reward of his deeds to one offending creature is an assurance to all the guilty -of the certain retribution In store for them. And on the other hand, it is wholly unbecoming in those v, justly brought into judgement to refuse to know. they are offenders because there seems not to be a general inquisition; i» II jneiit <>f the righteoaeDesi and wisdom of G< d to suppose tin:' all who have violated His oomtaands ar< time,the corrections of His hand are not the resull f His displ ure. To the Supreme Arbiter must be left the judgement of ea< the manner; vengeance is His. and lb' i Bii dealing- by tie.' views f His .-ubjects. b '.'.. foolish and dangerous in us to refuse t 1 94 riiwa u [ am, .:id n«ck deli YC ranee from ■ IV I is ttbt fore Him the . dim .'1 iei ire quotation! from the iuspi I \Vi>rd ■a ill be add- '! I ■ i 11 i 111 i ... .'J miuglc . . :nt" them, Suj .- u lie red Ufa . i fell, and * .■ all men tl It ia ner- ithing 1 . t, until the will and tlu erj man OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 95 i •' Why dost thoH strive against him ? for he giveth not account of aay of his matters."— Job, xxxiii, 13. "'Moreover the Lord answered Job. and said, Shall he that eontendeth with the Almighty instruct him':' Iip that reprioreth God, let him answer it. Then Job answered the Lord, and said, 1'ohold I am vil«; what shall T answer thee? I will lay miit? hand upon my month. Onee have I spoken ; but I will not answer : yea, twice ; but T pro- ceed ao further." — Job xl. 1-5. u Woe unto him that etriveth with his Maker ! Dei the potsherd strivt with the potherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that faahioneth ii. What makest thon ': er thy work, He hath no hands '." l.sai ah, xh, 9. " Who hatK directed the spirit of the Lor 9 his counsellor hath taught him '.' With whom ton!; he counsel, and who in*! tucted him, and tauglir turn in the path of judgement, and taught him knowledge, and shew- ed to him -the Way of andtrstanding ?" — haiih, xi. 13, 14. "So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.' — Roman* , xiv, 12. ' "Peter seeing hini saith to Josus, Lord, and i# this nan * ? Jesus snith unto him, If I will that he tarry till i come, whal .•• ihmt to thee? follow thou me." — John, xxi, 21, 22. ■. \ i r m - . (ll I'PTBU Nil. ]i',l.h fU ,\ ,.','• ' ','nt'cd. Wht vail. ray. . Divio. I i oked 1 ill thus 1 • rises racr< jr for it ; petitions toot up to Him without hoar into* oppi • tly i all uporl tbe Dei1 ■. : i I invocations merely > • d I hag Divii ■ ca in eur put \i ifor; and other iuetan striking and to can Id be adda Bvery nation that goes t<> war commits it the Eai and when tw< . kckno* :..-l.- for mc • d e I tolj Bei • i | ■ the appeals of b deo that God will 1"' propitii ted by prayer, whatever i< thai Ur ii all adand bom red by |f> what* • • pel itioner ; and tl be sluBion m iptnral and erroneous M , are froai thi and feelings of the p< titiom r the ■• ESply Majeetj \t Heaven : for they i t1 ur npon means thi I :;re whollj II-:/- bl ribntee. are offei i the spirit with whiob the) r it is a melancholy il the pr aomini ure nothi to the Divine Powi r. , for the res i ins on which, ■ those who offer them ; for, wh OF -NATIONAL TRIALS. \ii • ver may be uttered by the lips, there is frequently an expectation of success from the merit of the petitioner or his cause. IthIohI, it is not uncommon to hear, in christian lauds, such ex- pressions as these : " God tciil help, God is obliged to intervene for vis, for it is Hit cause, it is the cause of right and truth."' This is -not the language of true Christianity j for wc have no right to claim the aid of the Deity in anything, but what lie has promised to tavor, and in the way he has appointed. He is pleased to have u> plead His promises, and He encourages and commands us to do it ; but He has not bound Himself to grant us success in any world- ly pursuit whatever, except in labors for our food and clothing. His covenants are for spiritual ends; and in pursuing these He ma\ ibta it best to defeat earthly purposes "which we regard as oi the greatest importance, and strictly just and honorable. He is the best and the only true Jndge of the propriety or utility ' of any enterprise ; and hence, an essential part of the prayer of faith is the perfect submission of the will of the petitioner to that of God. As the kingdom, the power and the glory are His, the prevailing re:: - v.ment for every petition must be the honor of Jehqvah — ami in i .'.it He the best Judge of the means which will promote that end ? But that common errors on this subject of prayers for peaee in time* of national trials may be better understood, let an illustration be borrowed from the political world. In the Confederate States of America there are many honest- minded people who think that the present exhausting struggle would soon he terminated in an honorahle way, if their government woald sheathe the sword and invite to negotiations. These worthy people overlook the fact that the existing Govern- ment of the United States has declared the sword to be the sole ar- biter of the conest ; and that it is upon this very point of policy that it puts itself or. the country, and opposes all parties that take a dif- ferent view. There arc parties in the United States which believe that the hon- or and- interests of their country will be best promoted by negotia- tions with the people against whom they are arrayed in arms: but the faction which now beholds the purse and wields the sword ol that nation has solemnly t-taked everything on the issue of arms, de- < hiring that the only voice which it will hear from those on whom it it waging cruel and bloody war, shall be that of unconditional submission to the mercy of the conquerors. ♦ Of what trail, then, let it be kindly asked, are peace meetings in the '.'• be >tnt*?s ? 18 k'-RTPTDRAI. \ IMVh With whom could eomn d negotiations 1 What could tbev offer that would be ai • •• w:-.r bav lly au-i plainly published tin influenot rant an bonoi peace to the assailed — and that is to be defeated in al! their persi.«- tent efbl • te the country. . who attei d the peace n oc tings are mostly loyal eitisens, lated by • ■!•}■ motive*; their end i> the desire of all. ).ut they :i-k for it in a way thi Likely only to prolong th . until there is. h change of rulers and of policy in the United Now. while it i* bl to compare God with any treatare, wc mav illustrate the position of mortals towmrda Him by facts in human affairs: and in the meetings held in the Confederate States to terminate th*1 trouble- •■( the country, we behold the character of many well-intended but Unavailing prayers for the same desirable ;lt has inlled lor war to accomplish special ends, and we ask Him to give a peace without reference to Ilis designs : Be has fat* word and given It to the slaughter, and some of bhoee erned seem to think the sun st way to have it returned to the ■ abbard is to appeal to the Almighty to forego the purposes which the honor of His Majesty requires Him to accomplish ! Let us not be deceived i a mere prayer for peace, predicated only on the trial? or merits of the sufferer, is such an appeal. Whoever or whatever is the instrument of a people's troubles, u the Author: and lb sands wars to- admonish and reform the national or to destroy them. ; eople of the Confederate Slates have suffered many cmel the hand of a remorseless human foe; but all their trial? Grod for sin, and they axe merciful admonitions to re- r. formation. ftsjl fci purposes an peiimitting these calamities: are those pur- poses fulfilled ? Was His object merely to inflict a certain amount lfferinp without any reference to moral results? Any such sup- position in dishonoring to the Hivinc Economy, and not to be tol- erated for a moment. Arc Hi- 'lols ar. oniplishcil I arc ire ready to concede them '( • ||. eommands us te pray to Him in time of trouble ; but wc must ■ j-k for deliverance not for our sakes but for His, and this we can |>nt honestly do without wishing bo be made willing to perform Hi* fightBouc will. Oil OF NATIONAL TRIALS. ^ When His honor is vindicated, Ho will deliver-and Hi, name is globed .hen tho* Whom He afflicts are ready »*~*j* £ Justice and their own .inland to be turned it. the W>* tfcat 1 1 1 T* P C t S He tells ti. fie make peac «WS Him, and We shall have peace j and He has plainly indicated the terms on vhich His ««^ with any people shall have an end. Wher >He makes war, He publishes the e.mlitions on which li shall end ; He has sent all His prophets, as ambassadors to ;he na- tions, and in His Word! is :, widely disseminated proclamation thai all can understand He either has control of the America Crisis, or He has not—ii He has not, why pi ay to Him for peace ? If He has, why nofhonor His power and His justice in a way to secure His favor'.' The. prayer to Him for peace is an admission that He can end the ••uflict— anil this'adu.ission makes Him responsible for all the ca- lamities of the strife. There is no escape from these conclusions; and then let. it be asked, have these trials been undeserved by those who have suffered theTn? \{ they have not been merited, the sufferers have no assur- ance that their petitions will be heeded by a Being who afflicts with- out reason j if they have been deserved, then it is- folly to aspect their discontinuance without a removal of the cause. Who* can stumble over propositions so obvious? Let us not mock God : if He -cannot stay the fiery deluge that sweeps over the land, our cries to Him are a waste of breath — if He can, He will do it only en Mis own conditions. When any of the inhabitants of tho Confederate States go, in their simplicity, to the earthly sovereign of the earthly instruments of their sufferings, he tolls them they can have peace on absolute sub- mission to him ; if we approach the Almighty Disposer as the real Author of the convulsion, do wo expect Him to be less exacting, less tenacious of His purposes than a proud, mortal tyrant/ The devoted people of the Confederacy can soon terminate all their trials by unconditional submission to God or to the President of the Uni- ted States : to whom will they yield ? One offers the peace of death, deliverance from his wrath with the loss of honor, liberty,, rij and property : the o the i proposal independence oi thftUniti and of the world, on condition that the country is nrht willing to be freed from the boodag The Divi . ns to prevent ulti- uint- r and subjugation ; and to be delivered from tqumnus vnwa vith the cause remaining, ia Kke r,:e conduct of a tek ohild whose chiefdesiri I from the distasteful amediei with which its loving parent would life : beholds in those whom Ha ehastena something more to be than the itrokei of Hi- rod j si 1 if He has taken a people •n hand to heal their mom! itb rain and sinful to ask Him • until Hit en <1 ia accomplished Tin time and Buffering necessary t<> this will depend on the pa- Ives; then is u appointed way by which they may be ■ I, and it is made plain to the dimmest vision. rod i* immutable, and prayera will at I change Hia purposes — !l alls on all to invok< His mercy and aid with the sol- :md emphatic assurance thai they ahull uol be disappointed. . ean these two thinga be ree >noiled together? Tf a person is in a boat on the water, and holds in his hands OUl '•able, with *ho other fastened to the shore, he can bring .-elf to land : he cannot pull the earth from its place, but his ef- ible will drive his boat to the beach*. And thus it is with the prayers of those who rightly honor entitle If to the favor aud protection of God ? How will it find the < hannel of His mercies ? This whole work is int .:: answer to this qucstiou ; bnt ii the meantime, the sum of the matter may be briefly stated here. The people must, pray for peace ; but they must, in their hearts, •nd with their voices, glorify Clod by acknowledging hia power, gooemi - and justice. - To do 'In- ia to recognize the Almighty as she Author of their confess the righteousness of His proceedings, because the sufferers hare sinned agsinsl Him : and to he ready to see wherein that they have offended, and to amend their ways. is 'he prayer that will prevail : and when the Deity ia thm? ring people, then, and not till then, will their light break forth as the morning The length and number of prayers amount to nothing: it is n«t for their repetitions thai the people are heard, but for their submit- mob, humility, contrition aud faith. OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 103 PAOOHS AND ILH STRAT10XS. The reader is referred to the prayers of Daniel, E«ra and Nehe miah, quoted in other parts of this work, and to the remarks made- upott them. Other inspired petitions are recorded in tho Sacred Oracles for the instruction of after timesy ;md to some of these attention is uow directed. In Is. Ixiv. i3 a prayer of the Church in which occurs the sentence. > v. .">,; u Beheld, Thou art wroth, for we have sinned " — :irjd again (vs. <> >tnd 7,) it is said, "But wc are all as an unclean ?i,:ng, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags ; and we all do fads as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. And f/tere is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up him- lelf to take hold of Thee, for Thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us because of our iniquities.'' It cannot be doubted from other testimonies of the prophets that the people did pray in a certain sense, in the times of their calami- ty, and freely use the name of God; but these were not accept petitioners, because they had not etirrcd themselves up to take hold of Jehovah's mercies in the appointed way. The Almighty precisely describes the true state of things Himself in Jeremiah viii 6, '* I hearkened and heard, but they spake not .lit: no man repeated him of hi? wickedness, saying, What have I done ?» Moses informed the Jews that every fate which awaited them v.ould come from God as the reward of their couduct; and he di- rects them how to pray successfully for deliverance in time of troub- le. " If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their 4'athers, with their trespass which they have trespassed against Me, ' nnd that, also, they have walked contrary unto Me : and that I, also. have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them -into the land of their enemies." — (Lev. xxvi. 40-41.) Here God Himself expressly defines the kind of prayer from an "afflicted people which He will graciously answer .- Fijfsr, It must confess that the sin of the sufferer baa caused bis trials — Secomi! v, That God was the Author of the afflictions— THIRDLY, That He had caused them in justice V. :i in Deut. iv. £9-81j Moses informs his people 'now to call upon (J '-id in time of trouble. i thence thou shalt seek the Lord thv God, thou »lialt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart, and with all thy 'Mil. 1 1(2 . SCRIPTURAL VIKW- ID tlum art in tribulation, and all these things aro come upon thee, frtn in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and •hall be obedient unto hi- voice; •': Lord thy God t's a merciful God ;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forgot the covenant of thy t.ithersv | i -'..arc unto them." .«• prayer of Solomon, at the dedication of the Temple, tin 1 all others arc taught the same doctrine in th< follow-- j words s "Whett thy people Israel he smitten down before the enemy, he- v have sinned against thee, and shall turn again to thee, . and pray, and make supplication unto • : . Then hear thou in heaven, aud forgive the sin of thy people la* bring then) again unto the land which thou gave.-; unto - 1 King* viii. 'Vl-'S-i.) b xxxiii. 27-30, it is said, "He looketh upon men, and if . 1 have sin I perverted that which u-as right, and it profited me not : i! deliver his *oul from going into the pit, and his life shall the light. Lo, all these thi'iyx workcth God oftentimes with man, To bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the ' the living." re, also, taught in Proverbs xxviii. 13, that '' lie thai; cot- mi- shall not prosper.: but whoso confeaaeth and foraaketb thcth shall have mercy." [:i Jeremiah xzii. 9, God says of II is people when He Ls ready to upon them, " They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them." . also, other inspired teachings : " For thou desire.-t not sac- rifioe; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God arb a broken spirit : a broken aud a contrite heart, Q God, thou wilt not despise." — (P*. li. 1G-17.) rfThus Baith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth u where is the house that ye build unto me ? and where s of my i 'hingx hath mine hand made, and all those thiny* be Lord : but to this man will I look, even to him thai ' 'a contrite spirit, and tremblcth at my word." — , c'k f«ake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise • I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off." — (/«. xlviii. {J.) OF NATIONAL TRIALS 108 " Therefore also no*w, saith the Lord, turn jc even to me with all jour heart and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning ; And rend your heart, and not your»garmcnts, and turn unto the Lord your God : for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil." — (.Tool ii. 12— 13. > " Wherewith shall I come before- the Lord, and bow myself be- fore the high God? shall I conic before him with burnt offering;-, with calves of a year old ? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, >>,- wit! ;. i thousands of rivers of oil 1 shall I give my firstborn for my trans- gression, the fruit of my body/Jw the sin of my soul ? He hath shewed thee, 0 man., what is good ; and what doth tbe Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God ? The Lord's voice cricth unto the city, and the ///an of wisdom shall see thy name : hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it.*' Mioak vi. 6-9,) " And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in them- selves that they were righteous, and despised others : Two men went up into the temple to pray ; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that. I am not as other men arc, extortioners, unjust, adulter- ers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, J give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breastx saying, God bo mer- ciful to me a sinner. 1 tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other : 'for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased ; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." — (Luke xviii. 9—1-4. " I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting." — (1 Tim. ii. 8.) " Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodif* washed with pure water." — (Heb. x. 'I'l. \ " If we say th^t we have no sin, wc deceive ourselves, and I truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and in-t feo forgive u o sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteonsn.--. If we fay that wc have not sinned, we make him ■ liar, and l word is not in us." — (1 John i. 8-10.) I tnltitude of your i untt i :!i the L^rd \ I am full tf '1 e 1 ur I • fferings of ratus, si . :u:d I delight not in the* blood > f bullock Uml ■l come to a] p<-ai , wlu. lath required this .•'. ) hand, to tread my COU • \du clean : put away tin- eii! of yout ioinga •■ mine • - il ; .1" well ; seek judgment, relieve t i-i lcil 1 be as white at a ; though tl.< •, be red like orimsen, they ahall be aa pro d." — (/». i 11, 12, hi- iv. ith the Lord of hosts, the tb^l of [arael ; Tut your burnt ring* unto your sscE&fioes, and eat flesh. Lor I spake nut unto jour fathers, nor commanded thorn in the* ■ ay that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burn! ofTei acrificea ; thin thing commanded 1 them, .saying, Obey my reiee, and 1 will be your God, and ye ahall be my people: and walk y<: in all h* ways that I bare commanded you, that it amy be well unto " - Jrr vii 2 1 —J " lie that turneth nwu> hi- mr from bearing tbe law, even bis •r thall />c abomination." — (J'mv xxviii. i>. | '• Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings. I nil] not accept them .- neither will I regard leal peace offerings of JO«r fat .bca.sts Take thou away from m© the Boise "1 thj SOngl : far I will DM U tin; melody of thy viola. Hut let judgment run down us waters, and righteousness .-..' a ty .stream." — [.'tm<>f< v. '1'1-ZA.) •• I Jut go ye and learu what that menneth, 1 will haTe mercy, and not seerinos . lor 1 am not OOSBKJ to cull the righteou*. but sinner* pentenoe." — {Mat. ii. 18. • " And Samuel .said, Hath the Lord m great delight in burnt :- feringa and sacrifices, aa in ol eying the voice of the Lord? Behold, iter than .sacrifice, atu/ to hearken than the fat of rams.'' — (1 S'lm. xv. 82, " I will net ri prove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings, to /'r ho gouta out of thy feldi OF NATIONAL TRIAL* For every beast of the forest r'* mine, and t^e cattle upon a thou snd hills. ' I know all the fowlfl of the mountains ; mid the wild beasts of thy field are mine. . If I were hungry, I would not tell thee : for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof. Will I eat the flesh of bulls, OT drink the blood of goats ? Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy tows unto the Most h : And call upon me in the daj of trouble: I will deliver the thou ehalt glorify me." — (Ps. L. 8-15.) "If T regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear » ."" — [P* kvi. IS.) " Ibst thou utterly rejected Judah J hath thy soul loathed Zion ? why hast thon smitten us, and there it no healing for us? we looked for peace^ and there is no" good 5 and for the time of healing, and behold trouble ! • We acknowledge, 0 Lord, our wickedness, and the iniquity of our (V' • ^ for we have sinned against thee. Do iio„ aiihor us, for thy name's sake ; do not disgrace the throne of thy glory : remember, break not thy covenant with us." — (.A xiv. 19-ei.) - " "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save • neither his ear heavy, that it cannct hear : But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear." — {Is. iix. 1-2.) lt Who u he that saith, and if. oometh to pas!, iclim the Lord com- mandeth it not ? Out of the mouth of the Most High proeeedeth not evil and good? Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punish- ment of his sins ? Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens." -—{Law. iii. 87-41.) " When he giveth quietness, who then can make trouble ? and when he hideth hi* face who then can behold him ? whether it be ■Iciir against a nation, or against a man only : Surely it is meet to be said unto God, I have borne chastisement, I will not off«nd any more : Thai ic/ucli 1 see not teach thon me : if I have done iniqiity, 1 will do do more." — (Job xxxiv. 2«», 31-32.) 14 SCRI-PT CHAI. V 1 E ffS O F I TONAL. TR1 PART IX- REGOr^G DO rEINl •,, : Hi CES OF A C H A f T K I 1 I . nary of Bod 7V dy staled and p iias been seen, Fjrst. That, according to the Scriptui. aighty, ruling every where by His own direct power, and that nothing ck without His express pernrission. Omnipotent JBeing ii y holy, .. batj therefore, the cause for every affliction ofHi • their .' lation of His right- I led in timo for their uu- . dieted, in any way, b* * . " ilic instrumentality ©i or swttrd oi ilic Almighty. in its issue with a nation- means fo whenever wara bring affliction, what- «ents of God for sin. 108 tubal' vskvri 0L1 Tl in tin lealing mercifully correction of exy v otkerwii bat tl 1 1 ;- with the suf- fering j ■ a r t y in (!. o deliver it from the rod h which it i> - in f ' old this rrnvi Thai :i 1 oniparat i • by the instrumentality of a moro wi< Iced nation : Mid that a right* ! may thus u«e ■ power of the Jatter kin pentance toward Sim : and while i* i- oalled on to ass the applian ea of carnal wisdom for odtfr the Economy of God, justined and required t., ose Mieh human ins, and ty another tern] power it Las two issues to settle — one with its earthly enemy. i one with offended Deity • i ■! 'hat as all its calami Divinely permitted, no amount- of unjust, wicked or crmtl wrongs at the hands of its earthly foe will ever render it more dear to GK>d. In all eases the issue with Heaven must be tied on the terms which the Supreme Arhiter ha- fixed for the ieliveranoe of those whom He chastens; and the offence of the sufferers towards Him being a Axed and constant quantity] mitigated or atoned for by their afflictions unless these are a if effecting a. ohange of disposition ami action toward? the Divine Author of the calamities. ■ ^derations do not effect the motives ami conduct of a iman agents whom God uses as the instruments of His cor- thcse will be judged according to real character, and will let with a righteous retribution. OF NATIONAL TRIALS, 1 09 CHAPTER II. General OMigmtions. The conditions, efforts and prospects of the Confederate States, us viewed from a worldly stand-point, were briefly but truly presented in the first ten Chapters of the first Part of this work. The country is engaged in a fierce and cruel war : it Stands on the defensive, asking only to be let alone, and its assailants openly avow their intention to exterminate its inhabitants or reduce them to slavery- The war has swelled to unexampled proportions, and is accompan- ied with atrocities without a parallel in political contests; and the lesailing power, great in numbers, in wealth, and in mechanical ap- pliances, has gathered all its resources for a life-and-death grapple, and staked it own existence on the issue of the struggle. Et has put forth the most tremendous energies, has resorted to ev- ery means of injury, and has manifested an inextinguishable hatred ; and all these efforts and demonstrations have been met with corres- ponding union and energy in the defending party, and with a cour- age and determination that are plainly invincible by human power, Patriotism, political wisdom, military strategy "and ardor, loyalty and love of country, universal devotion of body and mind, of means and comfort to one end, have shone illustrious in the conduct of those who ure fighting only for permission to govern, themselves in their own way. Still the horrors of a ruthless war rage through all the borders of the assailed nation ; death is still offered as the result of opposition the will of the assailants, and peace on terms' worse than death. • t the struggle an anamoly in the history of the world? The lanta are destroying their own liberties and wasting their own urcea in apart -oy those who wish to live in peace and on equality with them ; the defenders, by their cause, their a, thei&ititrepidity, ought, on mere princi- ;' , to have gained tl v one, before this struggle, would have believed that such u mi endui b courage and devotion, would ; ured : any , ixempt ion from fu bs iga- oaee j vietor; 'ollo-vAid Ill) R «.l. YIKW- of wind i and in- fury. :ok# ish li] the ; -think iff ■■ ulta re- . which il I , ; which . alJj aud properly ible justfc . full com] hiiu edies- fill the : iubt if th' ; ■ 10- i no *' son OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 11] For this reason, if for no other, the Scriptural views presented in this work are absolutely essential to the relief of all right-minded spectators of such scenes as those which now fill nearly half the world with morning ; hut these Divinely revealed solutions of the mystery of time afford another and still greater eonsiderat. triots and philanthropists situated- like those in the Cortfede States pf America. They bring to light the glorious facts that there is not only j; cause in the devoted nation for its trials, but, al$( . ( ;lD(j orahle mode of deliverance : and that the Almighty Power which wields the rod of chastening says with every stroke, "I have no pleasure' in the death' of the wicked turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways, for why will ye die'/" — Ezekiel, xxxiii, 11. ' more can be asked 1 what more can be expected or wished ? Could the Saviour of his country and the friend of justice and truth desire more than is revealed concerning the origin of his peo- ple's afflictions, and the manner and time of escape from all their dangers and sufferings 1 This is the sum of the whole matter: the nation is smitten by ;; righteous God for its offences towards Him, and is solemnly admon- ished to repent : if it humbles itself under the mighty Hand which d turns from all its errors, it will be saved. The Justice that is offended can be appeased :.the Power which has raised and which directs this fearful storm, is ever read}' to say to the elenx " Peace, be still !" The method of deliverance is easy, practicable and honorable, and it has been indicated in the statement and discusnion of the principles which account for these national trials. The people concerned have but to make a faithful application to .then the Truths of Scripture before referred to ; and they may be the better enabled to do so,thc writer proposes to make suggestions as to the duties of the different classes of Society. From henceforth he will speak to his countrymen in the first per- .son — and his constant prayer is that they may receive what he says in the spirit in whieh it is uttered. I' •r^ueiKC to us to enquire why others, more guilty in our estimation, are not also brought to the bar of Judgement : " The secret things belong unto the Lord our God ; but those fh which arc revealed Lclong unto us, and to out children forever, that '«?«aay do all the words of this law."— Deut. xxix, 29. It is not for us to snatch from the Almighty's Hand I Yl 1. ' VIEWS •■ '!' a and the rod, \\' ;hc God of Go 1. ' out OWB aOOOUHtS With Heaven : - litor and debtor. inl tli-.- tneetagc bo us is u Therefore amend jour ways and your doinj ••h«y the voire ..f t '■ iur God."' — ; . t8. harden bur n mir ireeks Pot d< . Irst of all, aekm . ir afflictions -are oi ;. as almightj I d sins ; and while wrongs and threats of our hum., lariea will only bract sinews of our souls to a more h< • ;. them, humble our hearts before B -s the justice of its dealin_«- ana Bubl Seek its gmid ■ ■ \ c r our offence?, and its help to fprsake tht That W« maj all engage the mure earnestly and wisely in the work to which the lessons of t!- i tuld lead us, tion# will now be offered as to the obligations of each class inJ of %\ individual member of Society ; and to the consideration of tl the aseoe4ding chapters of this part of the work will be deroti d luties of the Chur ody, will first be discussed, next the responsibilities of each individual christian— and finallj rr^ will briefly consider what God now rtquires of all the oiemlier1 of the community whether they be professing christians or not. ■ The writer, as already intimated, will speak in the first pe and he will offer no other cicuic than the importance of his subject for the plain manner in which he will address the people of an af- bed land. This land is thi place of bis birth, a«d it holds the of his ancestors; it is dearer to him than any other abode of man ;lli ;iu", and it u taut desire of his soul i- eajoying that independence, peace, and prosperity which will flow alone from the furor of EitD to wh im the shield? of the earth be- long. Or NATIONAL TRIALS. '113 C I I V PI KM, III. Special obligatims : Ditties of the Church. The firet duty of the Church in this great crisis is to impress on the public mind tha fact that Q-od reigns, [n Mahommedau coun- 3 there -are stationed in the minarets of &1 ousts of worship public criers called muezzin, who:-e duty it is to announce the hours for religious devotions; and at stated intervals, day and night, from year to yoke their deep, solemn voices are heard high alio • >ar above the confused din of the streets below, proclaiming ■■ God is great, God is great-^-come to prayer !" There is something in this custom peculiarly suggestive; and in this as in many other1 things the Eternal Mind hafe inspired the vo- tarie* of lalso systems to adopt habits which testifjj against' their "own delusions, and which rebuke the corruptions, perversions and prael the professing christian world. The Uhurtsh of G id ought to be, in a spiritual sense, elevated, like e muezzins, above the cares and pursuits of the carnal world : it ought to stand perpetually on the unclouded heights of rev€aled Truth, and to cause the toiling mjllions in the dust and smoke be- low to hour continually the Counsel of God in all that concerns their temporal and eternal interest?". From itr< position, its vision can sweep the whole horizon, whilo the eyes of the busy actors in the streets, and shops and fields below , can range over but s narrow scope ; and it is able, also, to survey the whole contour and every side of events that rise up like mountains before the dwellers on* the earth, exposing but a section to tbe\iew <>f each, and causing among those who behold different and opposite fractions of their surface, diverse and hostile opinions as to their ■ hara< fer, origin and connections. When tie Church descends from e summits of perpetual day to the level of the world below, it itself in the errors of the nations; and the people, like travel- lers in the gorges of unexplored mountain ranges, wind along paths that lead them round to their starting point, and follow opening* that turn in all directions, and end in impassable barriers. The watch-tower of the christian is lifted high above every eleva- tion of the earth, above all the mists and clouds that roll their ob- juring and ujany-eolored masses through its dense air ; and behold- ing all the shifting phases aud cventualtics of life through the ccr- 15 1 14 KOTOfeAL mW( I clear HgTrt <>T unchanging troth, he h enabled '• in.-'-- •i his fellow-men in all the affair- t'u ' of painful mystery. deluge of burning lava down the moontaiif sides, or the storm bursts in fury over the plains, be Ieboi bare the fires* were kindled,, the turn* ! clouds where the tornado was born : and more tli*n this, he i direction je, he beholds tl that hnrli ;ind he 1 • in streets it <>n its mission, and | r< scribe* rh> of its work of deatli. And should be ne his proper place, and look and lister and cry to his people, and tell them what has befallen them, and whence it comes, i the plague may lie stayed ! God nut only • ' rets to lli« prophets, bat He anthor- oottmands the christians to make them known to his fellow : and what shift be thought of the wetenmen who baa seen i plague eommissisi id, and heard it.- cbarg s, and who ■n rages his trusting and devi otrymea to feat no evil? " The storm of a fierce and bloody war of aggression has rjs the people of the Confederate States ■ and the voice <■• reh should he heard above all the t'urv of the elements proclaiming un- ingly that this is the work of God. not sufficient at such a tin..- merely to state I dogma, the Sovereignty ef the Almighty Ruler: it enough to enter as saving chimes, in general | the doctrine 1 i ' almightincss, and then devote tlie whole volume of it 1 ingfl rds, or actioijroj aireiee: to have it r int, rred that the Deity ia aupTeme, and ftherefew, lias some v., undefined and inscrutable connections with our calamities; nor to ar suffering countrymen with the idea that B I reigns, and that lie will in the end overcome adverse circ e origin is not to be understood. the CnnrOh should stand upon its watch and make itae fact of -tain and supreme Providence the central idea in all its rteacbingl : Aonid Botve, resolve, and apply every event by this eter- nal trntn; and ahofcld be the more laborious, incessant and earncsT ■ OF iNATIONAL TRIALS. H5 in this matter ju»t as the people arc the more inclined* to give un- due prominence to secondary cause*, \1 not be afraid of offending the pride or wounding the self-esteem of man : and when the righteousness of the creature and • the most jealous attribute of the Creator are in conflict, the messen- gers of Jehovah must be the more fearless and intrant in maintain- ing the honor of their Divine Master. They should teach that all wars arc God's wars ; that this N atlpti '- : work, His spot-ial work, aud that this wicked enemy ott we abhor, is His sword. We b proper place to this doctrine by faithful -and nointcd: i.alillustratiousaud applications: should hinge upon her teachings, and traoe it to all its consequences, how- lui to our carnal natures. We should refer to it all the circumstances of our position ; and we should allow no idea or ,.r I intervene between it aud'the popular mind, to hide it for an instant, or to dwarf it.- just proportions. Let these general remarks be illustrated by a few practical gesti * - Tb« present; war, in Its magnitude, continuance tfd unexpected by our people: It i less the certain act of Him whom the Psalmist thus a,i,; heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for He fulness thereof thou hast founded them. The north and the south thou hast created them " — ( i's.lxxxix. H 1 ■• \ not taken bj surprise, if the people were; aud'tbqugh sii ; stations i ,.,.iiued, there has been no uncer bunsels. Whatever course tue ler the immediate control of the U- ■• the Church ought to teach, being exceedingly iat the popular mind does not practically- if the Deity something of the agitatioe Which it ft affected bvuncx ed *trc" Oofflinumties in passing f, national,. . :'""1 "" -and this is tho ,: "rt ""' j Brmitted (o infer that the princi } «re so defective as i0 render «: the cause, troubles is uel „» rGod to place between 116 VIKWS ial» and nations are called to higher rials in ■ prove tl . - more elevated position wl heir mon •lth. Thirdly When b the instri f unj that t be mo- hut the carnal mind, unwilling to 1 - t f< , :blc, ••■.:. 1 at f- • r 1 1 1 *- | • or- ■ It i? apt I ju.-t, the ; unlisted on its side ^»d is warring tor it ; and tb willing to attribute every la- tum inits > the in-te of Heaven, it reoeivea rev' ysterious ui ted for by hu- reaaon. Thia tendency of a people si t'uated lil • Confederate I be opposed wUh^vigilarice and care; tbis ia a vital I and here there Lb daJ breacb,through which the arch will come like a flood. All men I often rendered uv but when a nal wronge ;-.t the hand.- of a temporal j >wer, timid and wi berj nf the Church are afraid that a i ij.hful declaration of the wi I if God will offend tl of the time:, and Hum on the eh: isl j re disposed in tl . udi.pt a met! ' spernioious — and that wink at mural delusions why •!. BCem to have a powerful hold oil I , ' influei ce of the i N.. j . ni mi i ty bo well inetuoted leracy, will openly avow the pagan ■ brin t God is lighting in tin with the pat infirmities of mortals ; but there will be some •bearing the obriB- theii lings whi< -h Lead to lu When an inti Lii ing orach s indulge a in bl ' •i... v :' idea that God is fighting for us, be may mean that 1! •• oing us for our g< it so i lerstood ; m%he contrary the prejudices of the carnal heart re- • veluch language in its literal import, and are. leas inclined 'than oy/»r <<• heed the solemn admonitions of Providence. OF NATU'NAl. Till 11.8. ']]',' \ iu : an ungarded use of po >ular terms by the Church maj con- the worldly element ofSociefcy in the. errov that the interest of Lty in a national, conflict is limited tot! lea which absorb the minds of the mortals conc^rne'd : and thai '■. \lmighty Di?. penser takes pari in the conflict solely for the sake of the temporal e which the parties interested regard aa its o.rigin and, end. The- principles already discussed . eriplural ; and every on»e with right apprehensions of the attri- ' ntes ni* .T cli (i \ a ii knows thai all the r. ■ ms.of but In- cidents lit lit;- plan of His designs. Fourthly. A nation situated like that of the Confederate States ts apt to the importance of "its human - ry as an ele- oi in its own destiny ; and in doing so it curtaile, in its opinions, : God. The purpo Almighty are ■ t on tbc favor or the enmity oi" His < ijres ;• and if fie great peopled* malice of other hums cs will not be permitted to h ■■ rpos any impediments ElU will. Proper conceptions of the Divine Disposer lead to inevitable conclusion that the friendship and hatred of rivals are under His control ; and hence the. disposition to dwell on human opposition a.-, the great hindrance ' .■- mr success is a [iractic.il denial ' ef ua ! this important matter hy various circumstance? '' Divine Power iftfayorjngthe Gonfed- and ;••' th are references to the ns- kind to lead to the iinpressiun * Ln t his designs •hing beyond the f tujo Providences of nth !■■: that the attitu -> ' national ene- • towards u* are tliemseh lings <--i;h us; and ■ that Be is directing our behalf, while : our overthrow, • r i b upon us, n that •■ ( r beyond • bed and del"' nd here :: sighted chriatiama give* an- permit lhe"ir hu- tuniiug the chief at- areatare em my ; and I i aaun rncwi . rod to be true, at .ml to its alle- ts Divii teach, in public In; Cod permits this war. and :!■ i- against fe B 1 will bring it to in in-taut i to lose i deolaring that though • •■ the war which af- i ,, • :,. : to ther belief is to abri ., and in Eaol to have other gods before Ilim. hate violations of the Aral Commando i the Church to stand in the breach • utc ut its Almighty II inportanoe of tbia wh< '<■ subject and the Lamentably louse manner in which \ . deal with it ean be I » an i luftration : and Let the Cbnreh solemnly ponder tht . . hear that Cod ifl fighting for U — but this assurai. ion for hoping for the oertai . of ,,UI- oOUfl try"s Struggle ■* Mj -'iod. .-. ith this fact we have witnessed, from the first, on I the. armed intervention of certain great European PoWOfS in oar behalf — w*d thi d on the firm and onive ,, i [on that the nation.- in question oould immediately o . aemj and dii\e him from hi- pui ; , fac Lie side by aide 1" Fore at every day ; and wl , i hat the favor of temporal p acre to desired than that of Hoaveu: then- unequivocal Lang 1 in a lew week.- wliat it m r, rebuilt (a id to have to is rite, such word.- — ,i the Divine 1 Li ei U* aid,pi ai land be * hureh ' idded to our . fil ■ ..:. : norn. | | .•; mitt* times to cany us ie i i ositive a point of to ring their rough our souls, an *e us to dj and at the first and the chi truth aud d • LOU !-halt hare DC othei gods before me." OF NATIONAL TRIALS. CHAPTfi It I "V" . Special Obligations Duties of the Church, continued. The Church of God is a witness on earth for His truth, and must hot be deterred by any possible state of things, from the faithful utterance of its testimony. The first element of its doctrine is the absolute and rightful supremacy of its Diviue Head over all create things : 'he next is the holy attributes of this Almighty Disposer. The duty of inculcating the first truth in the most practioal and impressive manner has just been discussed ; and the attention of the ler is now invited to some suggestions in regard to the obliga- tions of the Church to teach the last named doctrine above referred If God be almighty and holy, all uTen are sinners : if any dotal b» just and offena not in heart or deed, there is a radical and deplora- ble defect in Divine Economy. The Deity cannot be perfect in power and justice and wisdom if any of His rational creatures suffer without an adequate cause in themselves ; and as all men are born to trouble, all are sinners, or God is not what He claims to be. — Now, all know that the natural human heart, though having an in- ward sense of sin, is not inclined to confess its depravity ; and hence, when unconverted men meet with calamities, unless for crimes de- nounced by the civil ^authority, or condemned bj the customs of so- ciety, there is a disposition to reflect on the ways of Providence. This is especially the case when reverses overtake communii viduals comparatively good ; and when a whole nation suffers wr-'ijc at ihe hands of a more offending and cruel power, this ten- dency to rob God of His rightful dues grows into a formidable but insidious dnugi r. . If the sat ion professes faith in the righteousness of the Supreme Arbiter, i! practically curtails His Sovereignty; aud when, as in the pre ' ' ease of the Confederate States of Am< rica, the people are in ' the right 'he isfue with their creature adversaries is concern- ed, they are not li-kely to impeach the justice of the Divine Power. When a ■• immunity 1- Handing on the defensive, fighting for ex. istence. and for the dearest temporal interests of humanity, they de. «ir.' •■ thai there is justjee in ll> . v • . p ;~ - infinite con- .«olati")i to know, when cruel wrongs are them, that •can rt Mi . nan will not • ■ if t1 whom a pi t re- lesh is licir • I • rious re f age t" a n< f i ■ . ■ I I e irnal ,min : * in- fori. I in . • • ' bib . a*k only ( i 1'"' lot alone. I- it oot oataral ;' '•• inoii who '1 with tl • •' ' I ;; • thresh -1 : Tfil m I'- :. people most lik sly to 1 eli :iLr*. and will rise a] to ;'. i for Buch reasons that the inhabitants of th< hare m<-!i a fixed impression thai God is with them : and I aootjuut they an- in danger of practically dishonoring the Power in which they bo confidently 'ru.-t. They are ap( so think thai the Diviui !'• . stand in the issue with t In- i r huinan enemies; and that as they are in the right in this rsy, Heaven will contend apon their side. If we i • I mi we i. '.iil. feel thai God is the 3iipi fed, ami uiicnntnillnhii of eventel Do we nol irail His I '«''■• laim Him as our Leader and Chai pion whi How whi im me these dis . id bo preyed! them '. I >oea His plan of Government ini idcnts,e,nd reverses to the ionooent 7 I •• ■ - Me kill men in time for their good in time I Such com • the necessity of that duty of the Church discussed in the preceding chapter t they call upon th% ohris tian, at Bach times, t<> lift ap his voice perpetually in the solemn ut- f God's almightinoss. To bo silent in such a trisia i.-> to conntenance an awful error; and to proclaim the truth in regard to Jehovah's authority alone ts to leave the people to impeach another attribute of the Divine ftwrer. [fa nation, situated like our devo* t«d eountrymen, are faithfully instructed in regard to the iSuprcwta- 0J NATIONAT, ERIAIfi. 121 t\;/ of the Dei; . are in danger of reflecting on His Justice ; for with their mind entirely fixed on the iniquitous designs of their human persecutors and absorbed wilh the vi-dication of their own conduct in this struggb ely to survey all the cir ';un;. ? their position in the eye of Heaven. They consider their conduct in the Btruggle in which they suffer wrong as defining their character — whereas tl : «test and all its results are but riuences of their true* relations with the Divine Buler. not to be supposed thai 1 will think of this ;■ its vis- ion is li? '.ted to existing realities, and its judgment of actor.* is based only and wholly on their conduct in passing sceues. ■ If a people placed in the attitmi if the Confederate r thoroughly and properly embued with just conceptions of GrocP- ( pposeless Sovereignty, they will not in heart, at least, wil- lingly enneede His,perfect righteousness ; and therefore if the Church has been true to it* mission in regard to the first great Truth of Revolution, it has laid a foundation on which it must build another Scripture doctrine, or he n party to -the dishonoring of its almigktv Hea^. nitly, and with practical emphasis, the righ • of God { and this it oannot effectually do except by teachjng that man is an offender. . . Thfrf-forr. at this great crisis, it is the solemn obligation of the christian ettment of Society to proclaim in the ears of the u-hoh na/i ommitted o fences for which God is correcting if. Look at the reasons. Calamities have overtaken the country : either tee honor of man or the honor of God must suffer. If the nation if itten for its sins, the Divine authority i.« imperfect in pow< "f Cod is perfect, the people are chastised for their » HmrtV; ithhold its testimony at mii h a time ? i • ,' In periods of peace and prosperity, the principles of the Divint Economy in regard to the nations are not so likely to make the de- ion on those concerned ; hut when the whole 'country is profoundly agitated with severe trials, men are prepared to hear " the voice of the day of the Lord/' and to receive and heed the les- sons which it would solemnly teach. It is the very seed time for the Truth ; and the , alamitiea of the times wi!l be to the efforts of faithful laborer ii ineyard as the early and latter rain tc the wise and djligenl husbandman. ff • be obje' the preaching of repentance to the 16 122 i ' i« .';-' •■ id it* pnblii servant • who rep- 1 i; is t1 de- ntin »r \- '■ ' \u from it ib Inn saorod a • tier. •. be dar tlu r>j I -•-. thaC the in Mte of tbc Divine ramuuut *11 - i ' ■ •■ g tl.i' Go | unci invisible Hand I would .- ' '"'■irl ' ' ' tfaec ' "' riptionl . ■ da-; ■■! ri ■ ob< od deaoktfpn,a Jay of darknen Md : tbiokdwkoe I vheothi nouutains smoke witl ' :k-ad with IhepeopU for tb( 'h ibem a oorenant ©1 life great and God, Hi load and dreadful 1 But' isbuttb< i - • j of tbe individual and ft) ' '- • roal heart bj Binki»( ov , f ; ° |f.e.teem *i forsaking of the J* ..„!■„:.. mnal trouble lor thoee f bub ■»„n,:,lH-,, exactly tl,c oP1„,He of •re c , . ,,„. tllc trJ „ fet ^acoward'a effort t >'V tr^chin* broagk \r wbere NATIONAL TRIALS. ■ 123 The statesman who braves thq seas and encounters the cold sneer? and the slanderous pens and tongues of foreign ctmrta to uphold the honor and secure the interests of his i;at io:i — or who directs the helm at h .nue, when tin storm rages and darkness covers the face of the deep, watching when the eyes of those who are cared for arc elosed in bleep, beholding and avoiding a thousand dangers that others see nut, gaining no credit when hidden perils arc passed by the agency of his skill and daring, held responsible for contingencies that no human wisdom could avoid, calmly, intrepidly and anxious- ly guiding the ship of state wit'; ;i forgetfulocss of self and all that copperas it, in the devoted concentration of every thought and pur- pose to the one object, the safety of the passengers and freight, i.s a- patriot, and will receive the award of such in history. Mot less pa- triotic is the course of the poor woman who devotes to the public defence the strong arm on which she and her little ones trust, u,,der Ood, for their daily bread — of the fathers, brothers, sister?, moth- ers, relatives or friends ;it home who ply their minds and bands to .Jothe or feed the poor, who submit to denials that the world knows aot of, who watch mid labor, devi/va and pray, without the expecta- tion or hope of public honors, for the comfort and safety of the ar- my it) the Seld, atid for the promotion and preservation of the peat interests of soe iety at home. And the soldier who tears. himself, at his country's call, from. weeping wife and children, committing to the care of God his d«. pendent ones, and going forth to meet hardline in the camp and death on the battle-held, and to SI I an unknown and remote grave, without even a rudely carved memorial to preserve a name which can have no illustrious place in the annals of the gnat, he is a pa- triot, a patriot who meets danger for his country, and who*; fense of duty is. of that character which entitles him to the appellation of > ruly brave. all patriots, and worthy of the honor attached k) the name; hut there is another class win. ean serve their country more effectually thm any of these, and whose rewards in time are the lca0» *fall The-e are the ' ra of the glorioue gospel ,,f (he I ■indicated and set apart to minister in Divine things and who ere the expounders of that Truth fthich it the light uf the world, and the life of nations, as well as »f individ- uals. Tbej are soldiers af well as those who follow the xt.n.hm.'s of the Uuipm-.;! puwer: they have to endure hardships,- ti * »er peri!-, to war with enemies vigilant, enterprising and cruel, 'i heir 'u' feTJ ■ tllc 'ugliest, purest aud noblest patriot I :ire I • r their country. [will ' own ■ duty a) tlifir high plac I to . sum-ring countrj i I just, and that then rotoe of their I •■.pic with their e: I entreati ei ter into to hear th< a of ir private cmver- D al -I tin ir public ' ' <-ir manner.-, and B ' ould all speak the languagi uate, ir and ,. ;■. roing Wh( 'i ;' 3 -Mini in the pul] it, it i nder i lc to the Presid r to his . our ministers to ! with the defence of our b< ore tbe nations. Tin-, speak totl I'Ctweeh God and tl ry — in of their spiritual vocation they are to imitate the ox- sflsbles of Daniel, I iah and other holy and "ien Id, and tiki I1 the creature enemy only as the pward of an offend I the people t ta of and .»f t ' II.- ven in their o I to an hum- ■! reform A» already shown, ra euEQtrntita this action AT II!!IH ir .i> WHAT OTRBB ' V.TION c.\fi THEY i TO Tills':' '/'/<( ifii/'ti/ <>f the nation d'-mnvtl; ttteh tirh'mi i>/ thpm — and Qii$ , ,.//./ ncr i ,ii be t' ■ tin tnir patriotism of the christian H*mint of mQCJetlf. <...(1 not only doea not forbid a devotion to the authority and in- .■I country, hut He exacts of Htt servants to he Ireland beil patriots of ell. H i light by which 'o distinguish tin- right path t" national Bafety and greatness; und Of NATIONAL TRIALS. 125 he requires them to stand in the ways, at every hazard, and exert every influence to induce the people to follow them. Aud now, dear christian brethren, permit me to address you in r.bo language of earnest and honest affection, appealing to you by common duties, common ties, and common sympathies, emotion'! and interests. Are not the principles of the Divine Economy towards nations, as herein set forth, in accordance with that Infallible Word which wv receive as the source and standard of all moral truth ? Is not our God an almighty God, a universal Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords? Can a sparrow fall to the ground with- out His permission ? Can a great nation bleed at every pore with- out His cxprtss authority ? Is H« not perfectly just and- holy in .-ill that He does and permits? Does not our beloved aud devoted country feel the hand of afflio- tion laid lieavily upon it? Leaving to the worldly element of society to discuss secondary causes and results* ours is the mission to look into the true relation* ■ >l" things, and to make known to our dear countrymen the source and remedy of our trials us they are found in the fixed course of Divine Providence. The people expect us to lead them aright in t.hese things — and wo have in the sacred Word and the Jearumg of >>ur ministry the means of doing it. Is nut God in controversy with us ? If so, can we succeed until wc place ourselves right before the supreme Power? A\i> if imikse position uv. TtiuK, ouafrr not the people to know it? It' there is a difficulty in our relatione with the Highest Court, with the prime sou fee of all power, ought not this to be first adjusted ? Ij this matter secondary in importance to any other? You well know, dear christian brethren, that every answer to these positions is a barrier of loose sand raised up against the resist- less sweep 01 God's almighty truth ; and you know that e\ay veil hung before this truth is a sin against Jehovah, and treason to the nati The answer about the honor of the nation has been already con- sidered ; and it may be added that a people's highest honor is to lion :• hu until ■ rc^Hitn does not humble us before our 1m- ntan antagonists ; and so far from giving them comfort, they will gnash in unavailing fury when they sec us placing ourselves in the appo: Heaven' deride ; but while their lips speak high Words of ecolriJ, their "ill w){) r away » billing f \<£p, ELAL VII J) few would pu* in thi • ind - nquirii . i. ttion, i- the very pretext of the ied One whioli id. when presenting individual sim • ' have tolcT them that the plea ,s ,r] 1 wo., at their humility [ wardly fcir >Iuj • jtion of the very enemy from whom they would es- nit alarmed when be saw them penib H . , i : . . hi imee, fa d the lines — sees The we iki-st .-dint upon Ilia knees;" iii'l we. now thai the welfare of a wliu are holy. in,l I ''. Oar flock*, torn and bleeding, fly to us, for protection ; ami while the great Shepherd stands behind u», .-ha 11 we turn these victim- ol the Woll from His fold and :, into wild.* where the teeth of ferucious beasts *ill feed upon ihcm ' ii leai brethren, look at the spectacle which our beloved land ntn ! here ever a more gallant, earnest and eonfldipg people ? — D I i nation ever stand .-<» firmly to-gether in its political faith, in t), . • f -in -h dreadful trial-, and meet dangers, spoliations and :, with more intrepid flrmnesbl Were all the arts of carnal de* irtare ever wielded with more energy, dating and cour- a,,(. - U»«»k around « li<- v :i>t frontiers of this glorious land, and see it ali pit wnh a w ill of h iu-t which are heating the wave? ,,f ,, ,iol ruihli'-s invi-ion, making here and there a h reach 0vtr I ho dies of thi.- d. \oted hand, and rolling in a flood of li e i, t the b ttle fields, where sleep in unknown graves, myriaoi 0f ;,- ,r CUU fronted the Storm of battle, fallen in da fence ol home ami >hop,Lhe rich mm from Id- palace, the peasant from his humble cot. States- men plan, lc\i-e, labor — soldiers endure and die — men, women and children run to and fro in anxious ellorts to aid the common 0UU86: itil] ai of war ragei on Land and sea, the ooaatfl smoke with OF NATIONAL TRIALS. • 127 burning towns, the frontiers are slippery with the blood of heroes, the interior is crowded with flying exiles, homeless and houseless. All w.ho can do auy thing for the cause are looked to with the yearning heart of a great nation ; and to us, christian1 brethren, more than to those strong arms which present a wall of bayonets round our borders have been turned the anxious eyes of ou: dear and de- Toted countrymen. This honor is due, in part, to the psst instruc- tions of the Church : and how glorious is our privilege and how ter- rible our responsibility ! Shall we disappoint such hopes as were never before turned from the world to the Church ? Shall wo triflj alike with God, and with the victims of His displeasure? Shall we fail to dome to the rescue girded with that invincible ar- mor which God has provided ? Shall we shut up Heaven that it rain not on the parched earth in the days of our prophecy ? We have an answer of life from God : He has shown to us th- thing that is good, and shall we with-held it from our peop! ' It may not be in the form that some expect — it will conflict with the carnal pride of all : but shall we shirk our duty or\that account f Suppose that the populace whom we come to save should tear m» to pieces: can we afford to conceal God's message on that account ? Even in that extreme case, we would show no more courage than the common soldier : he goes out from dear ones, fed and clothed by the labor of his hands, to perish with disease or fall in battle, un- honorcd, unknown, and unlamented except by a few stricken <• in his bumble home, leaving these a prey to the speculators for whose protection Be offers up his life. He knows it is" his duty to obey hie country's call, and he marches to danger in front, leaving trouble and anguish behind, and having no hope of any other earthly rc\* than the common good of aH the country. And shall the pr Idicr of Heaven be less courageous tha;i the subjr ■ t lily power, and wheu they know that their fall shall be their eternal gain ? But wl >swer fr< : id with which Church is charged, will not flatter the pride of the carnal heart, we have no re*»oo to believe 'bat the nation will Dot kindly receive and eare- fully heed it. The people have been faithfully taught in the past they have long had Bibles in their hand* — God's witness is in their consciences, .* B ' been felt and ackuowl" edged. 1 t.were, yean ed to hor a • - 11 to repent- ance . it has wan! ' umbled I I G [( might | . '■ | K Th I I '. . ;>hct I don colo i ■'• ■ '» ■hi] ■ aid havv paid them ] thej • • - - p are men wi«! i | preach l l boold tur. • the living God w' ■ i . ••' •: | IT, 1 5 hua I pur : .iporary p< .. i r or w , d them Croat theU • ;b,ta thai >» Ltatioo for and pal ■ . or I W'h I prosl tall wo lift arnal pri passions may ren- der I the Almighty ? bort a] ia our I i Li ply to : if ■ ■>. they will . • Is, Wl DC rn U ->'. »n I li- word tn those 1 „ 'Host of i! ' * lo family which I brought up from the ' ring, Yon ■ 1 known of :;11 the fa lies ' ' punish yon for all your iniqutl Car ,-thcr |5X0 ;o*agrecd ?"— . 1,2,3- The ted in the » mntability : (inbb wh< is given, of hi hall much be required*" • huh . OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 120 xii, 48.) We boast with reason of our superior orthodoxy, and close , in doctrine, to the Scriptures; and let us hear the warning voice of these — " And that servant which knew his Lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will shall bo beat en with many stripes/' — Luke, xii, -17. Brethren, there is a sad and fearful thought connected with this matter, and the hand trembles as the pen portrays it. This is a har- vest time, in the Cou federate States, for those who would enrich themselves on the necessities and distresses of the public ; but there is a kind of speculators who have not yet been properly classified. These are the spiritual guides who, would build up their worldly re- nown on the ruins of a confiding nation : men who trado in the car- nal passiona of an excited people, and whose gains are rusted with the blood of souls. When the vast majority of men, women and children in a great nation are earnestly laboring to prevent threatened destruction, the engrossers of the necessities of life occupy a most unenviable posi- tion 5 but what shall be thought of those who convert the bread of life into ] ■■' :•! delusions which steep the •Soul in drunkenness that leads to both temporal and spiritual destruction ? What honest in- terest of this. great and glorious, but bleeding and afflicted nation, is served by those who stand in the pulpijs to flatter the carnal in- stincts of their hearers 1 Who but the preachers can receive any possible benefit ? While millions arc toiling and sweating with practical aims, how disgusting is the spectacle presentedjjy those who have refused every post of danger both in the spiritual and temporal service, and who seek the reputation of heroes by hurling anathemas at the North- ern Tyrant and his bloody legions, from the secure asylum of inland Churches ! What a mockery are these idle exhibitions in this earnest and busy crisis ! What an awful trifling with infinite interests in this great day of decision ! These men lay aside the spiritual armor in the presence of the spiritual enemy, and would atone for^heir ignoble flight from him by assuming the weapons of the State, and furiously brandishing them, in the arena where carnal powers never come in conflict! Who and what ire these ? The world does not own them as the statesmen who plead, in its forums, the causes of nations: the scarred veterans of the tented field do not recognize them as the heroe> who I in the imminent deadly breach, and turn the battle to the gate: — and we know that their ways do not belong to Zion, upon 17 following the way of BaLmni, ih ting * heni- ■v' — : trees wl 1 up by tl • ■ uning out their nwn sh.iiiif \ wunderimg . y.r." ' ' ■. ii. # OP NATIONAL TRIALS. 131 • O H A. V T E R, \ . Speeicd Obligations. Duties of the Church, conth We have just .seen that the Church of the Confederate States i? solemnly called- on to preach, repentance \o the nation; and I brings us to its nest duty, which is to begin the work itself. The fcssons of the times are full ■ . ig interest to the chrif- • tian population of America: they clearly demonstrate that there i a necessity for a searching examination, oh the part of the vi i Church, into its own character and works. Would this dreadful conflict have heen permitted if all the nom- inal christians in the countries scourged by it, had heen engaged in the work of their Master ?* The nations now at war were under the influence of the religion, element : they were christian nations, and all the springs of national iife were under the control. of the visible Church. The spiri house-hold is, therefore, largely responsible for these calamities. First. Because if the whole, or any large part of it, had been animated with the spirit of its Head, there could not have been such ■i display of furious and deadly animosity. Secondly. Cod would not have permitted calamities in which u y of His people share, and which have so interfered with the ler order and work of the Church, if His professod followers had been using their vast opportunities in a' way to promote Hi? glory. DLY. The christian element of society has an instructed conscience, and ought to^ be well acquainted with the plan of God's dealings with His creatures ; and as it was thus its duty to warn the people of their dangers, au Btrength in numbers, learning wealth and position gave it a predominant influence, tho deplor: • of things proves that it could not have been true to this obli- ion. These propositions inevitably result from the application of the oripture already discussed to existing facts of An aor is the f the first weakened in the Confede- rate Stall consideration that the christians here were forced •_'ht in self-defence, by the a.: ij of the I A cruel war for waged ag: mcr country, by the latter— and as far as the desires of the men in- SCRIITI KAT, VIEWS ■ rulen • :' tl i "iiitod St thil tragic drama. il penmittod bj tl •■ Almighty Di And why iMitnil lot uttering on the defending parties? AJ ' — and tl l*s own assertion of the guilt of nil. that we a the continuance of this ace in th< of Heaven : this ,. conflict i a wa/ning to us, npt of our sin in begin- r whieh it has heeo-sent and ucd by the Almighty. the reasons already given, an important part of these offences at the do«r of the risible Church; and its duty to its own char- tuntry and to [uirea it to commence at once a solemn and searching inquisition into its present condition and sp*ir- ■ i into its past history. A - it has clearly appeared, the christian elemeat of society, in- ducted in the plans of Providence, must teach that the only way -••ape from the troubles of the Limes, is by the genera] and sin- cere repentance of the afflicted parties; but with what grace can the Church, without a change in itself, call for reformation in the na- tion? s (.hole public in America, has enjoyed, to some extent, the es of a sound religions instruction ; and perhaps a majority «rho are Out efthe pale of the nominal Israel are awaie of :iture of the VOW1 it has made to its Divine Head. The world always has a sharp vision for the faults of christians — this naturally i n < i u i.-i t i •. • disposition is rendered more active in Amerioa by the universal and rightfully founded impression that aroh is largely responsible for the present calamities. With what solemn emphasis do all these facts speak to the chris- tian poblio in the Confederate States! The Church knows it is commissioned to preach repentance to the nation — it knows that it monished te reform Ltfl own ways — and it ought to be well a. reproof of popular sin:- frill be unavailing as long as it pre- sents such glowing iuconsistciieir- between conduct and profession. Its own repentance is, in itself, an important element of national safety : and the reformation of people sorely scourged for sin, must greatly depend on ihis example of the visible house-hold of Rsith. Christian brethren of the Confederate States! let us look to our- I aud our own house : let us awake to the awful realities of our OP NATIONAL TRIALS. 'position, and humbly, penitently and prayerfully enquire wherein it is that we have offended. This is not the place to undertake any special enumeration of our sins as the visible Church ; bat I would respectfully offer suggestions to aid in an examination which, if properly conducted, cannot but lead to the most glorious results. 1. Every inhabitant of this afflicted land who bears the Dame of fist, ought to onter into a searching scrutiny of his past conduct and of his present position, as a member of the nominal Israel of God; and he ought to contrast his whole line of conduct with the standard of religious duty plainly revealed in the Divine charter of his faith. This work should be entered on with that sincerity and determin- ation which ought to characterize those who are hastening to an aw- ful account; and it should be eonducted with secret prayer, and per- severiugly continued. Every one ought to ask himself, -Aru I really what I profess to be" ? What evidence is there in my own heart that I love God more than the world? What do my actions prove ? What has been my ru- ling desire 1 how have I received the countless mercies of God in the past '■ Have I realized that I am not my own ? have I made any sacrifices for Christ ? has His cause been dear to me ? have T beep a stumbling block to His people or the world ? have I offended RAJ of His little ones? Could I ha've done more than I have done to arrest the course of members of my house-hold, .of servants, kindred or neighbors who have perished in their sins? Are there auy now in eternity or * on their way to its dread realities, without hope in Christ, who can con- it me at the judgement seat and show upon my skirts the blood If their souls ? Am I responsible for the prevalence of any vice ? have I done all 1 could to prevent the cold, or corrupt condition of my Church? Have I, as a citizen, been more influenced by party feeling, thin by zeal for the interests of the Church ? have I not shown to my family and the world that I value wealth, honor or carnal eujoyment moro than my heavenly inheritance ?- 2. They who fear the Lord should seek out«cach other, and speak iftea orte to another, of their Master's intcre- In this work, denominational prejudices should be forgotten ; and neighbors, friends and acquaintances should, with. >ect, coofeM their faults to each otfa r, oommune and pray t -gether, and encourage one another in the good work of reformat r i*. i- poi 'ither . . their prayei ber, and to at the afiaira of Ziou. "Again I b»> m That . | touching ar.y "h'. . • 11 be d in of Hi • -v. ithered v name, there ' i/h. xvii . that and the Lord heark- . '• iiis ' '':i.v y jewels 'in. d'the ■i I '".i ■ . nd him that 61 \ eth tliin •_ Mai. Hi, 10, 17, 18. Be will always fulfil il alati er and i Hi people perform their part of the conditioj , iduau * iharafl organ izai : imination and repent- I if aid pre&eh i series o( sornjoni ,n the b< fed in tl • res, I pointed I the condition of tbiBg! hi^ i : ; ::d the OJ the ChurOfa OUghl other a certed means for th [notion of that godly sorrow which works repentant is the first and ti portant busin tiding the attention of every worshiping . .- ..; it oai without a risk liurchjud «: Should, in their! official capacity, tremend ilitiea now resting en the aid grve I 6f their puhlio im delinquinoies and in favor tA every llCCle t'uno to manifest our repentance by our \. foi to-day, an we ought to b , wo convict our- in in . The rge a religious duty is when it is made obviOM ef the period are enhanced t>y those OP NATIONAL TRIALS. 135 public cohfessionB.which* tne Church is iriafcing 6f past and of its intention to me future and more fr vorable occasion. How' oft©] preached to sinners of the world text : "And* as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judg- ment to come, Felix trembled, i Go thy way for bime.j when I have'a convenient I will call for thee. lActs xxiv. 25.) Tt is God Himself who is now reasoning to His visible Clnirch of these things, while the whole continent quakes at the sound 6f His voice : shall we answer Him that His occasion docs not suit us, and bid Him go His way till we shall call for Him ? " "Wherefore, when I came, was there no man? when I called, wa* there none to answer ? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem ? or have I no power to deliver ?" — (Is. L. 2.) " Turn you at my reproof ; behold, I will pour out my 9 unto you. I will make known my words unto you. Because I have called, and you, refused ; I have stretched out ray hand, and no man regarded ; But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I, also, will laugh at your calamity : I will mock when your fear cometh ; When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind ; when distress and*anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer : all seek me early, but they shall not find me ; For they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord : They would none of my counsel : they despised all my reproof." — (Prov. i. 23-30.) " T l:eth the Lord of. hosts, saying, This people s»y, Th< time is not come, the time that the Lord's house should be built.... Now, therefore, thus Faith the Lord of hosts; cor rwnys. Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye cat, brf not enough ; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink ; ye clothe you, but there is none warm ; and he that earncth wages, carneth wages to put it into a bag with hoL Thus saith the Lord of hosts ; Cot -: Go up to the mountain, and bring \ hi u and I will take pleasure in it, and Twill be glorifi< ' Ye looked for much, and, lo, it tame to little ; and when FCIUPTCIIA me, T did blow upon it. Why I saith the Lord of -. ■':■■■ that i run ever ■ rth is st»-. fruit. • I for r\ d: apOU the moun- ine, :mi<1 ■ oil", that whicb tl forth, and ft] and rid upon all the labour of the hand " /''- i. 2,5— Hi) Tl rfpnn nfigleotad duties df which God's its remind us, is when \ iffering chasti-' and thai this is the only way to seoure thote better times to whi 1 adjourn our obligations. Ami now, in sonclusion of this Bubject, let us heed the apleuu import of the following words : • \ ity, and . Saying, If thou hadli known, i , at least in this thy day, thingc which belong unto thj ' at now they arc hid from • thine eyes. I" - •' . days shall OOrae upon thee, that thine enemies .-hall east ■ trench about thee, an - thee round, and keep thee in on every side, And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one BtOi 8 upon another; bfl thitu knewest m>t the time of thy visitation.'*- Ltlkt xix. 41-14. 6. The Chureb ought to manifest in all its manners and aetiona St, realizing and absorbing sense of the solemnity of the d of God's displeasure with itself • and in all its prayers and puhlie deliverances it i light to make confession of its sins, and v. it IS eoKseious there i- an aeeursed thing in the eaniji of Is- rlelj and its great anxiety to have it discovered and purged away at any expense oi pride, or of C J in injurious; habits. In this matter, every S60t should look for 00 Aehan in its own tribe, for it is not a time for family jars when the safety and the honor of the whole kindred are at stake ; and the Church of the Confederate States should show infinitely more concern for its own family than for that of othet nations. I' ry individual, every congregation, every denomination and the whole bodj of Christians in the Confederate States, should search at home fqr offeliees ; and the gully >val of pel sons and communities should turn its energies in these directions where alone it can ex hort to edification, and rebuke with all authority. OP NATIONAL TRIALS. 137 Let us all, christian brethren, strive to sec ourselves as others see us, as we are beheld by Him who is of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on iniquity ; let us all look on Him whom we have pierced, and mourn, and be in bitterness for Him, as those who are in bitterness for their first born. Let there be a great mourning in all Jerusalem ; and let its sin- cerity aud universality be demonstrated by the personal grief of ev- ery man and woman, each tribe, eaeh family and each individual im turning apart. When this is done, the Lord will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall not be remembered ; and " them will the Lord be jealous for His land a»d pity His people," and He will .** remove far off the northern army," and we u shall eat in plenty, and he satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord our Goil that hath dealt wondrously with us." — (Zech. xii. Joel'ri.') Then shall " the Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be-a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest. Then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness in the ii uiti'ul field. And the work of righteousness shall be peace ; and the effect of rigkteousness, quietness and assurance forever." — (Is. xxxii. 15-17.) 18 <• n a i- i f. ":•'■ SI. fherc ht( . ibt| many tru.> chri the Chanel federate States of America ; ami to each one of these who r ; ial appeal is UOW :i I In your hand", dear brethren, (Jod baa plaood the means of your iverance: upon your action, more than upon any other iled agency, depends the issue of that struggle which aba attention of the civilized world God has irreatly honored II i- ]■• ople in mating them co-worker4 with and under TTim : they have, through Chri-?, the power to bring lown ble8&ingfl <>n their land, and to cause M the wilderness -;litary place to be glad for them.'1 Wherever there is a christian heart, full of the Spirit of the Mas* ... .ne of the nation's bulwarks ; and when such are sc.it- l among the people, and preserve and manifest, the' true savor of heir calling, there is hope for the country, however severe its trials. Hat you, dear brethren, may err in what yon omit to do, as well I what you do ; and if you fail in declaring the whole counsel cf God, you will share largely in the temporal afflictions of your generation. Tt was not those who merely abstained from the pollutions of the times that were marked upon the forehead by the man clothed in linen, with a writer's ink-horn by his side ; but the exemption from the slaughter denounced upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem was ex- tended only to those that sighed and cried for all the abominations that were done in the midst of the city. — {Ezek. ix.) Permit me then, respectfully ami kindly, but with earnest and solemn emphasis to urge you to consider what has been said to the whole nominal Church ; and allow me, also, to assure you that if you will faithfully pursue the course plainly marked out for you in the Divine Charter of your faith, a bright and glorious day will succeed this night of storm. Each one of you, whatever your station or influence, is called on to testify to the sovereignty and jastiee of God, and to the sins of the people : e\cb is required to afflict his soul and to be in bitter- OB NATIONAL TRIALS'. " 139 ness for his own" offenses, and for the offences of his nation, and to exert himself to arrest the course of evil. You very well know tkttt the calamities of the nation are sent of God ; and you know, also,- that, the result of these trials will glorify their Author. His designs cannot be tkwcYte'd-'-neitker His word nor His judg- ments shall return to Him void, or fail to accomplish that whereto they. are sent. • If the nation amend its ways, its calamities will he the healthful chastening of a son : .if it hardens its neck, it will be more sorely smitten, and will be ultimately healed or destroyed. It is time for us all to awake to a full and practical apprehension of this great truth : we are in the midst of stern and awful realities, in the midst of one of these formative epochs, when the whole cur- rent of history depends on the action- of a day. It is a time of conflict in the spiritual, as well as in the natural world : the elements of principles always hostile are now mustered for decisive battle, and while our brethren after the flesh are doing their part so nobly, shall it be said that they failed for the want of our cooperation ? The banners of the enemy whom we are leagued to encounter, now flaunt before us; every man is now called to assume his station for or against the cause, and there can be no neutrals in this con- test. God Himself is calling the muster rolls of His nominal fol- lowers ; and every one who does not respond by taking his place in line of battle, with his spiritual armor on, will be counted as a de- serter from his flag, or a traitor to his cause. If we fail to meet this crisis with the right spirit, the hopes of a gallant people will perish, our own dearest earthly interest,, will hasten to irretrievable ruin, and the future annals of the Church will associate our names with those who fall miserably below great occasions, or who betray tbeir trust in the day of decision. Upon us is devolved a responsibility which we cannot lay aside if we meet it as we ought, our reward will be glorious—if we neg lect our part, we will write ourselves ignoble for all coming tjm*. And now that we may, one and all, the better perform our several tasks, I venture to offer a few suggestions in regard to tho special obligations of every christian. First. No one \a to wait until the Church, in its organized capacity, leads the way in the work of reformation. The Church is not a corporation, responsible to its Head only in Itfl collective capacity ; nor is Christianity a result of associated la. 1 1" x-RJiTLRAL TOWS . an attribute belonging onlj to men, in their collective capacity, together under particular forms. Religion i- vital pri i \ imi, in the soul of the individual ; and all v. animated ;irv in spiritual eommunion with each Other and with the Divine source of their life. The visible Church merely represents this union ; hut in t li » psnj c>f professed beli earth, there may he, and always an many who are not in communion with God. The soul of the true disciple is united to Christ by Hying joint> Uld bands: but there is no such union between a temporil organ- ization of men calliug themselves the Church, and the Divine Power The Church, in its worldly form, often becomes corrupt; and re- fotmi seldom, if ever, spring from the actions of its judicatories.* There is ever a tendency in frail, human nature to attribute to temporal organizations the power which belongs to God alone; and however pure a Church may be in doctrine, a long state of prosper- ity is sure to imbed its government in forms and technicalities which practically deny the power of godliness. Machinery becomes every thing, especially to those who chiefly control it; aud we have not to go far to find Church judicatories who have hedged in themselves and the energies of the bodies they represent by traditions which make the commandment of God of none effect. To such mechanics, the manner of doing a thing is of infinitely more importance than the thing itself — and with them the whole life of the Church is preserved, diffused and transmitted through a tech- aieal routine that becomes daily more intricate, complex and cum- brous To be experts in thi.- Talmudieal profound, and to add to Ltfl depth and opacity, are taken as signs of a promising ruler ; and if the life of the Church really depended on these official tinkering?, it would lie confined to such narrow and crooked channels that it could never accomplish any really useful purpose. Bnt whatever is commanded to the whole Church, is enjoined on aabb individual member ; and while no one is to usurp places in the risible household of faith, each is to labor, in his position, aud by all his means, for the results which are commanded to believers as a body. The Church must have a government — and in this organization special parts are allotted to particular classes ; but the grand duty of the christian, as such, belongs to every individual in every situation. When, therefore, any one feels that God is calling for repentance. he is not to wait for the action of the judicatory of his church ; and or NATIONAL TRIALS. 141 be.-ides, repentance is indiviJuaf, and not collective, ami is a sacri- fice which cannot be offered by any body of men in their official or organized capacity. And let no one fear the charge of being an ambitious disturber of the peace of the Church — for the marks of a true reformer are such that they cannot be mistaken. It is an unfavorable sign when those who profess to be called as reformers begin by separating themselves, assuming new names, and aiming at the honor of founding sects called by their own names; while the true champion of the honor of God seeks not to found or control parties but to infuse, if possible, a new and purer life into that to which he belongs. His first effort will be to see this conformed in action to the stand- ard of its orthodox profession ; and not until he sees its principles in conflict with the doctrine of God, or its action in fixed and pur- posed opposition to his truth, will he forsake it for other connections. Every one belonging to tfee spiritual household is required to walk according to the principles which he professes, whatever other* may do — to shine as a light in the world, to hold forth the word of life to others, to mourn over his own sins, and to see and sigh for toe sins of his brethren of every class and in every position. He is . called on, also, to testify for the whole truth of God : to be^instant and earnest in efforts to warn the world of its danger, and to point his fellow men to the only hope of safety. Secondly. No one is to wait for a leader. Christ is the leader of His people, aud they are to call no other Lord or Master ; and there, is no better sign of a dead or dying Church organization than the fact that all its movements are con- trolled by a few notable preachers. The more there is said of Paul and Appolos, the less there is thought of Chri>t. Thus saith the Lord : " Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and inaketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not sec when good cometh ; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wil- derness, j'u a salt land and not inhabited. Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lordj and whose hope the Lord is For he ohall be as a tree planted by the waters, and thai spreadetb oat her root! bj the river, and shall not Be* when In at oometh, but her leaf shall be green ; and shall net be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit." — Jrr. sviij 5-8. MS? SCRIPTURAL VIF.wa ron man irhoM breath u i:i kit noetriu; for vherem unted of ?"--Ar;/.;/j ii, 82. ( )ur \ ' . ! Ii - Word and Hij • ar< our glides, oinl when lie calls us to a Work \* i< I until it is honored by the load of those win are striving t '■ t Wet the Light and bead of the Chur«h. .:<• to be subj'' brethren in many filings, and I OB us places in the Obarob, or forms of labor fur which wo hare regularly set apart, Eoenrding to its gOT «• ' • t'i try to smother the convictions of hisoctaseicnoe, or :"in«e a work to whi alls h.iui merely b< not . sanctioned by thoM who may be considered mon I in in knowledge, or illustrious for eloquence tr position. TiliUDLV. A man''-' inil.i nod with (rod, so to speak, and his res- p inability are two different things. The latter may and does in paxt depend on his learning and position — the former does hot rnity will bring to light many things whioh would now eeum •trauge to us ; and among these will be tho relative importance the work of Christ of the different members of His visible body on It will be found that not a few who hore seemed to be pil- lars of the Church, and who spoke with excellency of speech and enticing words of man's wisdom v. ore builders with wood, hay and stubblo — aud that some trhb pa Bed their livos in obicurity, or were of no reputation among the brethren, laid upon tho foundation of God the gold, silver and precious stones whioh stand the test of that .all prove every man's work of what sort it is. Famous ija and writer- will tuffi r 1< M -in thte-consuming of all the shining h with which they built monuments to their glory in time ; and little ' " appealed here as babes in Christ, or passed their mn- honored lives in the patient, sufferance of faith shall be identified with the most illustrious works. God Beee ami judges differently from men : He beholds the inner life, and Bis saints are great or .mall before Him according to the mblanee ol their hearts to Obrbt. "The foundation of God : re, having this sea!, The Lord knoweth them that are His"— II Tim. ii, 19. All remember what Christ said of the poor widow who cast two mites into the treasury of God ; those who, like her, give all they hav rvice of the Master, with a willing mind, and in the fuith that the virtue of all means depends wholly on His hlossing,are thegrea' the Kingdom of Heaven. \ nati'ii may think itself much favored of God with great reli- . OP NATIONBL TKIALS. 143 gicras lights ; and it may 'be possible that at the time it looks on these as the principal part of its happiness and power, the mereh .- of Christ are flowing down through channels that are ignoble in the •sight of men. "Wherever there is a heart bearing the image of Christ, there is one of the springs of life to the state ; and every one of sucli, what- . - his or her position in the world, ha6 potter with God. through ijisr. nftip has united thorn to Himself by living joints and band*. Christ, in short, if* the source of all good to a fallen and rohellious world; and every converted descendent of Adam is a pari of the visible body of- this only Medium of Divine^blessings, and is encour- aged and commanded freely to ask in His name for things accord ii g to His will. Fourthly. It is the/aith of the christian that secures efficacy to his works; and all can labor in prayer at lea6t The fervent effectual prayer of the righteous man availcth much ; and every servant of Christ, whatever the circumstances of his tem- poral condition, can wrestle in spirit with God. We cannot estimate the importance to a community or country of •v single, faithful christian in the very obscurest walk of life ; and we know that God would have spared the most wicked cities on earth for the sake of ten righteous men. The truth is, the servants of Christ, as a general thing, effect more by their example than by their words ; and every one who acts up to the principles of the gos- pel, is a living epistle to the world, written by the hand of God Himself. Let the humble member of the Church remember this; and let him, when God's judgements are abroad in the land, manifest his sense of the solemn fact in careful and honest self-examination, in a prayerful survey of his past life, in the fasting and mourning of his wpirit for his own past offences, and for the offences of his people and in his profound and submissive anxiety to be led in the path of dutv. He can at all events indicate his convictions by his own re- pentance and humble and contrite walk before God ; and this con- stant attitude of fearful enquiry will be the most eloquent testimony whieh any can bear to the character of the Providence through which the nation is passing. Indeed, the first appeal which all christian! are to make to the conscience of the world is to be offered by their own example i their conduct is the test of the sincerity of their professions, and if their actions indicate a certain apprehension of God's displeasure for iin their words of warning to others will come with power, while if 144 scarrTCRAL vrrws. their i-..ur- displays no consciousness of offence and no fear of an P itj coming in the clouds of Heaven, the most eloqr. :it rebukes ami exhortations will amount bo Jittle. The continual sound of Noah's hammer on the ark was the .idencc he could famish to hit eotemporarics of his convicti I id's coming judgements; and the daily and penitential confession . of his own sins ii the most eloquent and effeetive manner in whi the christian can manifest hi TTis people. FIFTHLY. The example of the great hody of the nominal Church i- no excuse to any true disciple of Christ for failing to do what he feels to "he the duty id' all ; much less, therefore, will his neglect be justified hy the eccentric conduct of a few individual**. Whatever is commanded to the whole Church, i^ the special dut\ ich member ; and the fact that a portion of the professing chris- tian community walk in a way unworthy of their calling only ren- ders it the more important that others should he more diligent and faithful.. The Church of Christ, as already said, is not a corporation, acting ouly in its aggregate charactei each individual is a rcsponsihle agent, and each is held to as striet an accountability a> if ho consti- tuted the whole christian element of society. Where there are ral communicants, organized into a Church, there is a subor- dination of parts, and to each is a special department of lahor; hut each one is interested in the fidelity of every other ; and every one must aid, in his place, iu the duties of the whole. The grand duty to testify repentance towards God, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is enjoined on every disciple ; and as already I, whatever is commanded as the work of the whole Church is a responsibility resting on its component parts. Are you ready to ask, " Bow are wo to know that (rod is celling us to repentance ?" The answer is plain : it is found in the doctrines of Scripture al- discussed, applied to the circumstances of our beloved coun- try.^ We ;ire in trouble : God Bends it On us. We are scourged with a wasting and grievous war : it \# Divinely permitted. The whole nation sufi*«rs, and the Almighty Disposer allows these ealamities : art; we not, therefore, sinners? We desire to be let alone, and yet we are persecuted with undy- ..1' NATIONAL TRIALS 145 • ing tualicrc : we long for peace, and pray for it, but it does not col Is tlv solemn lesson to us in all this ? Is not the voice of God sounding in our cars ? We have, Moses and the prophcts'for our teachers: we have the [e testimony of God, and all the history .of the past for interpre- ters of the severe Providences through which we are passing, aud If : .re not enlightened by these we would refuse to believe if one were to arise from the dead. _ ■ We walk in the light of the nineteenth century of christian pro- gress, and all the ends of the world are met before us in solemn tes- timony; and from all the records of the past, from the dreadful re- alities of the present, and from every part of His infallible Word the v dee of Jehovah sounds perpetually in our ears, " Turn ye, turn ye, for w by will ye die?" Oh christian brethren, let us not sleep as do those who are of the night: let us banish from our minds every seducing thought, and turn our whole souls in honest and earnest enquiry to the only source of Light and Life. Lcl •• '■ ' Ives, if we would not be judged and condemned by oihu.-, let us compare our conduct and attitude with the teach- ings of that Truth which we profess to honor. Let us ask ourselves, are we in the appointed way of the Divine blessing ? and let us an- swer this question by a faithful application of Scripture to our ac- tions, an '. to the condition of our hearts. "We have no right to say we are not largely responsible for these troubles : no on" of us can dare to approach the mercy seat with such a claim. Every afflicted inhabitant of a smitten land bears part of the bur- • f its guilt ; and of all others, the true christian should be most ready to confess his part of the blame attaching to every class. It does not become him, in his words or thoughts, to claim ex- emption from the sine which have brought judgement upon the na- tion ; and while it is his duty and privilege to exhort and rebuke others, hi GrsJ co ild be to discover and repent of his own sins. Let me again ask, what is our attitude before Heaven '( Are we humble ? .. We know if we are not, that our h< arts are not right within us. " If I shut up I bal there be DO rain, or if I command the locusts to devour tl ] end pestilence among the ] If my people, which arc called by my name, shall humble thein- -elves, and pray, tad seek my face; and turn from their wicked 19 140 UPTURAL vnw- wmya; th.-n will I hear from heayen, and will forgiva their sin, and Will heal their land."—// Chmn. vii, 18, 14. M Behold, his soul W„Y/, is lifted up, is not upright in him : but the just shall live by his faith "—//,///. ii, 4. " Humble yovraalvta in the right of the Lord, and he shall ]it'( I hi ."■ — Jamu* iv, 10. Tl.v fear offM Lord urth« [aatf-aetia* af. ■wisdom; and before hr. mil-ity.* ' — /Vor. xv, S3. « Be otafced with humility : for M reaiatath the proud,and giv- •^th grao* tx> the humble. i^nn hie yourselves, therefore, under tbe toighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time."—/ PeUr v, o, 6. " Though the Lord he high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly ; but tbc proud he lenoweth afar off."— A exxxviii, G. * Poi thus saith the high and lofty One that inhahiteth eternity. whose name ,'s Holy; T dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that, is of a oontrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of i.umble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." — fsaia/i,- iviii, 15. P Thus saith. the Lord, The heaven lj my throne, and the earth i* footstool : where it the house that ye build unto me P and where fa the plaee of my rest f For all those thin yeceivc calamities : this is the frame of mind with which we are to make our own confessions, and to entreat and rebuke our fellow men. We must not only mourn over our own offences, but wo must lose ji<» opportunity for declaring the counsel of God ; and we are to go forward without delay, and without waiting for any one to lead, in the path that we know to be the one of safety and of peace. " To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is ■■■«" (Jame* iv. 17-); an(^ *nuH ^ ls a miserable derusion in us to ■WPP 0t0 that we shall escape merely because we abstain from what ■we know to be sins in other*. We sin, also, if we do not warn them of the consequences of their actions ; and we are especially liable to condemnation if we refuse to try tu lead in the direction we know the Church ought tc go. Of >.ATiONAV TB£AffiB> *»< C M A P X K \R A* 1 I • ti^cet'oi obligations.— Duties of Individual Christians, Mrtim^J,, It is impossible for any christian to consider too seriously the last quotation of the previous chapter. It is the very message which I would now impress on the minds of all my. brethren in the Confed- erate States ; it is full of solemn meaning to that very class who would vainly claim exemption from the calamities of the times on the ground that they do not approve of the conduct of affairs in the religious world. There are many individual christians, whose consciences are en- lightened as to the course which the Church ought to pursue, but who believe they are too modest to thrust themselves forward as leaders ; and thus they occupy the attitude of men who see their fellows about to plunge over a precipice, and who will not warn them of their danger. Is modesty or pride the prevailing motive for silence in such cases? or is it not love of ease, and fear of trouble? We have seen that no one, convinced of his duty, is to wait for the action of Church judicatories, or of the great body of professing believers, or for a leader, in flesh and blood ; but perhaps it is prop- . er to add a few considerations for the correction of an error whicb has taken strong hold of the popular mind. In every denomination of christians, there is a body for the de- cision of matters connected with the Government of the Church ; and whatever be the name of thesG assemblies, they are courts, in- vested with certain powers, and claiming the respect of all the mem- bers of the denomination which they represent. It has become a habit to regard these judicatories is the eyes of the Church, and the power by which, under God, the cause of the Gospel is to be chiefly promoted ; and never was there a greater mistake, or one more likely to paralyze the energies of the Church. These bodies are all invested with certain powers which it is deem- ed important to lodge in the hands of appointed agents ; but wher- ever there is power in human hands, there is a tendonoy to corrup- tion. Besides, these associations are, to a great extent, occupied with the mere butt the Church; and it is notorious that their rue; 'ran nt f ime. . . rcr.- .Hties of the oeniinuoil or : :uk1 it u not to b< thing 4' ' am. They furnish I :;l»lc families avail ti. ■ a which Le I torch to carnal In It i> Iwell 00 this ] niiiful subject : suffice it I and which ll-being ial ble, in the ver . . in their rk ci the Church. ant in many things, and espec . tasters ; 1 the duty as well • privih istian to join the Church, and to act in coxn- with God. " ' . ; tely ml to the serv' on th : and tl ■ :' ' bor for different el nm- I Ihurob ti reh: as one of a Large ■ icietyofpi disciples are himself i1:'1 risible Church : (Jr 1 " ilitj td his Dm in the fact that others arc joined with him in the risible body sf 01 il bourn" himself with the s :• ho'l anion < f the world ■ the purity and fidelity Bf And, therefore, the delinqul re in the Ohuroh, and of its judioat iri< . : re not only no exoui 3 for the private member, but they lay him und r obligation to work and strive and pray or NATIONAL THIALS. r the glory of his Divine Efead : in short, the progress of evil in the Church, ifa well as out of it, is a call on every christian, with an instrtuctcd conscience, to greater zeal, vigilance and devotion. Now ft n g I li'ne to rectff to these first principles; and tor- baps t he i ■ rt*glefct is one cause of the present tri in ally christian pi : ftle world, has for ;. ' been departing in practice farther and farther from entnl truths ; aud ' ■ ■ r and capital so important in w rldly matters, the followers moro.and ■more diapoBed to consider the Church as a corporation, acting and Responsible only in its aggregate capacity, words but a. piece of mechanism, only useful i whole, and the com] vhiob were of no value when de t ached. : a Mnni-inlidel writer t ikes * notice of this fatal delusion of ■ mpt to affect, ttie hearts of men Jay mere i ehiuery ; and the more we study this subject in. the light of Truth, the nii.'ie reason !: snrpViaed at the long forbearance of G-od v.ith the maiwier in which His people were evading the respou- ".ity with which He had invested them, and disregarding His repeated and pointed commands. But [lis righteous rebuke has at last fallen upon a portion of His servant. iey would avoid severer chastisements, they should instan it aud do their first works over. - calling on the Church ._, to turn from its errors — but He is, also, with awful emphasis, proclaiming His displeasure to every individual. We are uot suffering merely as members of the Church ; the scourge reaches us in all our relation", and it is the man and the christian to whom Jehovah 'now emphatically ap- peals. Every one who names the name of Christ is called on to de- part from iniquity ; the axe is laid at the root of the trees, and all i h do not bear good fruit will b xn and oast into the fire. Eve -ailed on I count is in rel'ati manner in which ' intly suffered the errors and offer:' Church. If the honor of Goi n to ohristiai y against the sina of the worid, hov <■ obligate • to wai who profane the holy • oa fchui subject that every one is re«iuired to answer. It u no time top t ho ion r oi ei i,-:.!;- i tri 6 G-od ii ry? * Caulylk. — See hi 150 - biptubal raws Jeremiah, s man of most tender spirit, ww madl t oauei of strife u whole nation. — Jen xv 10) — K/.ukiel was commended to cry and howl< — L'zk.xxl. L2, — end Amos was taken from a lowly pursuit, end contrary to hi^ own wishes, to be a prophet. — (.inn* i. 1 and vii 14.) .1 tina.li, in ati< id the disagreeable miss Tying in the streets of Nineveh, and of proclaiming its destruction, was ;akeii in his flight by the judgment of God, and severely pun • ished : end Moeee who did and suffered so much, who Wae snob m mighty instrumentality in the hands of God, was exceedingly averse to hi^ task, and was, by his own inspired testimony, the meekest men in all the earth. — (JVstai xii. 3.) When God reveals a duty to the conscience cf any one, the per- 8on BO informed cannot avoid what is commanded without danger to himself and to his household ; end the very fact that he knows what ought to be done is conclusive evidence that he is oalled to try to gee to its accomplishment. Christ himself tells us that he came not itablish peace, but a BWOfd on earth ; that he came to kindlo a . and that his followers must not be deterred from duty by the persecutions pf the visible Church, nor by the opposition and en- mity of their own households The prospect of strife in the nearest and dearest relations of life, was not to deter any one from a faith- ful obedience to the Master's commands • and these teachings should eoine home to the conscience of the christian with more power than at former periods. lie is always in danger when he refuses to see aud obey them ; but now his true position is revealed with terrible distinctness. All bis dearest temporal interests are at stake : the fate of a great and bed nation is trembling in the balance. Every day he is reminded of bin duty by the cries of thousands made desolate by the dreadful issues of battle : every' hour his - are overwhelmed with awful evidences of the call of God lii iii His bleeding countrymen turn their yearning eyes to now he will answer Jehovah's appeals; and tho whole land and trembles while Ghod pleads the conditions of His cove- hear christian, wherever and whoever you are, arise from your fatal lethargy — behold the fearful realities which surround 'you. oome out from your retirement of ease, and for yourself, your kindred and your country, take hold of those mercies which are as u sure as the heavens' established course." OF NATIONAL TtllALS. 151 'CHAPTER VIII. Special obligation*, continued. — Duties oj the whole population. People of tlio Confederate States of America ; I now address my- •self to all of you, of every class and profession. God has cast our lot in a glorious land : we have for inheritance a country containing more natural resources than any other, under the sun. Above all this is a land of brave men and of virtuous women ; ;; land chiefly endeared to us for the sake of a society which has blos- somed with displays of the higher attributes of man. Until very recently the whole face of this society presented a scene of soft repose, of peace, security and comfort without a paral- lel in the history of the world ; but what is our condition now ? We are begirt with fire on every side : the atmosphere is heavy with the smoke of battle, and hordes of ruthless plunderers are en- camped on many of our fairest provinces. The whole horizon is lighted up with the red glare of war, and every family and every individual is made to feel that God has laid a chastening hand upon the nation. We are indeed profoundly tried; and only those who are mad with that wild delirium of fa- naticism which now has its proper home among our enemies can lift up their heads before the Almighty, and deny that He has laid a scourge upon us. Your first impulses in this matter were correct i the glorious Giver of our blessings is angry with us, and He is, with awful em- phasis, calling us to repentance for past offences He has seen an accursed thing among us ; and He will refuse to settle us peaceably and securely in this delightful land until we have put away our abominations. This was the instinctive feeling of us all when the clouds began to darken in our horizon ; and this universal sentiment was a mer- ciful admonition from Him who now rides upon the whirlwind ami directs the storm. It was, therefore, our duty to go forward at once to the moral work required, without waiting for the whole Church to lead: to meet the machinations of the Wicked One u Wt met the first move ment of our human assailants, by n spontaneous and a general rally in the direction of danger. SCnil'TlDAI. VHWI I . . , to -ins, . be. hful in:- . Id the ■ I it in tl u ■ '' ■' I ■ . ' >p mid f ttle. the word . tiled to repentai ■ I f the nineteenth century of christian ] and from our infancy we have enjoyed. the instruction of riob in all the learning of the past. n the cntirb Church : wo the wholi I, epeakifl ] own lang which we all can understand. All the inspired prophets, bistori ntles are our I 0 ; Hii self | by ' pture* of Truths is'mr loader, a; • is He who eallfl to as and to (he fJhurch alike to amend our v, "Surely the Lord Gi»d will do n' -. ■■■■;: B unto His servant- the prophets," ! not iii 7 :) Hil infallible Word will rc.'.ch \is all tin; ;ard to tlio dispensations of His Providence which it is proper fof men bo know. It baa made the way of His judgments exceedingly plain ; ami no with a BiUfl in his hand, and v'lieh he is alio to read, can for a, n in.d«ubt as* to the* origin and uses of nation ions and'Ti -ait in natural i dm nee more ine^ ! than t li • D : '■■'"' IB th«-rc . proposi- atary mat! in J gard to whioh God enun< d which all biafc)*) proves, namely : aess exalteth a nation : but sin is a reproael ■■■ . XIV. 8 1 I . ad certain arc all the teachings oi that infallible I in this work; and there is no'difficulty anywhere in the u;. . rd to uGU but in ourselves. linighty, and ile is perfectly holy; and the whole crea- tion is subject mediate, special and eternal control. If then Hi.- \ wlinite and His justice perfect, why do wc .-alter '( I- it ibvious t! ■ •■ been and are offenders? If this be BO; will we hesitate to turn from our errors? OP NATIONAL TRIALS. 153 If we are, as a nation,.obedient to the commands of Jehovah, who can harm us ? If God be for us, who can be against us ? Can the wrath of man thwart the justice of Omnipotence 1 Can the elements of nature resist the will of Him who created all things by the word of His power ? Can hell and earth combined mar the plans of Him who has determined the bounds of all animate and inanimate agencies ? Suppose our creature foes do rage and imagine a vain thing : can they injure those whom Jehovah would hide under the covert of His wings ? What has been the invariable result when God has arisen, in the past, to save the meek of the earth ? What is the testimony of the Psalmist? " The stout-hearted are spoiled, they have slept their sleep : and none of the men of might have found their hands. At thy rebuke, 0 God of Jacobs both the chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep. Thou, even thou, art to be feared : and who may stand in thy sight w' i ii mice thou art angry? Surely the wrath of man shall praise dice : the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain." — (Ps, lxxvi. 5-7, 10.) Such ever have been and ever will be the thoughts of all who see In their true light, the ways of Divine Providence — and such shall be our rejoicing if we will but heed lessons that are as plain as the sun in the Heavens. God is unchangeable : He is the same Being to-day that He was when the prophets spake His Word. He li\*es and reigns : He is at this moment governing, by His opposeless power, the whole creation that has sprung from His will. Every event that is now transpiring, from the motions of the myriads of shining worlds that revolve through the amplitude of space, to the actions of the smallest insect that crawls in the dust of the earth, is the subject of his special notice and care; and the great revolution in human affairs in which we are actors is as di rectly under His management as if it were the sole subject of His government. His eye is on us every moment : and in all the countless eventu- alties of this terrible upheaving there is not an incident, from the silent tear-drops of the poor and obscure widow, to the battle that shakes the continent and fills ten thousand breasts with anguish, but is watched and controlled by the Infinite Mind. He is able, ready, and willing to cause these troubles to end : and 20 154 -'•lm-rt-RAr, ViBWfl n ^ourselves- ,1(] tnke >ioM ., ~J*>f5b owi appointment, He will say tothe rtormy element*, •!• ....>.. ..m r ountrymen, will you not be beal "Come, and let us return unto the Lord i for Be b*fh torn; and fftwill heal us; He hath smitten, and He will bind u* ^ 6 have not to wait for . loader ; our BMes wifl Street 01 fa ' av ire should go. I. We must hembh ourselves under the mighty nand of God- : have fallen by our own iniquities. fc*, With continued and earnest prayer, seek for thc ■ it onf -alamities, in our past sins, an'd in the present condi- tion of our hearts ; and be ready to give ourselves freely to any re* formation demanded by the Wprd of God. 3. Wc must not dictate the mode and time « f our deliverance i wc must be ready to sacrifice all pride, all predilection, all rished Bins at the Divine Command. 4. We must repudiate all hope of gaining the favor'of Heaven by ;;iere work of our hands while our hearts are evil. The chosen Chief of the Nation, in the faithful exercise of Ml functions, calls on us, from time to time, to devote special days to fasting, humiliation and prayer ; but we totally misapprehend thv meaning und spirit of theee solemn appeals when wc suppose that we, ure cxpootod to humble ourselves only on the appointed days. These recommendations constitute all that can be done by the political head of the people, to direct in their spiritual exercises: they are intended to foster proper habits, and special days and spc «ial ucts are suggested that their public, universal, and solemn ob- ■STvanoe may have the more influence in fixing upon the minds of all. the great religious truths bearing on our condition. The high and juBt object of those calls is defeated when we un- dertake to conciliate Heaven by mere abstinence from food on stated OHi'riono ; and certainly, we act with supreme folly when we sup- pose that by refusing to eat for one day, we lay God. under obliga- tions. It is equally a perversion of these recommendations, to hum- ble, or try to humble ourselves on one day, and then to return with renewed energy to all our sinful ways : and all sach conduct is con- trary te the spirit of the President's proclamations, and an insult to that Holy God, whose intervention in our behalf we would secure. Wi cannot fast always in body — nor can we observe every day as one of public humiliation and social prayer ; but we ought to do what it is in the heart or our chief magistrate to see us engaged in, OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 155 to clothe our spirits in humility before God, to bear about in our hearts a continual sense of our unworthiness in the sight of Heaven, %nd to turn with persistent strivings from all our errors. The bodily fasting is intended to be a sign and promoter of in- ward grief for sin ; and the devotion of certain days to public mani- festations of repentance to impress forcibly on the public mind the necessity of a general reformation. It is expected by those who proclaim these fasts that they will be a meats of commencing a permanent work of good : that they will, in fact, but be a means to an end, and not the end itself. . There- fore, they who content themselves with a mere outward observance of the appointed days, have in reality added to their former sins — just as those who try to be religious on the sabbath, and are openly wicked on every other day, are the farthest off from the true king- derm of Heaven. 5. God says, " At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it: If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them." — (Jer. xviii. 7-8.) This truth is as certain as the existence of Him who spake it • and it affords a sure, unfailing hope to every afflicted people. There never was an exception to this rule since the world began, and there never will be while nations exist ; and God will begin to be merciful at the very instant that the nation turns from its evil way. * The almighty Sovereign is unchangeable ; and the rules of Hifl gracious dealings are as fixed as His own eternal existence. With Him is no variableness, neither shadow of turning; and the course of His judgments and mercies is established on the immova- ble foundations of His own being. All the attributes of His nature forbid that He should be angry, for a moment, with those who have placed themselves in the ap- pointed channel of His favor; He cannot do otherwise than heal all who take bold of His strength. In one direction, His look is fixed with an eternal smile — in an- ther He U always a consuming fire. But poor, erring mortals are very likely to stumble at the word ': instant " — for they ore apt to think that God will and must help them when they begin to wish He would. Let me admonish you, my countrymen, of the vanity of such 156 * scriptural ntwi hopes : permit inc earnestly to call your attention to a vital consid- eration in this matter. A people maj he for months and years cry- ing to Heaven without securing its aid ; and it U not hocau.se dtid I not hear, hut because they have not, in fact, turned in heart and action, from the errors which have brought down Ills displeasure. 1 1 . ;i r what lie Himself says of a people who thought they had af- flicted their souls before Him :• "I hearkened and heard, but they spake uoj aright. No man repented him of his wickedness, laying, What have I done ? every one turned to his course, as the bone rusheth into the battle. Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times ; and the turtle, and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming ; hut my people know not the judgment of the Lord. How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it ; the pen of the scribes is in vain. The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken : lo, they have rejected the word of the Lord ; and what wisdom is in them ? Therefore, will I give their wives to others, and their fields to them that shall inherit them : for every one from the least even unto the greatest is given to covetousness, from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely. For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace ; when there is no peace" — [Jer. viii. 0-11.) Here we are made plainly to understand, First, that God hears and hearkens, listens attentively when any one cries to Him, and never fails to mark the purport of his words and thoughts. Secondly, That words avail nothing, when the fixed purposes, tfie secret leanings of the heart, and their corresponding actions speak a different language. Thirdly, That the rule of God's judgments is as certain as the laws of Nature, and that they who are instructed by His word ought to be led as surely and as invariably by it to their own best inter- ests as irrational animals are carried, by infallible instinct, to ful- fil the law of their being. Fourthly, In every case of national calamity, the people suffer, because the law of God speaks in vain : it opens a plain way of safety, hut it is rejected by those who profess to- heed it. Fifthly, The hurt of the country will not be healed merely be- cause it cries for peace — and it will not be cured until there is a real reformation of the errors which caused it. This is eternal and immutable truth, whether we receive it or OF NATIONBL TRIALS. 157 not ; aud though we have prayed long and earnestly to God, He has not yet heard, in the thoughts of our hearts and the course of our actions, the petitions which He has sworn by Himself, shall secure His favor. Let me, then, implore you to heed the solemn lessons which our unavailing prayers teach us: let me remind you that every whisper has been heard, but that every secret instinct and every action have, also, been seen and marked. The simple but great fact is that God has not failed to hear, but we have not spoken aright ; and we are, therefore, the more im- pressively called on to look into our hearts, to ask for light, to pray first of all and most of all to be instructed as to our sins, and to be able to forsake them. This is a call made upon all : it sounds loudly from the scenes of carnage where the chivalry of our land lies in gory beds, it whispers to our hearts through the thousand trials and sorrows that invade every circle, and it speaks with a tongue of fire from the living Word to which we turn our hopes. Every fact of our situation admonishes us that we have not yet spoken to God aright ; and in such a case it is the plain dictate of reason to enquire what it is that we should do that we have not done, and what actions we should forsake. In this primary and ab- solutely essential work every one should engage : there is one word of instruction open to all, "one source of light and life accessible to high and low, to the ignorant and the learned. When God created the world, light was the first day's work ; and now, if we would save our country, let us pray for Divine guidance in the task. We have all approached the mercy seat with too much confidence in ourselves; we have not only come to the throne of grace without true repentance in our hearts, but we have never felt as we ought, our need of Divine direction. If we have undertaken to repent, it has been with the belief that we knew what it was that we had to turn from. We have not asked the Divine aid in selecting sins vor sacrifice : we havk qom into our folds, and taken what we could best afford t(i m'are.' Professing to know that Jehovah has called on ua for a burnt of- fering, we have not sought his directions aS" to the victims : but we ourselves have chosen such as we thought would be bleating, I burnt offering to God, and when men so act they are sure to flatter themselves that Heaven is best satisfied with what they can most easily give. 158 SCRIPTURAL \ IEWS. IIcnre,c(irh one has taken the tin he it least imRnedto or fccl.< least Interest in, and has lashed it and branded it irith great parol' before G'oJ and man ; and rack one has hidden at— jf M Ml hrart and ur position ; and whether «re are willing to receive it or not, it still remains and will enter a- a 'rons (lenient into the balances which weigh our national char- acter. And it must be remembered that no individual can say that he has been true in his allegiance to Divine Truth if he has not made any effort to restrain others from treason : for every one is called on tr» see the law obeyed, and to tolerate its infraction is to be a party to it. Laws, or at all events, their execution, will generally be but the outward reflection of the inward character of the people; and if this is so of civil Government, it will certainly be true of social manners and customs. The people of the Confederate States thus occupy, by their own choice, a high but fearfully responsible position ; they have,in their political capacity, chosen the Word of God for their judgc,and they must stand or fall by its decisions. Those who feel a license to sin in all' other respects because they have selected God as their arbiter in one particular, mock the high and holy Majesty of Heaven ; while it is equally impious to excuse the evil practices of society because the theory of its organization is in accordance with the teachings of Divine Truth. Every one of us is called on to examine his past conduct and his present course, as a citizen and as a man, by the whole revealed will of God — and, also, to exert himself to see that the conduct ef others conforms to the same standard. We have voluntarily elevated the Scriptures in judgement over us: in how many respects do we, as individuals and as a nation, dis- regard their injunctions and their warning! We cannot continue to do so and expect prosperity ; the ' very charter of our hopes denounces such expectations as supreme and wicked folly. Let me then speak to my countrymen in the language of Moses when he made an end of speaking all the words concerning the prin- ciplea mad facts of the Divine Economy towards nations which God inspired him to teach the Israelites in a song that they might not forget them : " Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, ' (to wit, the whole revealed of God — ) " which ye shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this law. For it is not a vain thing for you : because it is your life. "-Deut. xxxii, 46, 47. i OF NATIONAL TRIALS^ 161 By building our national System on the Divine Word as the high- est political as well as moral authority, we have avouched the Lord to be our God, and promised by our conduct to walk in His ways, and to keep His statutes, and His commandments, and His judge- ments, and to hearken unto His voice : if we do so He will make us high above all nations in praise, in name and in honor, but if we do not, then shall fall upon us the fearful curses denounced in our cov- enant of life. 7. When is the time to turn from theoffences for which the na- tion is chastised ? Now, right now, is the proper time. There can be no better opportunity : possibly no other occasion will ever be offered. . « We trifle with God when we promise future reformation ; we im- peach His character when we contend that when He corrects us He places us in such circumstances that we cannot amend our ways. We are indeed in the midst of terrible events ; but can any exi- " gency in human affairs suspend the Government of God, or elevate any duty above the obligation to serve and obey Him ? W.e riftnn hear the remark that when the war is over and better times Luv«j come, we will, as men and as christians, as a Church and as a people, give ourselves to needed reforms ; and no doubt there is a general promise, in the popular heart, to see to various moral im- provements when once we have gained our national independence. Friends, countrymen, it is fearful to scrutinize this attitude in its true light before a Holy God : if we really knew it, the language which it utters impugns the wisdom and righteousness of God, ele- vates the necessities and will of the creature above the Providences of the creator, and is in fact one of our greatest sins. When God, by His judgments, says now is the time to repent, we reply that the occasion does not suit,for we have more important work on hand : and when He says, "Do this and you shall live and pros- per," we answer that we will first secure our life and prosperity and then attend to His injunction. He says, " Repent and you shall have^my favor :" we reply, — " grant us thy forgiveness and we will repent." He commands us to bring forth fruits meet for rcpentance,to show that we are in earnest by our works : we claim to have become sorry for our sins, but insist that we cannot reform our errors until tl" Almighty has ceased to plague us for them ! "^ Is not this the true interpretation of all our promises of future reformation ? . And is it not in it«elf a sufficient cause for the continuance ol our trials? / 1 61 tlTUBAL VTIEWfl Tt m... D v.rN ? Beaid -. I: *, woaW but rchVt, «rC Would plainly see that If «rc .Till B • turn from our offences while adversity brings then, * mine], will WC be likelj f« do it when prosperity hashardencd on- OUV e, ;,re novr „ ,ro favorahl I - forma than they will probably nrer be again : |deed,no people ever had bettor opportn- titles for modeling the whole machinery of Society according to the • of Divine Truth, our ybiihg" Ktpublkhjs been born of the convulsions pcoat by a question which its founders refer wholly to the teach ing H ily Scriptare as the only binding authority ; and thus the stal solemnly pledged t* »ec-r:pt the who].. \Vord of God a* it.- ml, tt off from intercourse with all foreign influences ; au«l '• :- oan we legislate or labor in Society with such perfect )I I - ■•-m the out side pretsure i r.erted on all the Stat- ;ld* " i any temporal power cart1 • r-" • are fcr by-no treaties or commercial regulat W I i " • s by no •"■ ' : »ign courts, and are free I Che ti of foreign though* penetrating the national heart and •• i ••■!♦' periodical! and the intei- oeurBC of trade. The great tragedy in which we ttrG acting has stimulated the no- tloiK'l ujiud to unwontod energy, and prepared it to take earnest and jraoth ! hold of great and salutary truths: sectarian, party and jtot ml barriers are borne down by the pressure of the grand event* mi the times, and there is less internal strife in the nation than ther< awol kbly cvet will be agftin lb our history as a free and indepen- ople The fierce, incendiary assaults upon our city, has, as it were. IffOUght all the inhabitants together, high and low, bond and free 4 Jsa one house: all former prejudices are now forgotten, and every wuud is exorcLsod with the ono mastering thought for the common imfcty. If we canuot now make our laws, our literature.* our course of Sawtice, our educational systems, our social institutions and habitf? ti«d our religious exertions reflect more purely the spirit of the Gos- tpel, then we never can by the mere aid ol opportunities: and it if Came for erery one to wake up to this solemn truth. Minister of the Gospel, statesman, writer, teacher, citiaen of the (Mount ry, whoever you are that intend to exert Jyourgelf in a good OP NATIONAL TRIALS. I6& work to put your country right before God, now, now:, now, is the time for you to act: this Is God's time and, therefore, tho best that- will over agaiu occur. It is not only unsafe to delay, it is sinful : this is the day, this the hour when every one who intends to servo God in tho promotion of reforms in society, is called by the voice of IIeaven> and by tit wail of a bleeding nation to come forward to tho work. Now is the time to preach 'he glorious gospel to full audiences ot earnest men and women who come together to hear what God SSj'ft/ and not the discussions of jarring sectaries ; now is the time to wrifc< good books which all will read who can lay their hand* upon thcrcu now is the time by systems of schools, common as the dows of Hoai- en, to prepare against popular ignorance, vice and beggary, now r^ the time to banish inQdel literature from the schools, to expunge unjust laws from the statute book, to denounce oppression and rob-.' bery, to hunt up and expose moral abuses, to apply the bufe to ©t- ery sore of society. And now, my dear countrymcu, will you go forward iu the D»tt of duty, of safety, and of glory ? • „»♦»' SCRIPTURAL VIEWS 0 P NATIONAL TRIALS ^LUT III. SUGGESTIONS IN REGARD TO THE SINS FOR WHICH THE PEOPLE OP THE CONFEDERATE STATES ARE SUFFERING. CHAPTER !!• General reflections. An important element in the work of reformation is the knowl- edge of sins to be repented of ; and whatever tends to lead to such discovery on the part of an afflicted people is an aid to their deliv- erance. How is a nation to be made aware of the offences for which it is scourged ? The first step in this direction is that general consciousness of sin which all who are smitten of God ought to feel ; and when the mind of a chastened creature is brought to this condition, and is prepared to ask for light in an humble, submissive and penitential mood, it will not fail to discover the errors from which the leadings of Prov- idence would turn it. This first step is the most difficult of all : indeed, when it is takcu the work of reformation and deliverance is more than half accom- plished. It is very hard for the carnal heart to say with David, " I wa* dumb, I opened not my mouth ; because Thou didst if. Remove Thy stroke away from me : I am consumed by the blow of Thy hand."— (P>. xxxix. 9-10.) 1(J6 MMVTUmAIi VIKWS Still the answer of those vrho are to be healed of Hod wheu He smites th< u» is that of the Psalm:-:, and. of Job, when the Almighty rebuked him : " Behold, 1 am vile ; what shall I answer Thee ? I will lay niy hand upon my mouth.'' — {Job xl ! " I have heard of Thee by the hearing of tho car ; but now mine rye hath .-••en Thee Wherefore I abhor mi/sdf, and repent in dust and ashes." — (Job dii. 6-6.) All the inhabitants of a christian land, like that of the Confed- rate States, have heard of God by the hearing of the car ; for the • ii. -lit of Bttch all the prophets and inspired men of old have writ- ;ind before them all tho centuries of the past recite their in- rnoi iv>' lessons. They have had in their bends th. whole counsel of God ; and now • Being speak* to them by the audible and awful voice of (lis Providence. Their eye* now sec Ilia ways in the path* of His judgments— and if they Me prepared to be healed, they will feel and confess their vileness, and in a spirit of perfect submission and honesty, listen to i.ear what is commanded. Ttiere is no ueed of a uew prophet ; we, my beloved countrymen, have a sure word of prophecy amply sufficient; we aro not of the ,.i^ht, hut of the day, and should not sleep or be drunken a:j those who have no light. If we receive our afflictions with the right spirit, we will l.now and confeso that we are sinners, and th;it God is correcting u- for ,yur offences ; and when wc aro brought to this frame of mind, will at once ncgin to search our hearts and our past lives ui the I our calamities. mills oaiied to make this examination : wi are rc- ■m tuf dispositions aud cuodutii as professed ... 1 judges, as citiiens of a republic control j I ..-ti is and as members of society, by I nd- I , \ .. :.nd rightttousuwsa which ha- been in . icb has been faithfully expounded &j i . the country. review everything for which w. re r> .•,p.,- individuals — the character .of our and the ma mer :ecutioo, t tie conduct and Spirit orffanizal - aanajgeinent of that c la.-- ■ hum we hold in bondagi . and our individual acj and torn pert, and the nunc of mind with which we have received tho countless blessings of Providonco in the past. OP NATIONAL TRIO.?. H>7 If the whole population, feeling that the stroke of God is on U for sin, will humbly, honestly and earnestly turn its thoughts in this way, submissively and pentiently seeking Divine direction, the?) will the end of these afflictions be near at hand. All inspiration tells us this : every prophet that God has sept to the nations proclaims this truth for our special benefit, and all the promises and attributes of Jehovah arc bound for its fulfilment Will we not remember the days of old, the works of the Lord and His wonders in tha past, the displays of the power, truth, justice and mercy of God from the beginning of the world ? will we not hear His own voice speaking to us from two mountains on either side of us, from the one denouncing curses and from the other bless- ings? I> is both the duty and the interest of the afflicted nation to be- gin this work at once — and it is not to be deferred for the fear of tho world's ridicule or taunts. Enemies may rage and jeer — but it will be with the inward sinking of those who know that the prey ha« escaped from the snare, whieh they had laid. In making this examination we ought to talk freely with each other : " Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to anoth- er : and the Lord hearkened, and heard it: and a book of remem- brance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my -jewels ; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that scrveth him. Then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and tbr wicked, between him that serveth God and him that scrveth Him not."— {Mai iii. lG-l*.) Here is a clear test of those who serve the Lord. times of degeneracy and trouble : the interest Kingdom, the honor of God, and the promotion of His • ur\ the first place in their thoughts, and this common bond drawa them often together to talk of the matters nearest to their hearts. No doubt, one cause of the continuance and complication of our troubles is the failure of the christian element of society to seek out each other, and to taltc together of the condition and prospects of the Church ; for this failure indicates that there are feelings in pro- fessors stronger than the love of Christ, while it has a bad effect on the world, and prevents those discoveries and that hopeful and en- ergetic action which follow from free communion, and mutmal coun- sels and encourngements 01 the part of those engaged in a common enterprise. 1 68 & K 1 1 T l HAL VIEW-" According t.i tbe theory of the Church, it* uu-mher.s ore 8tr*tyg< n and pilgrims on earth, citizens bf a foreign or Heavenly kingw and if their feelings and actions corresponded with this theory, they would, when • mvulsions occurred in the land of their sojourn, draw instinctively together, and their first thoughts being of the country which they represented, they would try to shape a common course, and one most conducive to its honor and interests. Sudden revolutions are most likely to display our strongest in- stincts: when our house is unexpectedly wrapt in flames, our fir^t thoughts are for those things which we value most. At such times common interests and common sympathies overmaster all minor dif- ferences, and the ruling sentiment creates a brotherhood of feeling and a cooperation of action ; and such a spontaneous movement to- wards a central and common object of most tender solicitude, ought to have been witnessed among all the nominal followers of Ohrig. when the American troubles began. It is not too late to talk together of His kingdom ; there is and has been in many a heart a yearning to unfold itself to others of kin- dred sympathies. •, To aid in right reflections and actions, I venture, in the spirit of •hristian love, to suggest topics for consideration ; and I do it not U one commissioned to tell my countrymen what their offences are, but from those motives with which we are commanded to confess <>ur faults one to another, and to aid each other, and our kindred and people to escape from the revealed wrath of God, in the way oi His own appointment. 1 :-x::-'\:,i 160 t n a «' -r E i: ii. Old On:] \tes. — The discovery of the Continent ana the se'tth ! mparalleled prosperity of North America, alone to tin Providence of Go J, universally treated in a way to 'cal infidelity. It is more than possible that the people of the Confederate Spates indulge in a radical error in regard to their responsibility for the -ins nl" the country of which they once formed :>■ part. \\ a they .severed their connection with the political organism knpv ; ..'■ the United States, they did not thereby become discharged from moral penalties previously incurred by the population id' eounl ry, [f God was displeased with itiou for its iii.ral char- acter, Hi9 righteous displeasure will cot be appeased by a mere sal relations; and the oun.-equences of their sin.- will pur.-: parties into every new form of Government which . may adopt, until they manifest a sincere repentance. Political mutations do nojt discharge moral obligations: if they did, then the justice of Heaven would depend on the will ol creature-. The c part id' the old United States exercised a very ini- ant intra " be policy aud character of the who! ■ country ; from the .lave States came a very large majority of the Presidents of the Republic : they furnished a large portion of the* leading ex- id their representatives had great influence, for many years, in shaping the action of Congress. The States of the new Confederacy must, therefore, share in the guilt of the old government of which they were integral members ; and the wry manner in which these constituent parts w"ith-drcw their 1 q from the United States, proves thi !tion. Iudi D did not, in* heal t or word, protest against the ini- quities of the land, am! themselves from the consequences bj forsaking the country; but political communities, in their organ- ■ ////. and for political reasons, were the actors in th- rtvofw lion which ("■ r< d. It was not a forsaking of the whole country and of it . by citizt. re moral agents : but it we lution of the country by ■• withdrawal of a portion of ;ln units which - eminent, each political no vilWt ' I « U iividaalp, w.-r J i t ling •• ' •' whiol art • min« r ' IB V arrayed ia - I iiion . them than . ey have to do d earring I b be " I ••:■, if • lrgr t r- md hi mce. 'P' il : i _ ., folio wi :ire »ub- ■aitied to hh eonsiderati Pn unparelle &t- i . biitory xxnl ■ ■ .. feelings ^ • lelity ; and indeed the Hrhole I |v(^ | ntradic- (. at,. underlying truth of Iplessneei ^,U( -ineiple and feeling Jhfteiy I by unexampled pro ^c^ fro the perverting ol T! '" '"J ilii., . u the human race : it is in r of nreut f-i of an immense part of the earth'* LlUTl„ f by its mi lligent inhabitants, for ikoaiands of j ars, and plainly indii | of man'i iHumbliugo'. • obvio a . ■ ' aee them ■ftn the fulfilment i f His wise designs, kmerlea was held back from 6f NATIONAL TRlAU the thoughts of philosophy until God was ready to open it up as a» Asylum for the advocates of a free Bible, afcd the christianizatioM •f a large portion of the darkest region of the earth ; and when the discovery was made it was by a person who received no countenance from the philosophy and enterprise of a learned and commercial ago, and who was indel ted for the means of his voyage, not to the sagac- ity o; I to the .simple faith of woman'. Even the dUcbverer had little idea of what was before him: be W5S • . new Continent but a short p>»sp;;tje to an old one, d well said, "the pursuit > - • «. -•< ■•''," ttlement di a large pomori d! new region *?ary to all human foresight and arrangemi ;.t ; the first cx- rietors of North America were i. - pursuit ot the. precious minerals and the a ^ the gorgeous east,'r * ■ utterly blind to what after circumstances proved to bo the real advai Irv. ous states! I scholars of Europe, men whose ■■ ^vised political, moral and muni- "V ^ t€* settlements, all of which proved utter and ruinous failures; and the permanent institution, 0f the countrj i rebornofthei Provident, of God, called acefdenta arnl and not of the lea, •'• British Colonies fir h(iil »f throwii »r allegiance; and when they did a free aiid independent i a seven years' struggle without having tl fa demo. d0i' • aodtheprob ';caIs^t'; ' I before tha ican on. tide of hu chat a litni- > whom the people U not ten ■ ! w in reality tl r glorj, --. .J, it mmt I Clinton i B oown in | titution v • *li"Ti fill I >rld with the written and man. duel tui whole Lil '. . - universal burden, "The C !:•■ Werld." This infid the [ • >[»le f> th rth ; achieved :i new era In trie history of t'.io hum;:' ■ refor of the world wei pend < good md learning, «rhile f the cvi'1 t lie • lifted itself up as a new gospel to '.tiling of Beaven, and falls ruin on the heads of th< rated ital ,ch reared it. ' ' to fill the earth with dark the peopl ' true Mm, and lk- ' -juries of their own kind;: 'i": of the wprldj the si ill illusi bed nations will be in I .•"• r condition to turn to Hii . and t" (!:«' conditii as oi Tl ffoful dei I ruotioo i hag>pv inent ; bn vast ruins :v per: ror and heal;1 '" will Bpi -'!'' thi wisdom and ! ritj and liappi he people. NATION^!. '1 R1AI The depravity of mati was ever i.n the ^?.\ of nil the good n irred; bui the All-wise Disposer was continually di« ices, contrary to-all human foresight, tb the benefi- i :i.t ends which filled the world with ]!m all this teachiug.was perverted- -American history Was a great Pantheisti Ic where in is daily burned* at a thousand :;> I shriues — the American idea was a grand falseni od, .-Lt t ) il>nti nir totho theories and forms of government the virtues of the oauscs from Whichrjthese forms ami »pr mg, claiming foi tin civili* - •' M of the ; power bo ''■■^■>v and su tain the very Truths from which all the good characteristics of that civilization flowed. i mercy^o the world, God left man for a moment to himself, ihd at that period iii history when he could profit most by sperience if the past, by the universal diffusion of learning, by 'the most useful and beneficent arte, and by the mosl perfect forma, the Truth' of Revelation receives another aw- •id impressive demonstration in the instant tall mro ilii.- ! ifty heights, with ir receivable ruin and combustion, down ife, carnage, slavery, want and wretchedness. ■ rt the very institutions to which he attri- buted all his pros y, to purposes of oppression and robbery; and ;ipe from his political connection, he \ revolu . th( rj and spiril of his government to ■ hi i own passion for c >i q u - , sj oliation, murder and ra- pinc. And thus, the continent but a few . ^ wiling like the gar- ue vi ide » ition — and j ile looked to over the who has godlike, with every ad- Tart and experii proi per- oifV, • ilthy, the most abouudii ery material and . it all useful ai I . -ace ' n ry proudest day • ted mad-men, put. :• the immediate destruc* 11 tl . and hurr; nth amaz- n civilisation to hfae ! iity. li iffer i 7 I • ion in 'he granJ and Via ■/, thai I ,j' a tent, that justice and in/VBl - i . . . • . u I rcjU' ■ i public iid all i , - . [spring philosophy of I j I _ i ind sgeu< raey : (he Confederate States •) pare thorn fur greati nta — they most mourn over thi that their former glorying in max . I uilosophj whio] their nature,and -- ,-only illi d goodness of G I th* _ ■ i e allowed i>> in- wliiv.ii h like a. dr. inheiSal of fallen o when I God aiul iKt.i' i 11 i i liar. M . in hi i natura r tature everjj- . i i tK • \ il ■ and is i h i in in th and mad in rumerit of is, it is thi Qoblii g iufiu- Brhl I na> tural le under th as of A.tnerica, to leai • past hisl >rj is Q-od's; but >] will be h ipelessly ruined. Of HATlu.N.'.L TRJAU*. 175 The repudiation of Goi and confidence in man is the'eaoae of the awful tragedy now being enacted : the abasing of the creature, ai i the just exaltation of the source of every good and perfect gift, will lead all concerned to eveD a more happy state tin dition of the pasf. //' >.: forms of i ,-.■■■, pie, thcii w ' omc the victims of a cruel* and ur whether they <:thj>t a republican, Monarchical < *ud en.'. legitimate result*; it must he applied tw no- tions as we! > individual:-, to our own people as well as to for- eigners, i 'icrs and to our children, M men in republics men in monarchies, to the voters in a free democracy, to the • tors in an oligarchy, to the dictators- or kings, or emperors in ab* solute p.nvcrs. % We must expect error, frailty, passion, prejudice and folly innate characteristics .of unconverted men in all social conditions, and in every political system : to be ruling elements .:- civilized nature, in every unsanctified depository of hui -ver. whether it he an individual, a select few, or the whole body of citizens. These tendencies will, of course, he greatly modified by circum- stances; hut after all, the controlling power of even circu;, ancef will depend on the amount of vital god lineaa in the heart of ihv uation. , It Is to be expected thai where the power of a sta re- poses in the entire mass o/ citizens, there will he i abh administration, and mo the right afl : self-interest, in such a community, is the inter sad the great'1 ■, earn • ing • " bolicy, • I lict of . i ion and prejudice, an.1 y individual olique will be able to ry interest to il now vi< [n addition to aH this, where, th^ all its people, ea' !; individual is :i BOrt of mirr thcr* ;-< a free nnoovet ' errors, while srj one's selfish pi « et a Mr^r • | dcucies of all oth< But such freedom cannot 1 withenl * ; ui ower : and all the I S< I RWi*. «e 01 > ■*■ I 1 painful but wholesome * »i)i that tl forth • '., in their W ' : i •i inli.ti I • ill bo burdened with euormt v — -t! ov will 1 t ■ . . ■ v. 166, ' 1 liiith'ir; ■ in- make ai . .. » . ■'.■ potJBm which tl • j would build npt lUties in society will rapidl; .my poor will Ik nqucnts will • r-failing excu ruption, in ruelty :it homi I I would seem that any rational mind >'rui undent ind but are sucb \ obvious and so convincing, of any force omoug i lace of th< ' Wnai : it d la tho mi i •' ignoble or the most ignorant oftheearthl ' •• .. ■• famous for their knowledge of ■ -'lit- • . • •• lism | rov* lure . To '■>■- ground i.^ to ' e guilty ■ »r thi of the < ■ them U are the % iil- oua despof i • repubiicanii i i I governm • >\:Mi ; [f tl n republie i thi p. -. one man p follow* . • r I if i bl< ! it not the ' ■ . i ■ man power form >«f ' roverument lie chief autliorit; I in I ■ b i\ pftkepo< pie OF NATIONAL TRIAL*. 177 This is equivalent to afguing that it is better to besiekthan well, as health, if abused, leads to sickness : better never to live at all than to enjoy life, as death will follow life. It is time for the people of the Confederate States to discard all this reasoning in a circle, all these transparent subterfuges of an in- fidelity, which would account for the painful phenomena of human existence by any absurdity rather than by the Truth j and to receive in all theirlcnglh hi. u breadth the infallible, teachings of inspired Writ. : Man m depraved — raid in his natural state he is capable of any fol- ly, of any crime, of any abomination. If leit to himself he will act on the law of his nature as an individual, and in masses : he will do so Hi IQ€ savage and in tbe civilized state, a ltd his own passions would make for him a hell in any region. The uuconverted, individual heart, is, under Satan, the source, the primary fountain of all the abominat Ions that vex the earth : here, in the bosoms of kings, of oligarchs, of democrats, of philosophers,of the sons of saints,martyrs, prophets aud apostles, in every soul of man born into the world, in whi' • ndition, of whatever parentage, however polished by icarniii ..-. aud art, there are the seeds which, if left to themselves, i; not eradh ated by the power of the Gospel, will ripen into those cur- ses which till the earth with fraud, violence aud mourning. Itis not the form oj Government that produces a gr*at raccof ma, . it is a ../ '' of godly men that establishes /rise, just and beneficent sys- tems. The glorious da}? of the old Republic of the United States were but a natural part of the fruit of those causes which raised up the men of '76 — and the spirit of the age of '76, as far as it was good, aud wise, and self-denying and far-sighted, was an out-growth that had its li*ing roots in a soil not seen by the common observer, in a former, vivifying Christianity now forgotten. The elevated and truly heroic spirit of that first revolution, the constitution and laws which followed, and all the subsequent happi- perity of the Continent of North America, are the gT >wth of i ne seminal principal, sown broad-cast upon the land long before: and that was tiie vital godliness of the mass of that sturdy race who settled tbe ccuntry and whose Text-book, in all things, was the Word of God. And all the evils of 'his Second Revolution — the fanaticism which tirst kindled the fires of sectional hate, the perversity which violated solemn national compacts and trampled under feet the guarantees of »i wine s*nd just Constitution — the madness which drove a numerical 88 178 aaurrxnxL views • majority t attempted ppoliati.- rights *f their brethren, the fmbsaq'.ient disruption of tl I \rith s fierce c»nd unri \\ .-■'■. and •ill hurls the vindi assailants upon gr . the bitter fru' in the f'.v tin • Vr o! ami i • plant for the harvest of 4eath; and :.' I -heir natural culminatHki in tlr ' teem whieh wild delirinm, an • with p< freedom or justice. Let the peopl* of wv.n' ; let t. truly repent of former th"in, by their n-t'mns, bring forth the fxuH | otaac*. ' i them take down the idol shrii •>•— >et them cut down their pro-, demolish their high places, aim r'tt them write in every nicl ated to the im ;ca- •rurcR, " God only is great — man is vile." Let the christian element if society display it* faith in 1 1 ■ ■ [>el it preaches by relying on hat for the reformation of the world : by »eW I to the v, ,f human progress by directing nil its energies to the conversion oi iadividual 6oula, and the pwifieatio i i f the primary -^ringy of ua- •iocal life by the mean* of YJod's appointment. OS NATIONAL TRIAL' 179 CllAl*TE *U III. Sins of the old United Stale*, ■':>".rd.-~-Ajijrossivt character oj the country towards weaker poiccrs, and it* demoralizing tendency at home. — Ingratitude of the people for (Lr peculiar bleating a of Divine Providence. — Failure of the Church io discharge the oh- iigations imposed by its great opportunities. Another sin of tbo people of the United States before ttie diss i lution.of the old Union was there aggressive character towards otho* communities. Grod had bestowed on them nearly a .whole continent tor a possession') and they bad wo neighbors sufficiently strong t» excite any apprehensions. They were separated by oceans from the it powers of the world, and were less exposed to injury front without than any nation that evgr existed ; their resources wore comparatively unlimited, their public burdens were very light ; ^nd they produced within ■ themselves • nearly everything important to prosperity, and furnished to the world the staple which wi» deemed most essential for its clothing, and large quantities of food, fuel and timber. The people felt the advantage of their position ; and the country itself in a proud. pit manner towards otbe; poiv< . It was a great, swaggering bully in the streets of the world, ready to take offence on the slightest grounds, and seeking pietei* _ quarrels with those of inferior strength ; it was a giant Vnich k its superior power, and was disposed to use it .«^SMjj because' it eoaid do ii with impunity. It advanced claims inconsistent with the rights and honor of otb mi and it was al*ayt. over sensitive sLd ready for a quarrel witl whose territories lay contiguous, and which it knew, in case of a fight, could be appropriated. T° " ailM» * ■»«!«•* in \tmk under the blasphtv "m"fai,,;""f >J to live, „tend and rule thus. - that the Provide, G I WM but tho nurse »nd *bitioo,and that the i»iv,ne counsel* .ould rot do ,.tb- ita interests. m In short, thia do* trine of m.nifrat de,t,Dy racttnt rink tbat th, umb.tKuis ,,urpo,os of the United State* were the biftheri law otf the unmrae; and thai tke J ,jnMB of 0od kH% . snous •v t< s, was nov ■ ;i.- if a peoph who could Dot injur. • ,r I hit violation -of the eternal laws of right. ing on these vi q( respected its plighted faith ill t when it Beemed to he ; ; and it wu its fixed If with it \ and t- te their enthusiasm by » the 'worst i f fallen N'.it-- It anted on that maxim that theend ju>tii. having the power, i( would not .scruple to infringe on rights of others, and Justify itself heforc Iti own public on the ulca that their interest required it. and th;it this apparent interest wa9 the supreme law of Heaven and earth. The people beoame aooustomed to the idea that when the glory ind power of the country seemed to demand it, the claims of ab- _ r. 01 :_ ■• . .. with disloyalty ; and' when gain was made by foreign aggression, it was patriotic and becoming t« applaud the measure, however accomplished. Be was a foe to th< country, and an adherent of its enemies who ever questioned the propriety of its encroachments; and a government founded on the principle of the inherent and inalienable right of every oommusit] to choose its own political system, acted On the idea that the forci- ble extension of its institutions among others was the greatest bft - iiig that iould bo bestowed upon them. These open und persistent perversities of sacred principles by the whole nation in its organized eapaoity, Boon manift gted their inevi? table fruits; and the economy which controlled the Government in its exterior relations exerted a poisonous influence on the ii temal condition of thing*?. The nation or community which use., the principles of the K\il lliea in foreign contests, must expect them to reinuin as inis- ohir and the principles which controlled the. foreign policy of the United States became the cod • standard for domes- tic communities in their conduct to each other. The action of the (lovernmcnt in seeking to strengthen itself at home by :i constantly aggr. ■> ivc attitude abroad, did muoh to un- .-•ttle, i>i the popular mind, the sacredness of public compacts , and ;. - the ft >\< ral Sovereignty panderered fr have wai prbioh be W< • Dot onlj repudial r en- i re- : '. nur own tf il . who • ustd d>r our • iteful it i the conduct opporl i ■ .. :. we wen >ibl« part ol | irii .. the man •.liis one power to uwal . I Wi ntly for ihat Mom that Europe bad do right to interfere in r i\ with the international affairi of the new world. OF NATIONAL i>M.M$. 188 When we. maintained this principle, we were j feder- fccy which wy^s more than a match for dl its neighl - • n the ( tinent; i w© thought that . the old* world could be kept i loof, we oould give the law rica, and extend ourseD it at our leisure, or control it to our purp Now, the Confederate States, in the infai their existence. *nd without a nuvy. belong, to-'.;1 ivarily, to the weaker powers, thai Is weaker in number? and in means of national defence, other tha the heroic hearts and strong* arms of its people ; nod in this condi- tion, the v.^l' |iou rf v.'hi'h thi \ ■• a part, would . by opposing, in its at- tempt ' jnality, tndse wicked traditions of " the mani- fest destinj of the Unites h it helped to foster. Tin . Bee how hearties: is th< lufope ii: refusing by legitimate ] ive mor- al a. ' ion struggling for existence rod liberty against a proud I cruel pbwer which woul ruinate tl solel; ir destruction would enhance it? greatness; and yet is n • i what motives it is not for the writer to say anting stri stly en that Monroe doctring for which we were extreme- ly jealous : ■The u United St! " f a jtewer, though impaired in strength, '•till i n the Confederate States ^t is warring with the traditions of national policy lerates helped to : part of the Government. •It 1 -hem then to repent of doctrines from whose results ' they delivered: to deplore the part the"y took in casting into tl nal heart the intolerance of a rival and the lust for from which they now so cruel;- If it was i • -: Uii : States to over-run all i ricaj uunitics against their will, it is still right : it is not wrong in i abate as a nuisance an adjoining power mere- ly because we haTe left it. It was never right i and while i' i^ us Confederates a sacrifice of pride to acknowledge this, we have n< reas lm Divine intervention till we d<> c<> Our rc^ . the aid of (rod against our ambitious assailants is an appeal to Ilin to condemn and defeat doctrines which « not a mockery of the Divine justice to expect it to oppose princij when they work against us, and to >■ when thej can }>•■ used for our aggrandizement ? I] art <>f the condm the United Bt fttes, the derelopn- • ar own d | and If r M, with this horrid picture bef ' ■ ption of an inherent. . i-ver ul! Minuted in om !■ aied I States grc ■: rificea they are maki delr> under the control of one power | be disruption of (he old Dnion eh< populatioii ol Conf '■ tea helped ides if a -ingle for America. We must, 1 1 • .it' • '■ dootrin Americ i, not simply becai it no 1< intoi Tun- of the sin of hi of universal control, :ind must see, with humiliation, in tfa unrighteous conduct of the United States the biti • • eiple for which we are, in part, r< sponsible. Th [RDLY. The population of the old United States were the most ungrateful on earth ; ami from this sin no section was exempt. The pe iple of the Southern States long had reason toe i their Northern neighbors; and the discontents grown aggressive and constitution-despising spirit of A itnare'noi referred i > \.< re as part of the. evidence ol rge ; '■ m d a- hove. It was s characteristic} "i the whole p< p murmurs! eve- ry tiling; and so far from cherishing a lively sense >l !,.i:- infinite and peculiar blessings the people were continually ■ impraining of the way* of Providence. The seasons, in the e als lyi I i I dry, too oold or too hot : tl , light • thi samer compared with 'the public burdens of other nations, and ai- rs levied for the good of the masses, and returned lo them with a thousand fold interest, oftei I the most Scandalous c implainta It i.- not necessary to dwell abject: the public mh>d will ill recollections wh jrordn cannot Enhance 1: language of America wi f con»plaiat,»of reproach bitter rnurmurings : every little disappointment or cros< was greatly magnified, s >pirit of restle at pervs 1-;J tho whole pupula- tion, an-J there was hardly any disposition to Kse and know and con- fess with gratitude their peculiar obligations '■>> God. • lis, beneficent Being, who in infinite Mercy to us, brought us to these sh"re>, remote from th. i rruptions, trials and warsofthe world, an'l pi .1 ted and nouijshc 1 OS here, i' now giving us an op- OF NATIONAL TRIALS. 185 portunity.to survey the past :innt into all the worl ~. preach the Gospel I ure. If an J .-Jl he has, I ': : : ; ud however the carnal mind may ihci>: reai i as language can be i recognize no exce persons, of pla Judged by the unmistakable standard revealed in the "Word of God, the Church in modern times' would not be recognized but 1 known 'inly by i a label. But the faults of one p; frenmstances under which A- mer: people have had f their ! con- ' s to the failings of oth< other v ud by their eon public of the United States have in means, portunities of do- ochsafed to any people. The political ] r pretended t( interfere with spiritual affairi: tl Idly Ml yed uncxamph an- »*er for oflfenCea of nhich.they arc guilty in common with the other f what was once" the Uni I ' ^lled D account for si b belong more peculiarly to th< lgtl cwiU be mentioned the action of the chryj- pub tljr'tfnegftlie leading •auses of the ] •Undoubtedly, th d against the jui a in its c b rican element of socictj tnd not t isthatwhioh i« owed'bf t!1(;- peculiar friends cf the negro. j$ut , justify those of masters ; and in fact, the respou is enhance •oo- i .acr. The fanatical agita f placing fire the most adv; ''ion I by the Church ; nud to thii j the '■irected. Tin . I to the righti fulni very as ' both its political and, neral repudiation, afr 1 mere human an, d the suh, All cl ,. .••. States, have e Word of God is the iree of Truth on the iubjt i y in America; and thus, by uni\ , ia "cat whicl h th< m fron tit i rid. that the Bibb I have been adoj ole natioi 1 creed. <.-.., ■ . j ; hose in Truth, into the \TQ fuundod : will stand or fall, Toll us ■ ach in n ; )o~iti' ; DUtthey repl; tohoh testimony of its o and did they exert themselves if hat tl Did tl: ..." ruo-i .arc, ypa must build ::• right farters on this art you rwn nets, to be gn ' Ihuroh — ! foiled to »eo and pursue it '( Wile:: tl. . I thej oug! the authi rit; ■ •••' their . political fathers, and of the m( hnt . , , mity disputants had the < re all the actions, teachings, denuncia- tions and taunts of men in every walk, of communities, of rations Oi1 NA; i • - I LB. ;md of the world,- and I on tbeuui I Divine Truth; but i.i itment of ■.' of this class, even christians yielded to the fori It and of prejudice, and what d the actions and opinions of vile and atl abolitionists to determine their line of duty ! rms which the com i iiirch felt were de- manded, sternly demanded by the immutable rod, were £-d- journed . effeot them would be~c 3 a triumph to the fre-e-soilcrs ; and thus while we "'•uld ■ !d in defending our interests, we r<( fanatics in the prosecution 01 our da- ■ The Church confined its holly to one view of the Bible I to si : and although its own Slates offered glorious opp ing and ei the I of God. i ed a foreign faction of bigoted tra- lucers of itself and j ; of Divine 'Truth, to control if. lion ! The lot urging reforms demanded by the ver; authority on which the institution of slavery Ined, was that and power of the oppssers of Trn ison which carried absurdity on its.very face. Tiie slavery de- ■ led by the Scrij tores is the slavery condu heir injunctions; and ilitionists were very generally infidels, vine Truth, il 'ence to suppose that the fall .cut of Bi ■ f the Bible. Will God ithfulte I Will He pen ' plication I i ben His e.neml The truth is, and i . the Church wasafraid ' em: , not of • 'Hi I . iti< • ' '■'' ' itieii - |heir polil "M of the . i * | A!- lead . J yui . : -. All the ' . .' wc C civil i mnot 1 obligai !. it r d is ;•!- ill 1 VTT&th ! OF NATKTNA1 191 The consider the pica under which ll unity of the C ate States formanoc of its obvious duties in regard to plavery, the more ridic- ulous and shameful it seems; but whatever the nature of this i > - before the present revolution, it-no longer exists ::t oil. Tie hard logic of events has removed all i r this ejjallov pretest ; and ... , ^ ^ ^ [raging t-h< bolitionisl public rhose importance il ' Imi ted r the Church h of tl he uvjrriage relatioi a favor <>f the whole system of servitude which tho Law hristianity require 1 The answer n bat the time is incon" the ( ' " W< the ri out of "heir dui u • W God to ;iid us iu the • I the ] • ,'s, and defend our •i : and yet \ 'm the obligu :',oi< -ights ent . ". itfh that P . we ask to me '. Will God I Will the vrorld believe us in eai ourselves* on the Diyine Law ? . And v . irtu- niti f \ed (f» it by its Divine lie:; . It ir for its f-ins in eonnect; author \. :r. n brief form, whai in hi- ' h bod . exert itself, aooording I for I • bl ic m i tbe nb)& ' 192 l | tion tiinos of 1 Code, world assumed a | ■ itu- ■ . it, the at, to re- ■ alf. l»ti it could have r bat arc tli' Wh ' rd ti' '.i every i «ety '' What !i: done foi • by warni - • that tl -lie law tors in the crime ? W1 ■ taught, with the weight of a public at if the management .such:'- OF NAaSQNAL TiUALS. 198 tofcompel their slaws t>> ■- r their alar :, the propri tvere responsible 1 All what it ought to be — and '. more from the want of j information on the pari id the world, than fron fee'' of i ards the si All the world knows, or A.metioa, are inclined to- beir servants : whj been taken of this. po- based on teachings of eternal Truth '. " The priest's Lips should keap Is towledge, and they should seek the law at bis mouth : for! the Lord of ho i. 7 ;) and among all the y our lea i y, how little 1 id or written on branch of the subject which real] rns us ! It is not the duty of the slai ( convince the out- id that they are right — but it is » dut3r, a solemn < : ' :: . there, to end- se to it , that the institution oi' ted on Bible principles. Yet' what a waste of e has been on the form t ! — an expenditure of uncut ending only in the more h out- side enemies, and in their : deuce, fraud and age cruelty to change the - eir own notions. A nd how little has been said or written on the latter branch of the matter, and the one only in which it would havebcen profitable toe: discussion! Tl te did not want to the trutl . be spirit which animated them plainly showed that if they were beaten in argument, they intended to resort to •o ; whir >me were open to conviction, and w what wi .rated to path of and, therefore, of interest. offence here; and if the ; Church ] >m cntei i net ' the indul- Suppose our national ■ ball we cower before hose swoi Fy ? whj : hould we di idicule 1 \ on it 1 ;•'_■' Hut such argui en if true, nr- rir. ' I ; . . I ■ ■ 1 to every erv;ttui n la uiv- hunger I Id, "{ with difl i,r- •' ■ " . tl irdships. AiV butinth agei multitudes of its teeming pojmla- the oliristiaaB of America, to the people ^ any m the world, ••»nd '!K ..,-io: and not only so, but IHry>;„r I bundMice,( I •" llls how; 01? NATIONAL T Iff perfect liberty of conscience, is clothed, fed and nursed by the then whom be is to instruct. His hearer speaks bis own language, shares in all bis cures and sympathies, is docile and teachable, and looks up to him as his phi- ' losopher, guide and friend, in every affair of life.. He is in his house : the instructor sees bis pupii, without sacrifice of time, every day and night, and every day in' the whole year has opportunity : ohing to him, effectually, the glorious gospel of the blessed Gud. d to add to all this, the worldly interest of the missionary is pro- moted by his faithful religious teachings : his hearer is his slave, I rendered more dili ifchfu) and thrifty, more peaceable and obedient by hu ing. Here, on this .wonderful theatre, Grod would demonstrate, in the most obvious manner, what is really true ittall cases — and that is, that the christian portion of the world has a direct temporal intei performing the work of the Church. Causes and results are here brought into immediate and visible contact : and christian masters and negro slaves are in a posith-.. liustrs te how believers are rendered nipre prosperous, secure happy on earth by ext< le ii iocs of the gospel in the rid. in be a means of converting bis owner, he tter 'treatment — if Ithe christian master is true to the spiritual interests of his slave, he .will be more faithfully served. • in the slave . paid, i pora] bem its services to the heathen : it receives an ins lividual i d made more secure in their homes, while their is much of Af: ; and of a long, long night of death : here are the means of reaching ooi). be healing oj ;, the very heart of the ;•;. I d real ; t h an authority thinking | ' : ■ • will his privil uo argon lie more plainly th ■ i her way-— tl '" human • gul lie tl tor. OF NATIONAL TRIALS We do not conclude that civil Govi liable to abuse from the dej \ ho admi: ic : and it is no argument against the iawfalr.t i s of mag of the claims of .husbands, parents and guardians that tl throws around their evil te and laws. There ever will be men who will be prompted by their passions to every trust.; and for this reason il imenl was ordained of God, that i into acts of injustice and cruelty. On jects the | ■ r more brul the controlling influence ol And e the Confederate States have sever* tion with abolition .-■, there is no li ■ should not represent ' ient of 'the : trity otv :- • in preventing the i of their a'utb , of individual proprietors of alai This who! ate and not I general G ttei ash an exercise of power never could have strengthen./ ' , | [he South. But . , from th>. of abolition fanatics are the whole country being under the undisputed iers of slaves, it is once at justice is dune ( sentiment and char- ■': regulati" d effectually -ruel or brutal master from thoSi .•.re a rellection on the dignity and jus Thi bligation which the . Gk>d, Arbiter and Judge ; ing i the guardian and d he poor, .the H r, and if they cry in vain uflticc,He fill • ' be earthlj a all < inten re combined by such i toward I - titu- tinii . ,,m] . .n. ::i.V Sin . roe«j who have I their > withdraw to the line* of the public enemy, Those who hare I V 1 1 \r Afri- . •esp« ■.. Hon ; hj |,r '! ' CO of the . ter condi; i • i change natural to all I • an the but : 3 actual i aperience, t! lela- in such flow- ing i trei ation have '; kindly ■ r< \ ea of th markable phenonu i o generous and discriminating mind .i plate | i time was when it was considered dangerous to | of the disi their .. ; and the in views ir knowledge, i which has sha ■■■■■■. th< I r >s to the feeblest in in- its t of the 1 ' ' - 'appled ii a life and death s1 1 1 ; that 1 the resources ■ ige their condition : i their mastefs sealed up from the woTld I . and their territorie . ned freedom I and .:„ to bia master. their owners driven fn m their homes in di . fa — thej Bee the whole country drain* d i I its men and arm's, aud havin rery nerve rgj to ward off the fierce, terrible and thick-falling blows aimed at its deBtructio The whole white population of Hie Continent is tossed with fu- OF NATION; AL VK! . 19! '•; --and there is a continual display of scenes ealoul harden tlie heart and chill, if not blast, all the char •I lities of nature. 1 ristian clement is sorely tried by the furious tempest, of selfishness sweeps away evorv restraint which pinion had thrown round the avarice and ambition of depraved nature : and everywhere the eye rests on one wid< of dreary desolation, man preying on his fellow, and seeking to open arms or by fraud and cunnji And during all this, long night of horrors the slave population, heretofore erroneously supposed to be the most dangerous part of society, has proved to be the most quiet and conservative ; and under temptations which have rarely assailed infirm nature, the negroes are ir accustomed posts, diligently laboring for iunced as their enel oonl beerful, docile and affectional Th*.- Sirocco of selfishness which has drb d u] the sender charities >f nature in all other races of the Continent-, has made little impres- sion on their hearts ; and though, like their owners, th< I een put to many inconveniences, their pliant natures havereadi' to the change of circumstances, and I the Fortunes ' proprietors with a cons! and unfail- which are' among the most shining dis] Fear- ful crisis. Shall " inga make no impression? shall they be forg I Will .the ruling . . race, in the fac< i I of greatm God demi ren! you arc meeting with stci If b might appal less aetaetant and ■ ■ Irig on,- own pre • uohv, and out triumph will I :.'in and our ■:> ! OT HATIONAL TRIALS. 20; CHAPTER V . Sin.8 of derate Stales, continued. — The people enter on a new national careertand accept the awful Issue y in theory ; and his on the supremacy of the great Ar- ■ ■ '• B • holly witl . ii 'lis power to r '.ng the absolute Di we could not suffer without U\e j if Ili> did permit as ' icted without was infinitely holy, nod waa try] is power 5 — for the v "'ti- g ' S;iy.-' irr< ume on re,humb] roh « . al! hon- i to - ' : ;•■ is away froi vin" Undsustoth- >nial f errora that may prove fatal, and confirms us in i ' inch j ' ■ ' ' i:3- » The writer desirea to deal with his country m jeot, lith great tendem ! rharity ; but hi, sense of duty to their interest*, and to tbe unty ' ' '1,:it the whole Chjareb did. not seem to be fully alive, tbetrue ' tharaoter and meaning of our national trials ; it was n« t aniyersl 7 bt tn»t those troublea were permitted by a Holy and Almighty • is no recognition of Hia Hand or His Justice in adverse or disc aging ev* . • It is extremely gratifying to our self-estc I the Sove tbe universe takes our part, and works for our 6- In - crancj ly successes to Him, it is durselves that we honor I The Mahointucdan, tbe Inquisitor a,»)d the Hindoo all alike ascribe glory to the Deny i are gratified ; and a spirit that goes no farther, hov J use the great name of Jehovah, is i tot ti En the Bord Jesua Christ. • The elms olds the t . ppolnted it; — He it* the Loi Crying to. the city in every calamity, aid al- as when lifted up, he is ready to say. "Ti ' uud Thou art "justified .when Thou . and clear v. U judgest," for I acknowledge my I [ inns, and toy si?: is ever before me." .\ ; At the commencement of hostilities, the^e wa ■ i-he part flf some of those to oping, undlfcr Uod| i« emitted the 1 1 v> ; i o r and fro ■ ritj i • spiritual rsartli. to regard the work of the Church a } of secondary i^por r •. in: I ime at lea Purl. did not result ...".. parai ■ grace- and < bleisiug [duals and i but most unscrjpta- val i(lc'"1 God and man bad ©ban- policy, and a (ona#, It was forgotten, in tbe whi the bun over3'wLl .peratioi ooulltr.v' • in tbe coi | iu ':ar:' ' ntest of nations us being • '•,uro!l di<* °o ins it might and ou v0 as- and yet one natural t* n which tbe - 8£ pends, wer _ id, while I tiun and muh in their lone, Keen I .courage tbe idea that the kl11^" . bj uld kill the bodii fcia iofi % whole theory Urea il action §e< thie fati don. J04 vifcwi T-B i result i 1 :e. The Church was bat which it deemed most es« was unit. -.], a m, in ita | . and (li, I all it has to increase the mill . ' i ountry. S h pnnient, under t!n • such ; ■ ' miliuiry ' arm have never been v but rijrht here this uni •"■- The I'nion asked for v. g granted : the maol J.of the Evil One in the points dread* vented or defeated; • This work, dealing with and ior the*life of a nati people writei oral! others, must speak honestly ; and it •! be stared that there was a general impression th ults of the Devil were 1 nly through the United States and the .sympathizers with that poTi , . b views were natural ;■ I re without the spiritual disceqjjrucnt of true Christianity. The government of, the ti) I to, had di d unpro- voked war an the rights, li! rti ' pli of the Confederate States — and its sub je 1 united and en- thusiastic, and ready to saorifioe Ives in a phrensied effort to destroy those who simply desire ! I he left al It- table in men of the v rid — i a indication of a generous nature in such,to I ' apparently Satanic meats' wottld be resisted, 1 ■;. rueily threat- ened, with united hands and brotherly hearts. Such pi lur- ally supposed that opposition to thi ; di ited by the Arch-Fiend, was opposition, out-and-out, ' bar* acter and aims ; and that none of those who were arrayed against thc»woik he was seemingly instigating through I agencies were liable to his deceptions or likel oners: . But it was the duty of the Church to sec and instantly to correct tliis great mistake ; and it ought to have known that the Prince of of darkness makes his most fatal attacks on man not by the carnal weapons of their human fo£g, but througl jm] bheir own 1 Cnhappily, these sute' approaches to the very citadel of the na- tion's Life were left unguarded by those who, under Grodj can alone contend successfully at thc§c vital points— and the Father of hos, cceeding in his bold and profound strategy, entered through the rfefericelesa breaches, and gained one of his grandest apparent tri- umphs. &F NATIONAL YV hile th< si was little qualified, it left the imports! the ravages of the enemy j and now, when it is fco» late, we see that the Devil can most successfully serve our national hrougn their fleshly arms, or working in their hearts, ; -.iug.our own i hands to inflict on on •from homo. Heboid to-day the results of * practical diabeleif in tl 1 human depravity with respect to our own people ! Look at te-spread moral desolations 9I an try, and say if a lean orthodox. Church was ever 1 phaticadlj and suddenly re- minded of a neglect of duty ! A.nd see. how society has suffer part of the spiritual guides of the < mi 1 tempdfary^redaxation of the energies of the Chi ite sphere. Would of half a score of great battles have entailed many di. seriously •ountfyt . I y ] . ' "■ rend the sou hile this is virl . heroic it d by Rilling nfcrtal -when this is eorruj ission cl lordinate andinsatiato •? swarm of extort ioni „e_ burners, an*! • who are pitying wit! She car tl ly-politic^ and say if tie life of i can long survive! See the horde of ' tDe Devil gatl in the I can, the necessity of preaching r< others] ' It is ui! y to try to enum rate tl »'herc under the power of loked lie festei i irruption in every neighl the Bio ')ra: • •here htil . :-i .depr.v. ;y in our fallen c : ' ur sight ■i . fther. It is no! !, in the r those indi- vidual in a and the bent of '2Q(f :wa - |ual . le] _ 'oition r matters; >r wJ ; ..lwaysand ey- rld. The 1 1 by nature I D rmit; iniitted bj i the sail .ofthoearth — and that but ' ' ould no •»■ . of ■ fa i- to pr all : '• ' - ome* . , and i\i .i.'iecr with tru ■ it is ali( lied enie» labor for 1 he eon* ■ glorio lif ''. :.nd liberty of the gospel of g>eao. . means blessing our coun< try ur of doing good to the world. 1 bia is th the Church — the only. id to meD I ■ : man oontingenoy, and ■if t!. time wh bera, any cri 38 dematt faithful jam of the great truths of Scripture, and • the Lear: lof our own people tf their d Lr need of regeneration if*tl 1 1 ol v .'■' :.'i . ' i d :'• ; a re i ol 'Ting rvil war. We oould have known this withoul i 1 lessons with ami merciful God has rap i rPr.si '■'■'■ -[ '••■ •' f- yet our ways naj be saved, though y mi the Ad- versary b • made upon it. 01 NATTONA, $07 Let us confess our sins and turn from them ; and if we love onr own eountry more than other lands, and prize the welfare of onr own people above that of other nations^let ns stand in th* gaps here and girded wiAithc whole armor of God, bo as zealous and cour- ageous to fight His battles en our own sol ' , ;. , af our human :■ Wo cannot now reform our nati nd out exhortations and rebukes to Kim nccted with political excitements, would be any thing. else Citable; bu1 we have at hWie a wide and glorious field, and on6 in which vro i cess- fully, labor without complicating th: the 'Chu oh, in the ds <^f thn?o to be benefited} with the passions of ' "id or the issueB of political ] called to it hy tl na. rii> its of self-interest, and by the d of God ; and if we are wise aiud ,di tinea1 ,. ,.. Mount Zion fortthe rescue of a bl< eding land, to be rej i ,' the breach, and to make the wil " i and solif;).ry place gJ -1 for us to rejoice in fruiti •' uuty, we will go forward to its culture without delayi • "Come, and let us return un1 vd : for ?; ' rn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and lie will bind us lip , shall we lenow, //"we follow on to know the Lord : his going forth ; and He shnll eom.e unto us as the rain, as the latter and former raib unto the earth." Wosea ri. 1-30 CONCLUSION. 9 The writer of this work entertains an abiding hope that God is with the people of the Confederate States in the best and highest sense. Ho lias- laid upon them the rod of affliction : and when He smites it is c. n-ays for sin, and with the purpose of correcting or destroying. It is as certain as the* existence of a righteous and almighty Deity that the country is suffering for its offences towards Him : it is equally certain that the Author of these afflictions will make them effectual for His purposes. If He intends only to correct, He will not withhold His hand until there is repentance and reformation : if '. ! i to destroy, all the creature power of the universe can- not prevent the accomplishment of His will. The earth is His, and He made it — and His opposelcss will must be carried out upon it, and in all its deep places. From the whole tenor of the Divine Word, and from the manner in which the people of the Confederate States are suffering, it is evident that the result of their chastisement is to depend ou them- selves. Though sorely afflicted, they have over and over again been delivered in a way that clearly indicates the mercy of Heaven ; and there can be no doubt that if tbey will make the right use of their troubles, these fiery trials will be made to inure to their lasting ad- vantage. In this way the Lord is with the country ; but if it, from pride, will not accept of its judgments as of Divine origin, and will not, therefore, enquire for and remove the offending came, these troubles wilAot be stayed. It is no? riven na for God, but respect for their »n righteousness that induces individuals and nations to consider their tuffierings as wholly the work of the Devil or of tht creature agents employed : it u not becaut ' they rtally think God too good and J. lew so cruelly, hut beQau$et in /act, they < steem thrm.sclres too g- just to merit tin
  • f this disposition, we never can be saTOd from the judgments it ha- brought upon ui«. not necess«ry to enquire why this Confederacy is more afflict- ed than other nations ■ if the post righteous people were to be dealt with according to their own merit*-, they would instantly be de- ed. The fact, therefore, that mdVe corrupt communities are now suf- feting led than we are, is no argument against the Drvine origin of our calamities ; it is indeed one great reason tor demonstrate tic mercy thai sends our trial*. \ ''Whom the Lord loveth he ebasteneth ;" and they who r. ing with the repentance and submission of children^ will bo greatly benefited by it. To receive punishment as a child is to rcrr.itr. ft as (he work of Father, to acknowledge its justice, to Jxnd in our §wn conduct th causes, and thus to honor the afflict in 0f action indicating, with great pathos and force, the kindness of faz motive and the manner of this action. To -take into the wilderness" is a very exnressire figure often used In Scripture to indicate the apparently severe trials by which individuals and especially communities, and the Church are to be reformed. Thus it was a great mercy to be carried into the wilderness, to be cut off from human society, from human philosophy, and from hu- man aid : it was a sure indication of a purpose to prepare the sub- let of these trials by such an education as their blind and corrupt natures demanded, for a high and illustrious destiny. In this state— in the solitary desert, where the voice of seduction, oaunot bo heard, and where the luxuries and society that corrupt the soul, cannot be found, the erring wife is not left to desolation «nd despair. When she u humbled, and thoughtful, filled * ill, row for her vain and sinful life, her True Lord comes to her and "speaks comfortably to her:" He tenderly indicate.. His abiding care, and His unchanged affection, He wins her back to her first lov* 8lS arPTUBAL rawa wn now virt iety a new Life that renews her virtuous ar>«l happy youth, she sing- a< in the ad joyful her fin! from thence, through this wilderneB n 1 to h< r vineyards, to her com- fort- 'fh — and the valley i f Aehor, the low vale of trouble and trial ia the very door of* new and blessed hope which never could hare dawned npon her in b< r former com motive and how full of • iment is this passage of i Oracle?, to the people <.i'the Confederate States! . dear friends, in a howling wilderness ; and we came into these desert wastes as soon as we started from our old country to OS which we would build up for oursSlves. - the meroy of the Supreme Ruler which paused our road to through thest pastes ■ for here we can remember and re- ar former ingratitude, infidelity and idolatry, here we arc compelled to feel our dependence on that Divine Power which bore and 1 us all the days of old, which by a scries of amazing Pro . idences, brought our' fathers to the wilds of .' ' tlod and protected them here, and from a poor, despised and iguoble con- dition, lifted them to the highest places of the earth, clothed them with rich apparel, fed them with the finest of the wheat, and with milk and honey and butter of kino, and poured upnn them every comfort and luxury. Oun prosperity hardened our hei 'got thd hand that brought us forth from Egypt, from the house of bond- age ; and our corrupt affections went a whoring after the gods and the abominations of the nations. But we were not fcft to perish in our corruptions: wo are al from our seductive assocLatif.ns, f .1 the society of men, from the enjoyments and philosophy that made our souls to stray, and in these desolate wastes God comes to us with awful displays, and pleads with us face to face. .re shut up to the guidance and protoction of the Sole Arbi- ter : we are brought back to the true Source of all national and in- dividual life and happil come to us to talk with us and ti I le has brought us out hero to expose to us our diseased condition, to bring all our pernicious ways to pur mind.-, to h:irn us anew our dependence on Him, to wean us from our idohi d our pernicious ways, and to make with us anew the covenant of life and peace which was sol- emnly signed wheu we were espoused to tlim and brought poor and naked to this western world. XA/tfOX \\, TRIALS [f we arc teachable — if we will turn t<> the counsels of Him who would wind 08 to Himself, this wilderness will lead i yards: this valley of trouble shsll be the door ; the way to God ! • " Who is wise, and he .shall understand these things? pru and he shall know them? For tin- ways of the Lord are right, (.he just shall walk in them: but the transgress ors shall f*r» 1 1 there- in.''— Rosea, xiv. 9. »ih ■ .,.i BSD '..♦:. I SrwrBSH .■•'■■■■'••■ iiil ■■•■■: ■.■■■•■;.■ ill